Creating a theme option page?

时间:2010-11-30 作者:Zach Smith



3 个回复


if ( !function_exists(\'localizing_theme_setup\') ) {

    function localizing_theme_setup() {


        // Make theme available for translation
        // Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory
        load_theme_textdomain( FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN, TEMPLATEPATH . \'/languages\' );

        // instance class
        $localizing_theme_options = new localizing_theme_options();

add_action( \'after_setup_theme\', \'localizing_theme_setup\' );

function localizing_constants() {

    define( \'FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN\', \'localizing\' );

if ( !class_exists( \'localizing_theme_options\' ) ) {
    class localizing_theme_options {

        // constructor
        function localizing_theme_options() {

            add_action( \'admin_init\', 
                array(&$this, \'localizing_theme_options_init\') 
            add_action( \'admin_menu\', 
                array(&$this, \'localizing_theme_options_add_page\') 

        // Plugin options initialisieren 
        function localizing_theme_options_init() { 
                array(&$this, \'localizing_theme_options_validate\') 

        // Menu page Seite hinzufuegen 
        function localizing_theme_options_add_page() { 
                __( \'Set your Localizing Settings\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ), 
                __( \'Localizing Settings\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ), 
                array( &$this, \'localizing_theme_options_do_page\' ) 

        // HTML, Simple Options Page 
        function localizing_theme_options_do_page() { 
            <div class="wrap"> 
                <h2><?php _e( \'Localizing Settings\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></h2> 
                <form method="post" action="options.php"> 

                    $options = get_option(\'localizing_theme\');
                    $available_languages_files = get_available_languages();
                    if ( !empty( $available_languages_files ) ) {
                        // Translate the list into something that\'s easier to search
                        foreach ( $available_languages_files as $available_language ) {
                            $parts = explode( \'_\', $available_language );

                            if ( empty( $parts[0] ) )

                            $available_languages[ strtolower( $parts[0] ) ] = $available_language;

                            $santized = strtolower( $available_language );
                            $santized = str_replace( \'_\', \'-\', $santized );
                            $available_languages[$santized] = $available_language;
                            $all_available_languages[] = $available_language;
                    <table class="form-table">
                            <th scope="row"> 
                                <?php _e( \'Available languages\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> 
                                <input type="text" disabled="disabled" name="" 
                                value="<?php echo implode( \', \', $all_available_languages ); ?>" />
                                <br />
                                <p><?php _e( \'This languages was found in the languages folder of this install.\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></p>

                        <tr valign="top"> 
                            <th scope="row"> 
                                <?php _e( \'A example checkbox\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> 
                                <input name="example_name[myoption1]" type="checkbox"  
                                value="1" <?php checked(\'1\', 
                                $options[\'myoption1\']); ?> />
                        <tr valign="top"> 
                            <th scope="row">A example text</th> 
                                <input type="text" name="example_name[mytext]" 
                                value="<?php echo $options[\'mytext\']; ?>" />

                    <p class="submit"> 
                        <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e( \'Save Changes\', FB_LT_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?>" /> 


        // Sanitize und validiere input 
        // (Akzeptiert ein array, return ein sanitized array) 
        function localizing_theme_options_validate($input) { 
            // erster Wert muss 0 oder 1 sein 
            $input[\'option1\'] = ( $input[\'option1\'] == 1 ? 1 : 0 ); 

            // Wert mit text 
            $input[\'sometext\'] =  wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input[\'sometext\']); 

            return $input; 

    } // end class
} // end if class exists

alt text

我希望您理解代码,也是一个虚拟的,可以工作,但在php codex for类中不是很好。



// get some info from the stylesheet (we need theme name & version)
$theme = wp_get_theme();

define(\'THE_THEME\', strip_tags($theme->Name));    //  this is used as option name
define(\'THEME_VERSION\', trim($theme->Version));

// default theme settings, the reason for a function is to avoid using a global array :)
function default_theme_options(){
  return array(
    \'version\' => \'1.4.5\',  // we use this to sync options between different theme versions
    \'my_textfield\' => \'A simple text field\',
    \'my_checkbox\' => false,
    \'my_select\' => 2,
    \'my_texarea\' => \'Just a text area bla blah\',
    \'my_radio\' => \'3rd\',
    \'my_multicheck\' => \'1,3\',

// make the theme settings are properly set up
add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'check_theme_options\');
function check_theme_options(){

  // get current settings
  $options = get_option(THE_THEME);

  // get default settings
  $defaults = default_theme_options();

  // make sure we have the theme options stored in the db, if not store the default ones
  if(!$options) update_option(THE_THEME, $defaults);

  // new theme version? synchronize options then
  if(version_compare($options[\'version\'], THEME_VERSION, \'!=\')):

     // check for new options
     foreach($defaults as $option => $value)
       if(!array_key_exists($option, $options)) $options[$option] = $defaults[$option];

     // remove deprecated options if any
     foreach($options as $option => $value)
       if(!array_key_exists($option, $defaults)) unset($options[$option]);

     // update
     update_option(THE_THEME, $options);

// create the menu entry and link it to the form
add_action(\'admin_menu\', \'add_options_menu\');
function add_options_menu(){
    __(\'Theme settings\'),      // page title
    \'My Theme Name\',           // menu title
    \'edit_theme_options\',      // show the theme settings to all users who have this capability
    \'my_theme_options_page\',   // menu slug
    \'the_theme_options_form\'   // the fields, function below

// trigger when the form is submitted
add_action(\'admin_post_save_my_options\', \'save_my_options\');
function save_my_options() {

  // check permissions and referer
  if(!current_user_can(\'edit_theme_options\')) wp_die(__(\'You are not authorised to perform this operation.\'));
  $options = get_option(THE_THEME); // get the current settings

  // change options
  foreach (default_theme_options() as $key => $value)
      if(is_array($_POST[$key])) $options[$key] = strip_tags(implode(\',\', $_POST[$key]));
      else $options[$key] = current_user_can(\'unfiltered_html\') ? stripslashes((string)$_POST[$key]) : stripslashes(wp_filter_post_kses((string)($_POST[$key])));

  // update settings with the post data
  update_option(THE_THEME, $options);

  // reload options page

// the theme settings form
function the_theme_options_form() {
  if(!current_user_can(\'edit_theme_options\')) wp_die(__(\'You are not authorised to perform this operation.\'));
  <div class="wrap">

    <?php screen_icon(\'themes\'); ?><h2><?php echo get_admin_page_title(); ?></h2>

    <form id="theme-settings-form" action="<?php echo admin_url(\'admin-post.php?action=save_my_options\'); ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

     <?php if (isset($_GET[\'updated\'])): // just updated? ?>
     <div class="updated fade below-h2">
       <p><?php _e(\'Settings saved.\'); ?></p>
     <?php endif; ?>

    <table class="form-table">
          <th scope="row">
            <label for="my_textfield"><?php _e("A simple textfield"); ?></label>
            <input id="my_textfield" size="20" name="my_textfield" type="text" value="<?php echo get_my_option(\'my_textfield\'); ?>" />

          <th scope="row">
            <label for="my_checkbox"><?php _e("Checkbox test"); ?></label>
            <input type="hidden" name="my_checkbox" value="0">
            <input id="my_checkbox" name="my_checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php checked(\'1\', get_my_option(\'my_checkbox\')) ?> />

      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">
            <label for="my_select"><?php _e("Multiple select field"); ?></label>
            <select name="my_select" id="my_select">
              <option value="1" <?php selected(\'1\', get_my_option(\'my_select\')) ?>><?php _e("option 1"); ?></option>
              <option value="2" <?php selected(\'2\', get_my_option(\'my_select\')) ?>><?php _e("option 2"); ?></option>
              <option value="3" <?php selected(\'3\', get_my_option(\'my_select\')) ?>><?php _e("option 3"); ?></option>

      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">
            <label for="my_texarea"><?php _e("A textarea"); ?></label>
            <textarea rows="6" cols="40" name="my_textarea" id="my_textarea" class="code"><?php echo esc_html(get_my_option(\'my_textarea\')); ?></textarea>

      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">
            <?php _e("A radio group:"); ?>
           <label for="my_radio_yes">
             <input name="my_radio" id="my_radio_yes" type="radio" value="yes" <?php checked(\'yes\', get_my_option(\'my_radio\')); ?> />
              <?php _e("Yes"); ?>
           <label for="my_radio_no">
             <input name="my_radio" id="my_radio_no" type="radio" value="no" <?php checked(\'no\', get_my_option(\'my_radio\')); ?> />
              <?php _e("No"); ?>
           <label for="my_radio_whatever">
             <input name="my_radio" id="my_radio_whatever" type="radio" value="whatever" <?php checked(\'whatever\', get_my_option(\'my_radio\')); ?> />
              <?php _e("Whatever"); ?>

      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">
             <?php _e("Multiple checkbox option (eg. a list of categories):"); ?>
             <?php foreach(get_terms(\'category\') as $term): // hidden input not needed here because we only send checked options ?>
             <label for="my_multicheck_<?php echo $term->term_id; ?>">
               <input id="my_multicheck_<?php echo $term->term_id; ?>" name="my_multicheck[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $term->term_id; ?>" <?php checked(in_array($term->term_id, explode(\',\', get_my_option(\'my_multicheck\')))); ?> />
               <?php echo $term->name; ?>
             <br />
             <?php endforeach; ?>

      <tr valign="top">
          <th scope="row">
             <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="submit" value="<?php _e("Save Changes"); ?>" />

    <?php wp_nonce_field(\'theme-settings\'); ?>



// apis -- eg. echo get_my_option(\'my_textfield\');
function get_my_option($what){
  // check if it\'s a theme option or a normal wp option
  if($what && !array_key_exists((string)$what, default_theme_options())) return get_option($what);

  // it\'s a theme option
  $options = get_option(THE_THEME);
  return $options[$what];

function update_my_option($what, $value){
  // check if it\'s a theme option or a normal wp option
  if($what && !array_key_exists((string)$what, default_theme_options())) return update_option($what, $value);

  // it\'s a theme option
  $options = get_option(THE_THEME);
  $options[$what] = $value;
  return update_option(THE_THEME, $options);

请注意,隐藏输入值为0-这是一种强制表单发送的技巧$_POST[\'my_checkbox\'] 即使未选中该字段。

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