
时间:2011-08-14 作者:JonnyPlow


4 个回复
SO网友:Dharma Poudel



add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'mytheme_setup\');

function mytheme_setup(){

 if(get_option(\'page_on_front\')==\'0\' && get_option(\'show_on_front\')==\'posts\'){
        // Create homepage
        $homepage = array(
            \'post_type\'    => \'page\',
            \'post_title\'    => \'Home\',
            \'post_content\'  => \'\',
            \'post_status\'   => \'publish\',
            \'post_author\'   => 1
        // Insert the post into the database
        $homepage_id =  wp_insert_post( $homepage );
        // set this page as homepage
        update_option(\'show_on_front\', \'page\');
        update_option(\'page_on_front\', $homepage_id);



add_action(\'after_setup_theme\', \'mytheme_setup\');

function mytheme_setup(){

 if(get_option(\'page_on_front\')==\'0\' && get_option(\'show_on_front\')==\'posts\'){
        // Create homepage
        $homepage = array(
            \'post_type\'    => \'page\',
            \'post_title\'    => \'Home\',
            \'post_content\'  => \'\',
            \'post_status\'   => \'publish\',
            \'post_author\'   => 1
        // Insert the post into the database
        $homepage_id =  wp_insert_post( $homepage );
        //set the page template 
        //assuming you have defined template on your-template-filename.php
        update_post_meta($homepage_id, \'_wp_page_template\', \'your-template-filename.php\');

谢谢Maruti Mohanty.



标准方式是viawp_insert_post. 您可以获得一系列关于WP Codex的信息:http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_insert_post

SO网友:Tom J Nowell





Should you be foolish enough to actually attempt it anyway...




使用中的代码this answer 和awp_insert_post 我在中找到this theme.

wp_register_theme_activation_hook(\'twentyten\', \'wpse_25885_theme_activate\');
wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook(\'twentyten\', \'wpse_25885_theme_deactivate\');

 * @desc registers a theme activation hook
 * @param string $code : Code of the theme. This can be the base folder of your theme. Eg if your theme is in folder \'mytheme\' then code will be \'mytheme\'
 * @param callback $function : Function to call when theme gets activated.
function wp_register_theme_activation_hook($code, $function) {
    $optionKey="theme_is_activated_" . $code;
    if(!get_option($optionKey)) {
        update_option($optionKey , 1);

 * @desc registers deactivation hook
 * @param string $code : Code of the theme. This must match the value you provided in wp_register_theme_activation_hook function as $code
 * @param callback $function : Function to call when theme gets deactivated.
function wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook($code, $function)
    // store function in code specific global
    $GLOBALS["wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook_function" . $code]=$function;

    // create a runtime function which will delete the option set while activation of this theme and will call deactivation function provided in $function
    $fn=create_function(\'$theme\', \' call_user_func($GLOBALS["wp_register_theme_deactivation_hook_function\' . $code . \'"]); delete_option("theme_is_activated_\' . $code. \'");\');

    // add above created function to switch_theme action hook. This hook gets called when admin changes the theme.
    // Due to wordpress core implementation this hook can only be received by currently active theme (which is going to be deactivated as admin has chosen another one.
    // Your theme can perceive this hook as a deactivation hook.)
    add_action("switch_theme", $fn);

function wpse_25885_theme_activate()
    $default_pages = array(
            \'title\' => \'Home\',
            \'content\' => \'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat, orci ac laoreet cursus, dolor sem luctus lorem, eget consequat magna felis a magna. Aliquam scelerisque condimentum ante, eget facilisis tortor lobortis in. In interdum venenatis justo eget consequat. Morbi commodo rhoncus mi nec pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris non lorem eu dolor hendrerit dapibus. Mauris mollis nisl quis sapien posuere consectetur. Nullam in sapien at nisi ornare bibendum at ut lectus. Pellentesque ut magna mauris. Nam viverra suscipit ligula, sed accumsan enim placerat nec. Cras vitae metus vel dolor ultrices sagittis.\'
            \'title\' => \'Contact\',
            \'content\' => \'Duis venenatis augue sed risus laoreet congue ac ac leo. Donec fermentum accumsan libero sit amet iaculis. Duis tristique dictum enim, ac fringilla risus bibendum in. Nunc ornare, quam sit amet ultricies gravida, tortor mi malesuada urna, quis commodo dui nibh in lacus. Nunc vel tortor mi. Pellentesque vel urna a arcu adipiscing imperdiet vitae sit amet neque. Integer eu lectus et nunc dictum sagittis. Curabitur commodo vulputate fringilla. Sed eleifend, arcu convallis adipiscing congue, dui turpis commodo magna, et vehicula sapien turpis sit amet nisi.\'
    $existing_pages = get_pages();
    $existing_titles = array();

    foreach ($existing_pages as $page) 
        $existing_titles[] = $page->post_title;

    foreach ($default_pages as $new_page) 
        if( !in_array( $new_page[\'title\'], $existing_titles ) )
            // create post object
            $add_default_pages = array(
                \'post_title\' => $new_page[\'title\'],
                \'post_content\' => $new_page[\'content\'],
                \'post_status\' => \'publish\',
                \'post_type\' => \'page\'

            // insert the post into the database
            $result = wp_insert_post($add_default_pages);   

function wpse_25885_theme_deactivate() 
   // code to execute on theme deactivation




im使用paginate_links function 要在我的自定义post类型归档文件上创建分页,无论我做什么,在查看第2页时,我都会遇到404个错误(即单击分页跟踪中的一页)。我已经检查和研究过了,似乎没有取得任何进展。这是archive-my\\u CUSTOM\\u POST\\u类型中循环前的my查询。php:<?php global $wp_query; $args = array_merge( $wp_query->query, array(