
时间:2012-11-12 作者:Will

I\'m working on a site that uses the WP e-commerce plugin (Gold version) and I need to display a list of products that match a list of SKUs. Users fill in a form, and a list of product SKUs is generated depending on their answers. I need to create a page that fetches these products and displays them, preferably in the default grid view/list view style.

Any ideas how to do this? Looking through the documentation, I was expecting a "get_products()" function that could take the SKU as an argument, but there doesn\'t seem to be anything like that. How could I go about doing this?

Thanks a lot,


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:totels 整理而成

WP电子商务使用WordPress post对象来存储产品,因此您不需要任何特殊功能或回调。query_posts 将支持您所需的一切,您可以通过阅读database schema.

具体而言,SKU位于wp_postmeta 带有meta_key 属于_wpsc_sku.



E-commerce for wordpress
