add_action(\'pre_get_posts\', \'bt_search_posts\');
function bt_search_posts ($query) {
// the posts ids that contain foo bar OR lorem ipsum dolor OR ping pong
$posts_ids = [];
// get the current query vars
$query_vars = $query->query_vars;
// loop each term we want to search and if found, add the post id into the array
foreach ([\'foo bar\', \'lorem ipsum dolor\', \'ping pong\'] as $search_term) {
// add the search term to the query vars
$query_vars[\'s\'] = $search_term;
// we only need posts ids so we set that
$query_vars[\'fields\'] = \'ids\';
// loop through found posts, if not found we will have a empty array so no problem
foreach (get_posts($query_vars) as $post_id) {
$posts_ids[] = $post_id;
// set post__in to the posts ids that we found that matched the search terms we provided
if (!empty($posts_ids)) $query->set(\'post__in\', $posts_ids);
, 像主要的WordPress查询之类的。
if (!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) {
// code here