<blockquote>C.S. Lewis mistakenly wrote that Susan had turned her back on Narnia, but what it really seems is that Lewis had turned his back on Susan.
<em>Fred Clark (Slacktivist), "<a href="http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2012/08/13/redeeming-susan-pevensie/">Redeeming Susan Pevensie</a>”</em>
One queen said ‘I am not a toy’, and she never returned.
<em>Senan Mcuire, "<a href="http://seananmcguire.com/songbook.php?id=238">Wicked Girls Saving Themselves</a>”</em>
A god who would punish me for liking nylons and parties by making me walk through that school dining room, with the flies, to identify Ed, well . . . he\'s enjoying himself a bit too much, isn\'t he? Like a cat, getting the last ounce of enjoyment out of a mouse.
<em>Neil Gaiman, "The Problem of Susan"</em>
<small><em>I can\'t find this one online legally. If you can (and I know some of Neil Gaiman\'s stuff is legally available online, so it\'s possible), please let me know in the comments.</em></small>
Susan is committing Lewis\'s cardinal sin: getting confused about what is real and what not.
<em>Andrew Rilstone, "<a href="http://www.andrewrilstone.com/2005/11/lipstick-on-my-scholar.html">Lipstick on my Scholar</a>”</em>
[<em>The Last Battle</em> is] definitely the weakest of all the books from a story perspective, because Lewis seems to have abandoned entirely such minor issues as characterization, world-building, plot, and the rest, all to hammer home a series of doctrinal points.
[Lewis is] eager to punish his characters and interested in how to do it.
<em>hapax and Kit Whitfield, "<a href="http://slacktivist.typepad.com/slacktivist/2012/07/the-question-of-susan.html">The Question of Susan</a>”</em>
Perhaps a very great problem with Susan is that the man who wrote her and other men who write about her consider her a vapid, egotistical, un-gentle person and assert that she is so without ever feeling the need to justify this characterization on the page, with in-character actions.
Denying Narnia can be a method of self-defense against being continually walled off from the outside world of which one may want desperately to be a part.
Narnia, as a place, is deeply hostile to the idea of consent.
<em>Ana Mardoll, "<a href="http://www.anamardoll.com/2012/05/narnia-susan-problems-of.html">Narnia: Susan, Problems of</a>”</em>
<small><em>(See also <a title="Narnia: The Narnia Deconstruction Index Post " href="http://www.anamardoll.com/2011/02/narnia-narnia-deconstruction-index-post.html">Ana Mardoll\'s full Narnia deconstruction index</a>.)</em></small>
He shows beautifully. His telling—when it works it works, but in some cases, you get this weird tug-of-war where Lewis-the-writer shows you a thing and Lewis-the-narrator tells you how to feel about it, and <em>Lewis-the-narrator is flat-out wrong.</em>
<em>Ursula Vernon, "<a href="http://www.redwombatstudio.com/blog/?p=5237">Narnian Apocalyptica</a>”</em>
This time an entire country doesn’t have to suffer for years upon years just to act as a backdrop to some British children’s magic adventure time.
<em>yubishines (repent, harlequin), <a href="http://yubishines.tumblr.com/post/31568643523">Narnia Deconstruction discussion</a></em>
You cannot keep the death-vigil for a god and go unchanged.
<em>Ursula Vernon, "<a href="http://www.redwombatstudio.com/blog/?p=5239">Elegant and Fine</a>”</em>
Susan let her tears fall freely when she and Peter heard the news.
<em>pukingtoreador, "<a href="http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2831948/1/The-Real-Reason">The Real Reason</a>”</em></blockquote>
And, because not everything is necessarily Narnia (or, at least, not directly),
<blockquote>It reminded her of Porphylia and everything she wanted to forget.
<em>Jo Walton, "<a href="http://www.strangehorizons.com/2000/20001023/relentlessly_mundane.shtml">Relentlessly Mundane</a>”</em>
You saved our kingdom and found your self-confidence.
<em>Randall Munroe (xkcd), "<a title="xkcd 693" href="http://xkcd.com/693/">Children\'s Fantasy</a>”</em></blockquote>

