function parse_twitter_feed($feed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix) {
$feed = str_replace("<", "<", $feed);
$feed = str_replace(">", ">", $feed);
$clean = explode("<content type=\\"html\\">", $feed);
$amount = count($clean) - 1;
echo $prefix;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $amount; $i++) {
$cleaner = explode("</content>", $clean[$i]);
echo $tweetprefix;
echo $cleaner[0];
echo $tweetsuffix;
echo $suffix;
function the_twitter_feed($username) {
// $username = "Mba_"; // Your twitter username.
$limit = "5"; // Number of tweets to fetch.
/* These prefixes and suffixes will display before and after the entire block of tweets. */
$prefix = ""; // Prefix - some text you want displayed before all your tweets.
$suffix = ""; // Suffix - some text you want displayed after all your tweets.
$tweetprefix = "<b>".$username.": </b> "; // Tweet Prefix - some text you want displayed before each tweet.
$tweetsuffix = "<br>"; // Tweet Suffix - some text you want displayed after each tweet.
$feed = "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from:" . $username . "&rpp=" . $limit;
$twitterFeed = get_transient($feed);
if (!$twitterFeed) {
$twitterFeed = wp_remote_fopen($feed);
set_transient($feed, $twitterFeed, 3600); // cache for an hour
if ($twitterFeed)
parse_twitter_feed($twitterFeed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix);
function append_the_content($content) {
$content .= "<div class=\'post\'><p>".the_twitter_feed(get_option(\'tweetID\'))."</p></div>";
echo $content;
return $content;
add_filter(\'the_content\', \'append_the_content\');
function tweet_fetch(){
add_options_page(\'Tweet\',\'Tweet\', 8, \'tweet\', \'tweet_fetcher\');
function tweet_fetcher(){
<h2>Tweet Fetcher options</h2>
<form method=\'post\' action=\'options.php\' style=\'margin:0 20px;\'>
<?php wp_nonce_field(\'update-options\'); ?>
<tr><td>Twitter UserID:</td><td><input type="text" name="tweetID" value="<?php echo get_option(\'tweetID\'); ?>" <?php echo get_option(\'tweetID\'); ?> />
<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'action\' value=\'update\'/>
<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'page_options\' value=\'tweetID\'/>
<tr><td><p class=\'submit\'>
<input type=\'submit\' name=\'Submit\' value=\'Update Options »\'/>
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Atif 整理而成
Edited, try this
function parse_twitter_feed($feed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix) {
$feed = str_replace("<", "<", $feed);
$feed = str_replace(">", ">", $feed);
$clean = explode("<content type=\\"html\\">", $feed);
$amount = count($clean) - 1;
$output = $prefix;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $amount; $i++) {
$cleaner = explode("</content>", $clean[$i]);
$output .= $tweetprefix;
$output .= $cleaner[0];
$output .= $tweetsuffix;
$output .= $suffix;
return $output;
function the_twitter_feed($username) {
// $username = "Mba_"; // Your twitter username.
$limit = "5"; // Number of tweets to fetch.
/* These prefixes and suffixes will display before and after the entire block of tweets. */
$prefix = ""; // Prefix - some text you want displayed before all your tweets.
$suffix = ""; // Suffix - some text you want displayed after all your tweets.
$tweetprefix = "<b>" . $username . ": </b> "; // Tweet Prefix - some text you want displayed before each tweet.
$tweetsuffix = "<br>"; // Tweet Suffix - some text you want displayed after each tweet.
$feed = "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from:" . $username . "&rpp=" .
$twitterFeed = get_transient($feed);
if (!$twitterFeed) {
$twitterFeed = wp_remote_fopen($feed);
set_transient($feed, $twitterFeed, 3600); // cache for an hour
if ($twitterFeed)
return parse_twitter_feed($twitterFeed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix);
function append_the_content($content) {
if (get_option(\'tweetID\') != null) {
$content .= "<div class=\'post\'><p>" . the_twitter_feed(get_option(\'tweetID\')) .
return $content;
} else {
return $content;
add_filter(\'the_content\', \'append_the_content\');
add_action(\'admin_menu\', \'tweet_fetch\');
function tweet_fetch() {
add_options_page(\'Tweet\', \'Tweet\', 8, \'tweet\', \'tweet_fetcher\');
function tweet_fetcher() {
<h2>Tweet Fetcher options</h2>
<form method=\'post\' action=\'options.php\' style=\'margin:0 20px;\'>
<tr><td>Twitter UserID:</td><td><input type="text" name="tweetID" value="<?php
echo get_option(\'tweetID\');
?>" <?php
echo get_option(\'tweetID\');
?> />
<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'action\' value=\'update\'/>
<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'page_options\' value=\'tweetID\'/>
<tr><td><p class=\'submit\'>
<input type=\'submit\' name=\'Submit\' value=\'Update Options »\'/>