因此,我试图让Wordpress将类别显示为自定义元框中的一系列选择框,并使用以下示例tutorial, 但当我去保存选择时,它会以预期选择ID的形式生成其他类别。它也无法保存多个选择。
// Add the Meta Box
function add_custom_meta_box() {
\'custom_meta_box\', // $id
\'Custom Meta Box\', // $title
\'show_custom_meta_box\', // $callback
\'products\', // $page
\'normal\', // $context
\'high\'); // $priority
add_action(\'add_meta_boxes\', \'add_custom_meta_box\');
// Field Array
$prefix = \'custom_\';
$custom_meta_fields = array(
\'label\' => \'Category\',
\'id\' => \'category\',
\'type\' => \'tax_checkbox\'
) );
// The Callback
function show_custom_meta_box() {
global $custom_meta_fields, $post;
// Use nonce for verification
echo \'<input type="hidden" name="custom_meta_box_nonce" value="\'.wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)).\'" />\';
// Begin the field table and loop
echo \'<table class="form-table">\';
foreach ($custom_meta_fields as $field) {
// get value of this field if it exists for this post
$meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field[\'id\'], true);
// begin a table row with
echo \'<tr>
<th><label for="\'.$field[\'id\'].\'">\'.$field[\'label\'].\'</label></th>
switch($field[\'type\']) {
case \'tax_checkbox\':
$terms = get_terms($field[\'id\'],\'get=all\' );
$post_terms = wp_get_object_terms( get_the_ID(), $field[\'id\'] );
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy( $field[\'id\'] );
$checked = $post_terms ? $taxonomy->hierarchical ? $post_terms[0]->term_id : $post_terms[0]->slug : null;
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$term_value = $taxonomy->hierarchical ? $term->term_id : $term->slug;
echo \'<input type="checkbox" value="\' . $term_value . \'" name="\' . $field[\'id\'] . \'[]" id="term-\' . $term_value . \'"\' . checked( $checked, $term_value, false ) . \' /> <label for="term-\' . $term_value . \'">\' . $term->name . \'</label><br />\';
echo \'<span class="description">\' . $field[\'desc\'] . \' <a href="\'.get_bloginfo( \'url\' ) . \'/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=\' . $field[\'id\'] . \'&post_type=\' . $page . \'">Manage \' . $taxonomy->label . \'</a></span>\';
} //end switch
echo \'</td></tr>\';
} // end foreach
echo \'</table>\'; // end table
// Save the Data
function save_custom_meta($post_id) {
global $custom_meta_fields;
// verify nonce
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST[\'custom_meta_box_nonce\'], basename(__FILE__)))
return $post_id;
// check autosave
return $post_id;
// check permissions
if (\'page\' == $_POST[\'post_type\']) {
if (!current_user_can(\'edit_page\', $post_id))
return $post_id;
} elseif (!current_user_can(\'edit_post\', $post_id)) {
return $post_id;
// loop through fields and save the data
foreach ($custom_meta_fields as $field) {
if($field[\'type\'] == \'tax_select\') continue;
if( in_array( $field[\'type\'], array( \'tax_checkboxes\' ) ) ) {
// save taxonomies
if ( isset( $_POST[$field[\'id\']] ) ) {
$term = $_POST[$field[\'id\']];
wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $term, $field[\'id\'] );
else {
$old = get_post_meta($post_id, $field[\'id\'], true);
$new = $_POST[$field[\'id\']];
if ($new && $new != $old) {
update_post_meta($post_id, $field[\'id\'], $new);
} elseif (\'\' == $new && $old) {
delete_post_meta($post_id, $field[\'id\'], $old);
} } // end foreach
// save taxonomies
$post = get_post($post_id);
$category = $_POST[\'category\'];
wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $category, \'category\' );
add_action(\'save_post\', \'save_custom_meta\');