add_filter( \'the_content\', \'add_html_after_first_image\' );
function add_html_after_first_image( $content ) {
$my_custom_html = \'<div>MY CUSTOM CODE</div>\';
// Create a dom document from the post content.
// The content needs to be wrapped in a root element to be valid xml, hence the div tags.
// I used loadXML because loadHTML adds the unnecessary <DOCTYPE>, <html>, and <body>.
if( $dom = DOMDocument :: loadXML( \'<div>\' . $content . \'</div>\' ) ) {
// Create a document fragment with your custom html.
$custom = $dom -> createDocumentFragment();
$custom -> appendXML( $my_custom_html );
// Get the root element, and first child.
$root = $dom -> firstChild;
$first = $root -> firstChild;
// Check if the first child is a paragraph, the first grandchild is an image,
// and if the paragraph has no content other than the image.
$has_image = \'p\' == $first -> tagName
&& \'\' == trim( $first -> textContent )
&& 1 == count( $first -> childNodes )
&& \'img\' == $first -> firstChild -> tagName;
// If $has_image is true then add the custom div after the first paragraph,
// otherwise add it before.
$root -> insertBefore( $custom, $has_image ? $first -> nextSibling : $first );
// Set the new content to the altered html.
$content = $dom -> saveHTML();
return $content;
add_filter( \'the_content\', \'add_html_after_first_image\' );
function add_html_after_first_image( $content ) {
$my_custom_html = \'<div>MY CUSTOM CODE</div>\';
// Explode the content to extract and parse only the first paragraph.
$parts = explode( \'</p>\', $content, 2 );
$p = $parts[0] . \'</p>\';
// Create a dom document from the first paragraph of content.
// I used loadXML because loadHTML adds the unnecessary <DOCTYPE>, <html>, and <body>.
// Checking for an opening <p> tag prevents the creation of a DOMDocument,
// and lowers the execution time on posts that don\'t start with a paragraph.
if( substr( $p, 0, 3 ) == \'<p>\' && $dom = @DOMDocument :: loadXML( $p ) ) {
// Create a document fragment with your custom html.
$custom = $dom -> createDocumentFragment();
$custom -> appendXML( $my_custom_html );
$first = $dom -> firstChild;
// Check if the first child is a paragraph, the first grandchild is an image,
// and if the paragraph has no content other than the image.
$has_image = \'p\' == $first -> tagName
&& \'\' == $first -> textContent
&& 1 == count( $first -> childNodes )
&& \'img\' == $first -> firstChild -> tagName;
// If $has_image is true then add the custom div after the first paragraph,
// otherwise add it before.
$dom -> insertBefore( $custom, $has_image ? $first -> nextSibling : $first );
// Set the new content to the altered html.
$p = $dom -> saveHTML();
// If the dom document could not be created, then the first element is not a
// paragraph and the custom code should be prepended to the content.
else $p = $my_custom_html . $p;
// Append the rest of the content to the paragraph.
return $p . $parts[1];