最新版本更新了jquery,一些插件也有问题,您可以随时在wp includes目录中上载旧版本。
function ngg_ajax_test_head_footer() {
// Build the url to call, NOTE: uses home_url and thus requires WordPress 3.0
$url = add_query_arg( array( \'test-head\' => \'\', \'test-footer\' => \'\' ), home_url() );
// Perform the HTTP GET ignoring SSL errors
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( \'sslverify\' => false ) );
// Grab the response code and make sure the request was sucessful
$code = (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
if ( $code == 200 ) {
global $head_footer_errors;
$head_footer_errors = array();
// Strip all tabs, line feeds, carriage returns and spaces
$html = preg_replace( \'/[\\t\\r\\n\\s]/\', \'\', wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );
// Check to see if we found the existence of wp_head
if ( ! strstr( $html, \'<!--wp_head-->\' ) )
die(\'Missing the call to <?php wp_head(); ?> in your theme\');
// Check to see if we found the existence of wp_footer
if ( ! strstr( $html, \'<!--wp_footer-->\' ) )
die(\'Missing the call to <?php wp_footer(); ?> in your theme\');
据我所知,它在寻找<;!--wp\\u head(注释)而不是实际的代码,注释似乎没有显示在您的代码中,您添加了这些注释吗?