这是一个老生常谈的问题,但今天可能仍然非常相关,所以我想我会piece of code 多年来,我不断发展。基本上,您可以在WordPress中定制菜单每个元素上的类,而无需开发自定义导航行者。这与实用程序优先的CSS框架工作(如Tailwind)越来越相关,它确实需要您访问标记或选项来添加自己的类。
它使用WordPress wp\\u nav\\u菜单功能和生命周期中可用的大多数过滤器在任何地方添加类。首先,像通常一样使用wp\\u nav\\u菜单,然后将自定义参数传递给函数。这些自定义参数然后由过滤器检测并在需要的地方添加类。
* WordPress filters to allow custom arguments to wp_nav_menu to,
* in turn, allow custom classes to every element of a menu.
* You can apply a class only to certain depth of your menu as well.
* The filters use the depth argument given by WordPress
* which is an index, thus starts with level 0 (zero).
* Custom Arguments supported :
* link_atts or link_atts_$depth -> Add any attribute to <a> elements
* a_class or a_class_$depth -> Add classes to <a> elements
* li_class or li_class_$depth -> Add classes to <li> elements
* submenu_class or submenu_class_$depth -> Add classes to submenu <ul> elements
* Ex.: add a "text-black" class to all links and "text-blue" class only to 3rd level links
* wp_nav_menu([
* \'theme_location\' => \'primary_navigation\',
* \'a_class\' => \'text-black\',
* \'a_class_2\'
* ...
* ])
* Ex.: More complete example with some TailwindCSS classes and AlpineJS sugar
* wp_nav_menu([
* \'theme_location\' => \'primary_navigation\',
* \'menu_class\' => \'relative w-full z-10 pl-0 list-none flex\',
* \'link_atts_0\' => [
* ":class" => "{ \'active\': tab === \'foo\' }",
* "@click" => "tab = \'foo\'"
* ],
* \'li_class\' => \'w-full\',
* \'li_class_0\' => \'mb-12\',
* \'a_class\' => \'text-sm xl:text-xl text-white border-b hover:border-white\',
* \'a_class_0\' => \'text-3xl xl:text-5xl relative dash-left js-stagger a-mask after:bg-primary\',
* \'li_class_1\' => \'js-stagger a-mask after:bg-primary hidden lg:block\',
* \'a_class_1\' => \'flex h-full items-center uppercase py-2 relative border-white border-opacity-40 hover:border-opacity-100\',
* \'submenu_class\' => \'list-none pl-0 grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 lg:gap-x-12 xl:gap-x-24 xxl:gap-x-32\',
* \'container\'=>false
* ])
* @author davidwebca
* @link https://gist.github.com/davidwebca/a7b278bbb0c0ce1d1ec5620126e863bb
* Add custom attributes or classes to links in wp_nav_menu
add_filter( \'nav_menu_link_attributes\', function ( $atts, $item, $args, $depth ) {
if (property_exists($args, \'link_atts\')) {
$atts = array_merge($atts, $args->link_atts);
if (property_exists($args, "link_atts_$depth")) {
$atts = array_merge($atts, $args->{"link_atts_$depth"});
if(empty($atts[\'class\'])) {
$atts[\'class\'] = \'\';
$classes = explode(\' \', $atts[\'class\']);
* Fix for tailwindcss classes that include ":" (colon)
* Enter triple underscore hover___text-primary instaed of hover:text-primary
* Some filters provided so that you can customize your own replacements,
* passed directly to preg_replace so supports array replacements as well.
* WordPress trac following the issue of escaping CSS classes:
* @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33924
$patterns = apply_filters( \'nav_menu_css_class_unescape_patterns\', \'/___/\');
$replacements = apply_filters( \'nav_menu_css_class_unescape_replacements\', \':\' );
$classes = array_map(function($cssclass) use( $patterns, $replacements) {
return preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $cssclass);
}, $classes);
if (property_exists($args, \'a_class\')) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->a_class);
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
if (property_exists($args, "a_class_$depth")) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->{"a_class_$depth"});
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
$atts[\'class\'] = implode(\' \', $classes);
return $atts;
}, 1, 4 );
* Add custom classes to lis in wp_nav_menu
add_filter( \'nav_menu_css_class\', function ( $classes, $item, $args, $depth ) {
if (property_exists($args, \'li_class\')) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->li_class);
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
if (property_exists($args, "li_class_$depth")) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->{"li_class_$depth"});
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
return $classes;
}, 1, 4 );
* Add custom classes to ul.sub-menu in wp_nav_menu
add_filter(\'nav_menu_submenu_css_class\', function( $classes, $args, $depth ) {
if (property_exists($args, \'submenu_class\')) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->submenu_class);
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
if (property_exists($args, "submenu_class_$depth")) {
$arr_classes = explode(\' \', $args->{"submenu_class_$depth"});
$classes = array_merge($classes, $arr_classes);
return $classes;
}, 1, 3);