
时间:2012-01-03 作者:its_me


我找到了一些插件,可以将按钮添加到HTML编辑器中,但不能添加到可视化编辑器中(this one 例如)。


2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Christine Cooper 整理而成

我已经演示了你如何在这方面取得这样的成就question 但我可以在这里再次解释你的要求。我已经在Wordpress 3.5中对此进行了测试,它运行得很好。为了避免这个答案是一篇论文的长度,我在所有代码中添加了注释,以帮助您理解每个函数的作用,我强烈建议您阅读并彻底理解它们。

首先,在主题文件夹中,添加一个名为admin 并在其中创建文件class.new_tinymce_btn.php 带代码:

//class start
class add_new_tinymce_btn {

public $btn_arr;
public $js_file;
 * call the constructor and set class variables
 * From the constructor call the functions via wordpress action/filter
function __construct($seperator, $btn_name,$javascrip_location){
  $this->btn_arr = array("Seperator"=>$seperator,"Name"=>$btn_name);
  $this->js_file = $javascrip_location;
  add_action(\'init\', array(&$this,\'add_tinymce_button\'));
  add_filter( \'tiny_mce_version\', array(&$this,\'refresh_mce_version\'));

 * create the buttons only if the user has editing privs.
 * If so we create the button and add it to the tinymce button array
function add_tinymce_button() {
   if ( ! current_user_can(\'edit_posts\') && ! current_user_can(\'edit_pages\') )
   if ( get_user_option(\'rich_editing\') == \'true\') {
     //the function that adds the javascript
     add_filter(\'mce_external_plugins\', array(&$this,\'add_new_tinymce_plugin\'));
     //adds the button to the tinymce button array
     add_filter(\'mce_buttons\', array(&$this,\'register_new_button\')); 
 * add the new button to the tinymce array
function register_new_button($buttons) {
   array_push($buttons, $this->btn_arr["Seperator"],$this->btn_arr["Name"]);
   return $buttons;
 * Call the javascript file that loads the 
 * instructions for the new button
function add_new_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
   $plugin_array[$this->btn_arr[\'Name\']] = $this->js_file;
   return $plugin_array;
 * This function tricks tinymce in thinking 
 * it needs to refresh the buttons
function refresh_mce_version($ver) {
  $ver += 3;
  return $ver;

}//class end

接下来,在主题文件夹中,创建这些文件夹adminjs/buttons 在里面,创建这个JS文件spacebutton.js 带代码:

(function() {
    tinymce.create(\'tinymce.plugins.nextpage\', {
        init : function(ed, url) {
            ed.addButton(\'nextpage\', {
                title : \'Space Button\',
                image : url+\'/images/btn_spacebutton.png\',
                onclick : function() {                    
                    var prompt_text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    var caret = "caret_pos_holder";
                    var insert = "<p>" + prompt_text + " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <span id="+caret+"></span>";
                     ed.execCommand(\'mceInsertContent\', false, insert);
                     ed.selection.select(ed.dom.select(\'span#caret_pos_holder\')[0]); //select the span
                     ed.dom.remove(ed.dom.select(\'span#caret_pos_holder\')[0]); //remove the span
        createControl : function(n, cm) {
            return null;
    tinymce.PluginManager.add(\'nextpage\', tinymce.plugins.nextpage);
您需要为按钮添加图像(/images/btn_spacebutton.png). 上面的代码是一个非常简单的javascript函数,用于描述按下按钮时发生的情况。


//load custom buttons class
require_once (TEMPLATEPATH . \'/admin/class.new_tinymce_btn.php\');
//create an instance of the class
$t = new add_new_tinymce_btn(\'|\',\'nextpage\',get_bloginfo(\'template_url\').\'/adminjs/buttons/spacebutton.js\');



好的,这应该对你有用,但这是测试版。它对我很有效,但我还没有做过任何严格的测试。有一点,它不会连续输出四个&nbsp; 实体;它会口吃&nbsp; [space] &nbsp; [space], 但至少在视觉和视觉之间来回切换时,它保持了原样;文本模式。它只在视觉模式下工作,我还没有花时间去弄清楚如何在文本模式下工作。


image   : url + \'/\' + \'YOUR_IMAGE_HERE.png\'
在此处更改\'YOUR\\u IMAGE\\u\'。相对于这两个文件,png\'到您的图像文件,或使用如下绝对URI:

image   : \'/path/to/image/YOUR_IMAGE_HERE.png\'

image   : \'http://example.com/path/to/image/YOUR_IMAGE_HERE.png\'

PHP标题中列出了两个值得注意的学分:this WordPress.SE Answer 这提供了阻止TinyMCE(或WordPress,不确定是哪个)删除空格的代码,以及@Alexey在之前的回答中提供的链接,虽然这并不重要,但帮助我偶然发现了JS解决方案。

我无法在中生成代码that link 工作,但最终还是回来了,并找到了将这一切结合在一起的金块(当然还有一些调整)。



/* Plugin Name: 4Spaces
 * Version: 0.1.0
 * Author: AK Ted
 * Author URI: http://akted.com
 * License: GPLv2 or later
 * PHP code adapted & refined from the following two sources:
 * WordPress Codex - http://codex.wordpress.org/TinyMCE_Custom_Buttons#Loading_a_TinyMCE__Plugin
 * WordPress Answers (Stack Exchange) - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/54398/how-can-i-stop-tinymce-from-converting-my-html-entities-to-characters#answer-54480
 * The JavaScript arose from a lot of trial-and-error, with code [beat into submission...er, I mean] inspired by both of the following sources:
 * tinymce wiki - http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Creating_a_plugin
 * &
 * brett terpstra - http://brettterpstra.com/2010/04/17/adding-a-tinymce-button/

new akt_4spaces();

class akt_4spaces {
    function __construct() {
        add_action(\'admin_init\', array($this, \'init\'));
    } // function __construct

    // callback for init
    // sets all the hooks only if user has capability & rich_editing is true 
    function init() {
        // Don\'t bother doing this stuff if the current user lacks permissions
        if ( ! current_user_can(\'edit_posts\') && ! current_user_can(\'edit_pages\') ) {

       // Add only in Rich Editor mode
       if ( get_user_option(\'rich_editing\') == \'true\') {
            add_filter(\'mce_buttons\', array($this, \'add_button\'));
            add_filter(\'mce_external_plugins\', array($this, \'add_tinymce_plugin\'));
            add_filter(\'tiny_mce_before_init\', array($this, \'preserve_entities\'));
    } // function init

    // callback for mce_buttons filter
    // adds button to TinyMCE
    function add_button($buttons) {
        array_push($buttons, \'separator\', \'four_spaces\');
        return $buttons;
    } // function add_button

    // callback for mce_external_plugins filter
    // attaches the JavaScript file to TinyMCE
    function add_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
        $plugin_array[\'four_spaces\'] = plugins_url(\'/\', __FILE__) . \'4spaces.js\';
        return $plugin_array;
    } // function add_tinymce_plugin

    // callback for tiny_mce_before_init
    // stops TinyMCE (WordPress?) from automatically converting &nbsp; entities
    function preserve_entities( $initArray ) {
        // The odd entries are the entity *number*, the even entries are the entity *name*. If the entity has no name,
        // use the number, prefixed with a hash (for example, the service mark is "8480,#8480").
        $initArray[\'entities\'] = \'160,nbsp,\' . $initArray[\'entities\'];
        return $initArray;
    } // function preserve_entities

} // class akt_4spaces


(function() {

    tinymce.create(\'tinymce.plugins.four_spaces\', {
        init : function(ed, url) {
            // Register four_spaces button
            ed.addButton(\'four_spaces\', {
                title   : \'4Spaces\',
                image   : url + \'/\' + \'YOUR_IMAGE_HERE.png\',
                onclick : function() {

    // Register plugin
    tinymce.PluginManager.add(\'four_spaces\', tinymce.plugins.four_spaces);

编辑:我忘了提一下,对于那些不知道的人,把这两个文件都放在/wp-content/plugins/ (默认路径)。它应该看起来像/wp-content/plugins/4spaces/或任何你决定叫它的名字,然后在Admin中激活它。

P、 我对OOP比较陌生,所以欢迎任何人对我的回答提出批评和建议。



Shortcode Variations?

下面的函数在使用时创建一个按钮,如so[btn]按钮文本[/btn]function btn($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array(\'link\' => \'#\'), $atts)); return \'<a class=\"btn\" href=\"\'.$link.\'\"><span>\' . do_shortcode($content) . \'</span&