/* * *
* Processed form data into a proper post array, uses wp_insert_post() to add post.
* @param array $pfs_data POSTed array of data from the form
* Create post from form data, including uploading images
* @param array $post
* @param array $files
* @return string success or error message.
function pfs_submit($post,$files){
$pfs_options_arr = get_option(\'pfs_options\');
$pfs_options = $pfs_options_arr[0];
$pfs_data = $post;
$pfs_files = $files;
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($pfs_data, true)."</pre>\\n";
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($pfs_files, true)."</pre>\\n";
$title = $pfs_data[\'title\'];
$category = $pfs_data[\'cat\'];
$postcontent = $pfs_data[\'postcontent\'];
$name = (array_key_exists(\'name\',$pfs_data)) ? esc_html($pfs_data[\'name\'],array()) : \'\';
$email = (array_key_exists(\'email\',$pfs_data)) ? sanitize_email($pfs_data[\'email\']) : \'\';
$taxonomies = array();
$imgAllowed = 0;
$result = Array(
$success = False;
$upload = False;
if ( !current_user_can(\'publish_posts\') && $pfs_options[\'allow_anon\'] && $pfs_options[\'enable_captcha\'] ){
$privatekey = $pfs_options_arr[\'recaptcha_private_key\'];
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if ( !current_user_can(\'publish_posts\') && $pfs_options[\'allow_anon\'] && $pfs_options[\'enable_captcha\'] && !$resp->is_valid ) {
// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
$result[\'error\'] = printf(__("Incorrect reCAPTCHA: %s",\'pfs_domain\'), $resp->error);
} else {
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($pfs_files[\'image\'][\'name\'], true)."</pre>\\n";
if (array_key_exists(\'image\',$pfs_files)) {
/* play with the image */
switch (True) {
case (1 < count($pfs_files[\'image\'][\'name\'])):
// multiple file upload
$result[\'image\'] = "multiple";
$file = $pfs_files[\'image\'];
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($file[\'tmp_name\']); $i++ ){
if( \'\'!=$file[\'tmp_name\'][$i] ){
$imgAllowed = (getimagesize($file[\'tmp_name\'][$i])) ? True : (\'\'==$file[\'name\'][$i]);
if ($imgAllowed){
$upload[$i+1] = upload_image(array(\'name\'=>$pfs_files["image"]["name"][$i], \'tmp_name\'=>$pfs_files["image"]["tmp_name"][$i]));
if (False === $upload[$i+1]){
$result[\'error\'] = __("Något gick fel när bilden skulle laddas upp.",\'pfs_domain\');
} else {
$success[$i+1] = True;
} else {
$result[\'error\'] = __("Fel filformat. Bara formaten (.gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg) fungerar.",\'pfs_domain\');
case ((1 == count($pfs_files[\'image\'][\'name\'])) && (\'\' != $pfs_files[\'image\'][\'name\'][0]) ):
// single file upload
$file = $pfs_files[\'image\'];
$result[\'image\'] = \'single\';
$imgAllowed = (getimagesize($file[\'tmp_name\'][0])) ? True : (\'\'==$file[\'name\'][0]);
if ($imgAllowed){
$upload[1] = upload_image( array( \'name\'=>$file["name"][0], \'tmp_name\'=>$file["tmp_name"][0] ) );
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($upload, true)."</pre>\\n";
if (False === $upload[1]){
$result[\'error\'] = __("Något gick fel när bilden skulle laddas upp.",\'pfs_domain\');
} else {
$success[1] = True;
} else {
$result[\'error\'] = __("Fel filformat. Bara formaten (.gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg) fungerar.",\'pfs_domain\');
$result[\'image\'] = \'none\';
if ( \'\' != $result[\'error\'] ) return $result; // fail if the image upload failed.
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($upload, true)."</pre>\\n";
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($success, true)."</pre>\\n";
/* manipulate $pfs_data into proper post array */
$has_content_things = ($title != \'\') && ($postcontent != \'\');
if ( !current_user_can(\'publish_posts\') && $pfs_options[\'allow_anon\'] ) $has_content_things = $has_content_things && ($name != \'\') && is_email($email);
if ( $has_content_things ) {
$content = $postcontent;
if ( !current_user_can(\'publish_posts\') && $pfs_options[\'allow_anon\'] ) $content .= apply_filters(\'pfs_submittedby_text\',"<p>Berättat av <a href=\'mailto:$email\'>$name</a></p>");
if ( is_user_logged_in() ){
global $user_ID;
if (is_array($success)){
foreach(array_keys($success) as $i){
$imgtag = "[!--image$i--]";
if (False === strpos($content,$imgtag)) $content .= "\\n\\n$imgtag";
$content = str_replace($imgtag, wp_get_attachment_link( $upload[$i], $pfs_options[\'wp_image_size\']), $content);
//if any [!--image#--] tags remain, they are invalid and should just be deleted.
$content = preg_replace(\'/\\[\\!--image\\d*--\\]/\',\'\',$content);
// $terms[{tax name}] = array(term1, term2, etc)
if ( array_key_exists(\'terms\',$pfs_data) ) {
foreach ($pfs_data[\'terms\'] as $taxon => $terms){
if ( !is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxon) ) {
$pfs_data[\'terms\'][$taxon] = implode(\',\',$terms);
$postarr = array();
$postarr[\'post_title\'] = $title;
$postarr[\'post_content\'] = apply_filters(\'comment_text\', $content);
$postarr[\'comment_status\'] = $pfs_options[\'comment_status\'];
$postarr[\'post_status\'] = $pfs_options[\'post_status\'];
$postarr[\'post_author\'] = ( is_user_logged_in() ) ? $user_ID : $pfs_options[\'default_author\'];
$postarr[\'tax_input\'] = (array_key_exists(\'terms\',$pfs_data)) ? $pfs_data[\'terms\'] : array();
$postarr[\'post_type\'] = $pfs_options[\'post_type\'];
$postarr[\'post_category\'] = array($category);
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($postarr, true)."</pre>\\n";
$post_id = wp_insert_post($postarr);
if (0 == $post_id) {
$result[\'error\'] = __("Berättelsen kunde inte laddas upp - okänt fel.",\'pfs_domain\');
} else {
$result[\'success\'] = __("Berättelsen är tillagd, du kommer att komma vidare om en stund.",\'pfs_domain\');
$result[\'post\'] = $post_id;
} else {
$result[\'error\'] = __("Du har lämnat en ruta tom. Alla rutor behöver fyllas i.",\'pfs_domain\');
return $result;
* Upload images
function upload_image($image){
$file = wp_upload_bits( $image["name"], null, file_get_contents($image["tmp_name"]));
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">";
//echo "</pre>\\n";
if (false === $file[\'error\']) {
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($file[\'file\']), null );
$attachment = array(
\'post_mime_type\' => $wp_filetype[\'type\'],
\'post_title\' => preg_replace(\'/\\.[^.]+$/\', \'\', basename($file[\'file\'])),
\'post_content\' => \'\',
\'post_status\' => \'inherit\'
$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file[\'file\'] );
// you must first include the image.php file
// for the function wp_generate_attachment_metadata() to work
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . \'/includes/image.php\');
$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $file[\'file\'] );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data );
return $attach_id;
} else {
//TODO: er, error handling?
return false;
if (!empty($_POST)){
$pfs = pfs_submit($_POST,$_FILES);
echo json_encode($pfs);
//echo "<pre style=\\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\\">".print_r($pfs, true)."\\n";
} else {
/* TODO: translate following */
_e(\'Den här sidan hade du inte behövt se, något är fel.\',\'pfs_domain\');
echo "<a href=\'".get_bloginfo(\'url\')."\'>" . __(\'Go home?\',\'pfs_domain\') . "</a>";