
时间:2012-10-15 作者:Arun

比如说,我在wordpress中创建了page1和page2,在page1中有一个超链接可以将我带到page2。如何通过在地址栏中键入page2 url,确保访问者点击了该超链接并访问了page2,而不是直接访问page2。



2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:kaiser 整理而成
if ( ! isset( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_REFERER\'] ) AND \'your_page1\' !== $_SERVER[\'HTTP_REFERER\'] )
    exit( wp_redirect( $target, 301 ) );

As a complimentary addition to Kaiser\'s answer you can secure things further by using a nonce value. (numbers used once)

Step 1 - create your link with nonce value

Page A (the referring page where your users are coming from)

    $url = "http://example.com/destination-slug/";
    $nonce_url = wp_nonce_url( $url, "secure_this_page_nonce");
    echo "<a href=\'".$nonce_url."\'>Click me!</a>";

This will create a link like,


Step 2 - verify the nonce value passed from link

Page B (where you users are going once they click the above link)

if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET[\'_wpnonce\'],\'secure_this_page_nonce\')) {

   //optionally redirect users back to the page you want them to come from
   $previous_page = \'http://example.com/previous-page/\';
   wp_redirect( $previous_page, 301)

} else {

  //continue with normal processing of page


This checks for the existence of a nonce via the $_GET parameter _wpnonce and whether the action/name secure_this_page_nonce is set which equates to this portion of the URL as shown in Step 1 ?_wpnonce=8c9xa6e33e.

If the nonce value is not present and fails its conditional check then you can redirect the user back to the previous page.

If it passes the conditional check then the user has originated from clicking our link on Page A, in which case we render the page as normal.

Good luck!




我在mysite/post\\u id/edit上有一个前端帖子编辑页面,正在尝试将非作者的用户重定向回帖子。以下是我正在使用的代码: <?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); if($post->post_author != $current_user->ID): wp_redirect( the_permalink() ); exit; ?>