
时间:2013-05-01 作者:Marvin3


品牌(如匡威、阿迪达斯、D&g)(分类id:product\\u brand)

  • 类别(如靴子、运动鞋、凉鞋、高跟鞋)(分类id:product\\u cat)
    • 当然,并非每个品牌都包括所有类别。

      我需要按品牌列出类别。(类似于Zappos does. E、 g.:

      - Sandals (2)
      - Sneakers (6)
      - Boots (10)
      - Heels (4)
      - Sandals (7)

    1 个回复
    最合适的回答,由SO网友:fuxia 整理而成

    To get a list of all terms of taxonomy X whose posts are associated to terms from taxonomy Y too, we have to:

    1. Get all term IDs for both taxonomies
    2. Create a tax query to fetch all posts, because we don’t want to show empty term archives.
    3. Format the result in a hierarchical list.

    Let’s go!

    1. Getting the term IDs is simple:

      get_terms( $taxonomy_name, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )

      We just have to do that two times (for each taxonomy once).

    2. The taxonomy query needs a relationship AND to make sure all posts we get are in both taxonomies:

          \'tax_query\'        => array (
              \'relation\' => \'AND\',
                  \'taxonomy\' => $first,
                  \'field\'    => \'id\',
                  \'terms\'    => get_terms( $first, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )
                  \'taxonomy\' => $second,
                  \'field\'    => \'id\',
                  \'terms\'    => get_terms( $second, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )
    3. For formatting, we create an array where the terms of the first taxonomy are the keys and the terms of the second taxonomy are the values. Then we build a nested list with plain <ul> elements.

    Now the function: I have used tags and categories as taxonomies, just because it was easier to test.

    function double_term_tree(
        $post_types = array( \'post\', \'page\' ),
        $first      = \'category\',
        $second     = \'post_tag\'
        $query = new WP_Query(
            array (
                \'numberposts\'      => -1,
                \'suppress_filters\' => TRUE,
                \'posts_per_page\'   => -1,
                \'post_type\'        => $post_types,
                \'tax_query\'        => array (
                    \'relation\' => \'AND\',
                        \'taxonomy\' => $first,
                        \'field\'    => \'id\',
                        \'terms\'    => get_terms( $first, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )
                        \'taxonomy\' => $second,
                        \'field\'    => \'id\',
                        \'terms\'    => get_terms( $second, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )
        if ( empty ( $query->posts ) )
        $result_list = array();
        $output      = \'<ul>\';
        foreach ( $query->posts as $post )
            $first_terms  = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, $first, \'\', \'|\' );
            $second_terms = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, $second, \'\', \'|\' );
            $f_term_array = explode( \'|\', $first_terms );
            $s_term_array = explode( \'|\', $second_terms );
            foreach ( $f_term_array as $f_term )
                if ( ! isset ( $result_list[ $f_term ] ) )
                    $result_list[ $f_term ] = array();
                $result_list[ $f_term ] = array_merge( $result_list[ $f_term ], $s_term_array );
        foreach ( $result_list as $k => $v )
            $result_list[ $k ] = array_unique( $v );
            $output           .= "\\n<li>$k\\n\\t<ul>\\n\\t\\t<li>"
                . join( "</li>\\n\\t\\t<li>", array_unique( $v ) )
                . "</li>\\n\\t</ul>\\n</li>";
        $output .= \'</ul>\';
        return $output;

    You can call this function like this:

    echo double_term_tree( \'product\', \'brand\', \'category\' );

    And then you get that tree.



    Categories sorting

    我正在使用下面的代码来弹出自定义帖子类型及其类别,所以类别1---岗位1---岗位2第二类——岗位1——岗位2——岗位3等。这对我来说很好,但是我希望能够按count对我的类别进行排序,所以orderby=count,这样,在我下面的代码中不起作用的时候,具有大量帖子的类别将排在列表的顶部,知道为什么吗?非常感谢您的帮助 <?php // List posts by the terms for a custom taxonomy of any post type