function embee_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
//All our sections, settings, and controls will be added here
//Add Layout Options section
$wp_customize->add_section(\'embee_layout_section_options\', array(
\'title\' => __(\'Layout Options\', \'mybasictheme\'),
\'description\' => \'Change various site section layouts.\',
\'priority\' => 1,
$wp_customize->add_setting(\'embee_layout_section_options[site_layout]\', array(
\'default\' => \'3\',
\'capability\' => \'edit_theme_options\',
\'transport\' => \'postMessage\',
\'type\' => \'option\',
$wp_customize->add_control( \'select_box\', array(
\'settings\' => \'embee_layout_section_options[site_layout]\',
\'label\' => \'Site Layout\',
\'section\' => \'embee_layout_section_options\',
\'type\' => \'select\',
\'choices\' => array(
\'1\' => \'Left Sidebar\',
\'2\' => \'Right Sidebar\',
\'3\' => \'Three Column\',
\'4\' => \'Full Width\',
\'description\' => \'Change sidebar layouts.\',
add_action( \'customize_register\', \'embee_customize_register\' );
function embee_customizer_live_preview()
\'embee-customizer\', //Give the script an ID
get_template_directory_uri().\'/mbpanel/js/customizer.js\',//Point to file
array( \'jquery\',\'customize-preview\' ), //Define dependencies
\'\', //Define a version (optional)
true //Put script in footer?
add_action( \'customize_preview_init\', \'embee_customizer_live_preview\' );
function layout_customize_css()
$options = get_option( \'embee_layout_section_options\' );
<style type="text/css">
#content { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'1\' ) { ?> float: right; <?php } ?> } #sidebar_primary { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'1\' ) { ?> float: left; <?php } ?> }
#content { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'2\' ) { ?> float: left; <?php } ?> } #sidebar_primary { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'2\' ) { ?> float: right; <?php } ?> }
#content { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'3\' ) { ?> float: left; <?php } ?> } #sidebar_primary { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'3\' ) { ?> float: left; <?php } ?> } #sidebar_secondary { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'3\' ) { ?> float: left; <?php } ?> }
#content { <?php if( $options[\'site_layout\'] == \'4\' ) { ?> float: none; width: 100%; <?php } ?> }
add_action( \'wp_head\', \'layout_customize_css\');
( function( $ ) {
wp.customize( \'embee_layout_section_options\', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( \'#sidebar_primary\' ).css( \'float\', \'left\' );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );