您可以使用WP Bucket 用于插件或主题。
Create plugin "WB Embed Code" using "WP Bucket" :
Plugin Name: WB Embed Code
Plugin URI: https://bitbucket.org/khosroblog/wb-embed-code/
Description: A simple plugin created by the WP Bucket plugin for embed bitbucket codes in the wordpress posts with shortcode.
Author: Hadi Khosrojerdi
Version: 0.1.0
Author URI: http://khosroblog.com
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
* Set http arguments.
* @since 0.1.0
* @param array $args An array of http arguments.
function set_http_args( $http_args ){
// To avoid error display :
// WARNING: C:\\wamp\\www\\wordpress\\wp-includes\\class-http.php:1765 - gzinflate(): data error
$http_args[\'decompress\'] = false;
return $http_args;
add_action("wprest_http_request", "set_http_args");
* Embed bitbucket code in wordpress posts.
* @since 0.1.0
* @param array $args An array of arguments like repo_slug, class, is_private.
* @usage e.g : [bitbucket revision="v0.1.2" repo_slug="wp_bucket" owner="khosroblog" path="readme.txt" is_private="0" ]
* @return html | null .
function wb_embed_code( $args=array() ){
global $authordata, $WP_Bucket;
if( !is_a( $WP_Bucket, "WP_Bucket") ){ return; }
$defaults = array(
"repo_slug" => "", // repository slug
"owner" => "", // username
"revision" => "master", //A SHA1 value for commit. also you can determine a branch , bookmark or tag name for that.
"path" => "", // a file or directory exists in the repository
"is_private" => 0
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $args );
$author_id = (int) $authordata->ID;
// for public reposities you don\'t need to user authenticate, so tokens should be null.
if( !$is_private ){
"oauth_token" => null,
"oauth_token_secret" => null,
// for private repositories author should be authenticate.
// so click on the "login by bitbucket" button in the "wp-bucket-test" page. ( http://yoursite/wp-bucket-test )
$WP_Bucket->config( "wp_user_id=" . $author_id );
$repository = $WP_Bucket->api("/1.0/repositories/$owner/$repo_slug/raw/$revision/$path");
if( !is_wp_error( $repository ) ){
echo "<pre>" . esc_html( $repository ) . "</pre>" ;
//var_dump( $repository );
add_shortcode("bitbucket", "wb_embed_code");