我使用Advanced Custom Fields 对于大量使用元框的前端后期编辑。ACF允许您构建许多高级元框字段,并将它们自动添加到后端的post面板。
但是有一个front end function 也
* Deregister admin styles on the front end when using ACF forms
* ACF makes sure that admin styles are queued when it loads its head, this almost always causes problems with front end forms and isn\'t needed for our purpose
add_action( \'wp_print_styles\', \'custom_acf_deregister_styles\', 100 );
function custom_acf_deregister_styles()
if (! is_admin() )
wp_deregister_style( \'wp-admin\' );
* Save ACF field as post_content / post_title for front-end posting
add_action( \'acf/save_post\', \'custom_acf_save_post\' );
function custom_acf_save_post( $post_id )
if (! is_admin() && \'acf\' != get_post_type( $post_id ) ) // Don\'t run if adding/updated fields/field-groups in wp-admin
$post_title = get_post_meta( $post_id, \'form_post_title\', true );
$post_content = get_post_meta( $post_id, \'form_post_content\', true );
$post = get_post($post_id);
if ( ($post_title && $post_title != $post->post_title) || ($post_content && $post_content != $post->post_content) )
$post_data = array(
\'ID\' => $post_id,
if ( $post_content ) $post_data[\'post_content\'] = $post_content;
if ( $post_title ) $post_data[\'post_title\'] = $post_title;
remove_action( \'acf/save_post\', \'custom_acf_save_post\' );
wp_update_post( $post_data );
add_action( \'acf/save_post\', \'custom_acf_save_post\' );
* Load existing post_title
add_filter( \'acf/load_value/name=form_post_title\', \'custom_acf_load_value_form_post_title\', 10, 3 );
function custom_acf_load_value_form_post_title( $value, $post_id, $field )
$value = get_the_title($post_id);
return $value;
* Load existing post_content
add_filter( \'acf/load_value/name=form_post_content\', \'custom_acf_load_value_form_post_content\', 10, 3 );
function custom_acf_load_value_form_post_content( $value, $post_id, $field )
$post = get_post($post_id);
$value = $post->post_content;
return $value;
* Install Add-ons (This adds two field groups that you can use to edit title and content)
* The following code will include all 4 premium Add-Ons in your theme.
* Please do not attempt to include a file which does not exist. This will produce an error.
* All fields must be included during the \'acf/register_fields\' action.
* Other types of Add-ons (like the options page) can be included outside of this action.
* The following code assumes you have a folder \'add-ons\' inside your theme.
* Add-ons may be included in a premium theme as outlined in the terms and conditions.
* However, they are NOT to be included in a premium / free plugin.
* For more information, please read http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/terms-conditions/
// Fields
add_action(\'acf/register_fields\', \'my_register_fields\');
* Register Field Groups
* The register_field_group function accepts 1 array which holds the relevant data to register a field group
* You may edit the array as you see fit. However, this may result in errors if the array is not compatible with ACF
register_field_group(array (
\'id\' => \'acf_form-post-title\',
\'title\' => \'Form Post Title\',
\'fields\' => array (
array (
\'key\' => \'field_25\',
\'label\' => \'Title\',
\'name\' => \'form_post_title\',
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'default_value\' => \'\',
\'formatting\' => \'html\',
\'location\' => array (
array (
array (
\'param\' => \'post_type\',
\'operator\' => \'==\',
\'value\' => \'course\',
\'order_no\' => 0,
\'group_no\' => 0,
\'options\' => array (
\'position\' => \'normal\',
\'layout\' => \'no_box\',
\'hide_on_screen\' => array (
\'menu_order\' => -2,
register_field_group(array (
\'id\' => \'acf_form-post-content\',
\'title\' => \'Form Post Content\',
\'fields\' => array (
array (
\'key\' => \'field_13\',
\'label\' => \'Content\',
\'name\' => \'form_post_content\',
\'type\' => \'wysiwyg\',
\'default_value\' => \'\',
\'toolbar\' => \'full\',
\'media_upload\' => \'yes\',
\'location\' => array (
array (
array (
\'param\' => \'post_type\',
\'operator\' => \'==\',
\'value\' => \'course\',
\'order_no\' => 0,
\'group_no\' => 0,
\'options\' => array (
\'position\' => \'normal\',
\'layout\' => \'no_box\',
\'hide_on_screen\' => array (
\'menu_order\' => -1,
// Add this above get_header()
// This loads styles/scripts, but it also processes the form, so pretty important
// Where 51 is the id of the ACF field group of meta box fields that I want to add
acf_form( array(
\'field_groups\' => array(\'acf_form-post-title\', \'acf_form-post-content\', 51)
) );
ACF can be used to create a post 也我还没有使用它,但将在我的下一个项目中尝试使用它,这样我就可以使用完全的元访问进行创建。