
时间:2012-07-08 作者:Zain Baloch

这是我用来调用wp\\u nav\\u菜单的代码

                \'container_class\' => \'menu-header\',
                \'theme_location\' => \'\',
                \'menu_id\'         => 6,
                \'depth\' => 4


note: 我在仪表板中只有1个菜单,它被设置为默认菜单

strange thing is: 上面的代码包含在标题中。php,所以它在所有页面上都是相同的,但在类别页面上的结果仍然不同。




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    /* Register a Custom Post Type (Slide) */
    add_action(\'init\', \'slide_init\');
    function slide_init() {
        $labels = array(
            \'name\'                  => _x(\'Slides\', \'post type general name\'),
            \'singular_name\'         => _x(\'Slide\', \'post type singular name\'),
            \'add_new\'               => _x(\'Add New\', \'slide\'),
            \'add_new_item\'          => __(\'Add New Slide\'),
            \'edit_item\'             => __(\'Edit Slide\'),
            \'new_item\'              => __(\'New Slide\'),
            \'view_item\'             => __(\'View Slide\'),
            \'search_items\'          => __(\'Search Slides\'),
            \'not_found\'             => __(\'No slides found\'),
            \'not_found_in_trash\'    => __(\'No slides found in Trash\'), 
            \'parent_item_colon\'     => \'\',
            \'menu_name\'             => \'Slides\'
        $args = array(
            \'labels\'                => $labels,
            \'public\'                => true,
            \'publicly_queryable\'    => true,
            \'show_ui\'               => true, 
            \'show_in_menu\'          => true, 
            \'query_var\'             => true,
            \'rewrite\'               => true,
            \'capability_type\'       => \'post\',
            \'has_archive\'           => true, 
            \'hierarchical\'          => false,
            \'menu_position\'         => null,
            \'supports\'              => array(\'title\', \'excerpt\', \'thumbnail\')
        register_post_type(\'slide\', $args);

    /* Update Slide Messages */
    add_filter(\'post_updated_messages\', \'slide_updated_messages\');
    function slide_updated_messages($messages) {
        global $post, $post_ID;
        $messages[\'slide\'] = array(
            0 => \'\',
            1 => sprintf(__(\'Slide updated.\'), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            2 => __(\'Custom field updated.\'),
            3 => __(\'Custom field deleted.\'),
            4 => __(\'Slide updated.\'),
            5 => isset($_GET[\'revision\']) ? sprintf(__(\'Slide restored to revision from %s\'), wp_post_revision_title((int) $_GET[\'revision\'], false)) : false,
            6 => sprintf(__(\'Slide published.\'), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            7 => __(\'Slide saved.\'),
            8 => sprintf(__(\'Slide submitted.\'), esc_url(add_query_arg(\'preview\', \'true\', get_permalink($post_ID)))),
            9 => sprintf(__(\'Slide scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. \'), date_i18n(__(\'M j, Y @ G:i\'), strtotime($post->post_date)), esc_url(get_permalink($post_ID))),
            10 => sprintf(__(\'Slide draft updated.\'), esc_url(add_query_arg(\'preview\', \'true\', get_permalink($post_ID)))),
        return $messages;

/* Update Slide Help */
add_action(\'contextual_help\', \'slide_help_text\', 10, 3);
function slide_help_text($contextual_help, $screen_id, $screen) {
    if (\'slide\' == $screen->id) {
        $contextual_help =
        \'<p>\' . __(\'Things to remember when adding a slide:\') . \'</p>\' .
        \'<ul>\' .
        \'<li>\' . __(\'Give the slide a title. The title will be used as the slide\\\'s headline.\') . \'</li>\' .
        \'<li>\' . __(\'Attach a Featured Image to give the slide its background.\') . \'</li>\' .
        \'<li>\' . __(\'Enter text into the Visual or HTML area. The text will appear within each slide during transitions.\') . \'</li>\' .
    elseif (\'edit-slide\' == $screen->id) {
        $contextual_help = \'<p>\' . __(\'A list of all slides appears below. To edit a slide, click on the slide\\\'s title.\') . \'</p>\';
    return $contextual_help;
if (function_exists(\'add_theme_support\')) {

function checkFeild($a) {
    if (trim($a)==""||$a==NULL||empty($a)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

if (function_exists(\'register_sidebar\')) {
        \'before_widget\' => \'<div class="block">\',
        \'after_widget\' => \'</div><!--block-->\',
        \'before_title\' => \'<h1>\',
        \'after_title\' => \'</h1>\',

function register_my_menus(){
            \'header-menu\'=>__(\'Header Menu\')
add_action(\'init\', \'register_my_menus\');

function fix_missing_menu($query) {
    $query->set(\'post_type\', array(\'post\', \'nav_menu_item\'));
add_filter(\'pre_get_posts\', \'fix_missing_menu\');

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Chip Bennett 整理而成

不调用导航菜单menu_id. 相反,定义一个显式theme_location 对于主题模板中要包含导航菜单的每个位置,然后使用该菜单theme_location 作为传递给的参数wp_nav_menu().

在本例中,您定义了header-menu 主题位置,因此更改此选项:

            \'container_class\' => \'menu-header\',
            \'theme_location\' => \'\',
            \'menu_id\'         => 6,
            \'depth\' => 4

            \'container_class\' => \'menu-header\',
            \'theme_location\' => \'header-menu\',
            \'depth\' => 4
另外:您的粘贴category.php 代码省略get_header(). 请确认您正在呼叫get_header() 在里面category.php.


看看这两个页面的源代码,在主页上我可以看到分配给“LI元素”的“Menu Item”类,而在分类页面上,是“page Item”,这意味着你的菜单在主mage上运行正常,但在分类页面上出现了问题,默认fall back menu - \'“wp\\u page\\u菜单”出现。

尝试通过向数组中添加另一个参数来禁用回退-\'fallback_cb\' => false, 看看是否有效。



Custom menus not showing

作为我上一次关于菜单的未解决查询的后续,这个问题已经进一步扩展。我的菜单没有打印代码中的任何地方。我正在注册菜单功能。php:add_action( \'after_setup_theme\', \'your_newtheme_setup\' ); if ( ! function_exists( \'your_newtheme_setup\' ) ) : function your_newtheme_setup() { if (