if ( is_page( array( 42,\'about-me\',\'Contact\' ) ) )
$widgetdata=array (
\'widget_id\' => \'wysija-nl-php-1\',//form identifier important when many subscription forms on the same page
\'title\' => \'Subscribe to our Newsletter\',//title of widget
\'instruction\' => \'To subscribe to our dandy newsletter simply add your email below. A confirmation email will be sent to you!\', // instruction to be displayed on top of the widget
\'lists\' => array (0 => \'1\'), //array of list_id to which you want to subscribe your users
\'submit\' => \'Subscribe!\',//name of the subscribe button
\'success\' => \'You’ve successfully subscribed. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription.\',//success message returned when registered
\'customfields\' =>array ( //optional array of custom fields to be displayed lastname, firstname, email
\'firstname\' => array (\'column_name\' => \'firstname\',\'label\' => \'Prénom\'),
\'lastname\' => array (\'column_name\' => \'lastname\',\'label\' => \'Nom\'),
\'email\' => array (\'label\' => \'Email\')
\'labelswithin\' => \'labels_within\' //parameter to put the label of the custom field as a default value of the field
$widgetNL=new WYSIJA_NL_Widget(1);
$subscriptionForm= $widgetNL->widget($widgetdata,$widgetdata);
echo $subscriptionForm;
$widgetdata=array ( /* ANOTHER SETTINGS ARRAY */ );
$widgetNL=new WYSIJA_NL_Widget(2);
$subscriptionForm= $widgetNL->widget($widgetdata,$widgetdata);
echo $subscriptionForm;
Widget Login: