我的方法是创建一个每小时一次的cron事件,它循环遍历所有草稿状态帖子,并检查post\\u meta中保存的发布月份和时间,如果计划日期不在将来,则进行发布。
日期和时间将以数组形式存储在post\\u meta中:
month\' => \'string\', time => int
我向后期编辑屏幕添加了一个jQuery UI日期选择器,该屏幕仅限于在管理中选择的日期。使用ajax更新和保存日期和时间。

Plugin Name: c3m wp-schedule
Plugin URI:
Description: Gives contributors a jQuery date picker to choose available date and times available to publish posts
Version: 0.1.2
Author: Chris Olbekson
Author URI: http://c3mdigital.com/
License: GPL v2
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, \'c3m_activate_cron\' );
add_action( \'post_submitbox_misc_actions\', \'c3m_create_schedule_meta\', 10 );
add_action( \'admin_print_footer_scripts\', \'c3m_echo_js\' );
add_action( \'admin_enqueue_scripts\', \'c3m_enqueue_scripts\' );
function c3m_activate_cron() {
wp_schedule_event( current_time( \'timestamp\' ), \'hourly\', \'c3m_check_posts\' );
function c3m_check_posts() {
$args = array(
\'post_status\' => array( \'draft\', \'pending\' ),
\'posts_per_page\' => -1,
$timestamp = current_time( \'timestamp\' );
$posts = get_posts( $args );
$month = (int) date(\'m\', $timestamp );
$day = (int) date(\'d\', $timestamp );
$hour = (int) date(\'G\', $timestamp );
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
$date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_schedule_date\', true );
if ( !$date ) continue;
$sched_date = explode( "-", $date[\'date\'] );
if ( (int) $sched_date[0] > $month ) continue;
if ( (int) $sched_date[1] > $day ) continue;
if ( (int) $sched_date[1] >= $day && (int)$date[\'time\'] > $hour ) continue;
wp_publish_post( $post->ID );
function c3m_create_schedule_meta() {
global $post_ID;
$date = get_post_meta( $post_ID, \'_schedule_date\', TRUE );
$options = c3m_get_options ();
$times = $options[ \'c3m_hour_string\' ];
$times_available = explode ( ",", $times );
$time_output = "Choose Time to publish<br/>";
$time_output .= "<select class=\'time-div\' name=\'c3m_sched_time\' id=\'" . $post_ID . "\' >\\n";
$time_output .= "\\t<option value=\'-1\'>" . esc_html ( \'Select Publish Time\' ) . "</option>\\n";
foreach ( $times_available as $time ) {
$time_output .= "\\t<option value=\'$time\'>" . esc_html ( $time ) . "</option>\\n";
$time_output .= "</select>";
echo \'<div id="schedule" class="misc-pub-section" style="border-top-style:solid; border-top-width:1px; border-top-color:#EEEEEE; border-bottom-width:1px;">\';
if ( !$date ) {
$output = \'Choose Date to publish\';
$output .= "<input class=\'sched-div datepicker\' type=\'text\' name=\'c3m_sched_date\' id=\'".$post_ID."\' />\\n";
$output .= \'<br /><br /><div id="sched_time_div">\'.$time_output.\'</div>\';
echo $output;
echo \'<p id="hidden-p"><a id="save-time" style="margin-left: 10px" class="button">Save</a></p>\';
} else {
if ( $date[\'time\'] > 12 ) $pm = \'pm\'; else $pm = \'am\';
echo \'<p style="padding-left: 10px;">Scheduled to publish on: <strong>\' . $date[\'date\'] . \'</strong><br />\';
echo \'At approx: <strong>\' . $date[\'time\'].$pm. \'</strong><br /></p>\';
echo \'</div>\';
function c3m_enqueue_scripts() {
global $pagenow, $typenow;
if ( ( $pagenow == \'post.php\' || $pagenow == \'post-new.php\' ) && $typenow == \'post\' ) {
wp_enqueue_script( \'jquery-ui-datepicker\' );
wp_enqueue_style ( \'jquery-ui-lightness\', plugins_url( \'ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css\', __FILE__ ) );
function c3m_echo_js() {
global $pagenow, $typenow;
if ( ( $pagenow==\'post.php\' || $pagenow==\'post-new.php\') && $typenow==\'post\') {
$options = c3m_get_options ();
$dates = $options[ \'c3m_date_string\' ];
$find = \'/\';
$replace = \'-\';
$dates = str_replace( $find, $replace, $dates );
$days = explode ( ",", $dates );
$year = date ( \'Y\' );
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("a#save-time").click(function() {
var postID = jQuery("#post_ID").val();
var pubDate = jQuery(".sched-div").val();
var theTime = jQuery(".time-div option:selected").val();
console.log( postID, pubDate, theTime );
url: ajaxurl,
data: {"action": "save_pub_time", post_id: postID, sched: pubDate, time: theTime },
success: function(response) {
return false;
var enabledDays = [ <?php foreach( $days as $day ) { ?>
"<?php echo $day.\'-\'.$year; ?>",
<?php } ?>];
function enableAllTheseDays(date) {
var m = date.getMonth(), d = date.getDate(), y = date.getFullYear();
for (i = 0; i < enabledDays.length; i++) {
if (jQuery.inArray((m + 1) + \'-\' + d + \'-\' + y, enabledDays) != -1) {
return [true, \'\'];
return [false, \'\'];
<?php }
add_action ( \'wp_ajax_save_pub_time\', \'c3m_ajax_save\' );
function c3m_ajax_save() {
$post_id = $_POST[ \'post_id\' ];
$date = $_POST[ \'sched\' ];
$time = $_POST[ \'time\' ];
if ( $time > 12 ) $pm = \'pm\'; else $pm = \'am\';
update_post_meta ( $post_id, \'_schedule_date\', array ( \'date\' => $date, \'time\' => $time ) );
$output = \'<p style="padding-left: 10px;">Scheduled to publish on: <strong>\'.$date.\'</strong><br />\';
$output .= \'At approx: <strong>\'.$time. $pm.\'</strong></p><br />\';
echo $output;
* @return array
* Array
* (
* [c3m_hour_string] => 11,03,05,07
* [c3m_allowed_string] => 4
* [c3m_date_string] => 05/10,05/11,05/12
* )
function c3m_get_options() {
$c3m_options = get_option(\'c3m_options\');
return $c3m_options;
add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'c3m_create_menu\' );
function c3m_create_menu() {
add_options_page( \'Manage Post Schedule\', \'Manage Post Schedules\', \'manage_options\', \'post_schedules\', \'c3m_schedule_options\' );
function c3m_schedule_options() {
echo \'<div class="wrap">\';
echo \'<h2>Manage Post Schedules</h2>\';
echo \'Manages the custom post scheduling options\';
echo \'<form action="options.php" method="post">\';
settings_fields( \'c3m_options\' );
do_settings_sections( \'post_schedules\' );
echo \'<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="Save Changes" />\';
echo \'</form></div>\';
add_action( \'admin_init\', \'c3m_plugin_init\' );
function c3m_plugin_init() {
register_setting( \'c3m_options\', \'c3m_options\', \'c3m_validate\' );
add_settings_section( \'plugin_main\', \'Post Schedule Dates and Times\', \'settings_array\', \'post_schedules\' );
add_settings_field( \'c3m_hour_string\', \'Enter Post Publish Times (use 2 digit hours seperated by commas. ie 11,16,17 will publish at 11am, 4pm and 5pm):\', \'c3m_hour_setting\', \'post_schedules\', \'plugin_main\' );
add_settings_field( \'c3m_allowed_string\', \'Enter how many posts can be published at each time: \', \'c3m_allowed_setting\', \'post_schedules\', \'plugin_main\' );
add_settings_field( \'c3m_date_string\', \'Enter Publish Dates (use month/day seperated by commas ie: 5/5,5/7 for May 5th and May 7th): \', \'c3m_date_setting\', \'post_schedules\', \'plugin_main\' );
add_settings_field( \'c3m_editor\', \'click to load an editor\', \'c3m_editor_setting\', \'post_schedules\', \'plugin_main\' );
function settings_array() {
echo \'<p>Add post schedule date and time settings here</p>\';
function c3m_hour_setting() {
$options = get_option( \'c3m_options\' );
echo "<input id=\'c3m_hour_string\' name=\'c3m_options[c3m_hour_string]\' size=\'40\' type=\'text\' value=\'{$options[\'c3m_hour_string\']}\' />";
function c3m_allowed_setting() {
$options = get_option( \'c3m_options\' );
echo "<input id=\'c3m_allowed_string\' name=\'c3m_options[c3m_allowed_string]\' size=\'40\' type=\'text\' value=\'{$options[\'c3m_allowed_string\']}\' />";
function c3m_date_setting() {
$options = get_option( \'c3m_options\' );
echo "<input id=\'c3m_date_string\' name=\'c3m_options[c3m_date_string]\' size=\'40\' type=\'text\' value=\'{$options[\'c3m_date_string\']}\' />";
function c3m_validate( $input ) {
$options = get_option( \'c3m_options\' );
$options[\'c3m_hour_string\'] = trim( $input[\'c3m_hour_string\'] );
$options[ \'c3m_allowed_string\' ] = trim ( $input[ \'c3m_allowed_string\' ] );
$options[ \'c3m_date_string\' ] = trim ( $input[ \'c3m_date_string\' ] );
return $options;
// Todo: Create a real validate function