, originally by Frank Bueltge, 并修改为还返回每个博客的名称和描述。Attention to the use 属于get_current_blog_id()
* Returns an array of arrays containing information about each public blog
* hosted on this WPMU install.
* Only blogs marked as public and flagged as safe (mature flag off) are returned.
* @author Frank Bueltge
* @param Integer The first blog to return in the array.
* @param Integer The number of blogs to return in the array (thus the size of the array).
* Setting this to string \'all\' returns all blogs from $start
* @param Boolean Get also Postcount for each blog, default is False for a better performance
* @param Integer Time until expiration in seconds, default 86400s (1day)
* @return Array Returns an array of arrays each representing a blog.
* Details are represented in the following format:
* blog_id (integer) ID of blog detailed.
* domain (string) Domain used to access this blog.
* path (string) Path used to access this blog.
* postcount (integer) The number of posts in this blog.
* name (string) Blog name.
* desc (string) Blog description.
function b5f_get_blog_list( $start = 0, $num = 10, $details = FALSE, $expires = 86400 ) {
// get blog list from cache
$blogs = get_site_transient( \'multisite_blog_list\' );
// For debugging purpose
if ( defined( \'WP_DEBUG\' ) && WP_DEBUG )
$blogs = FALSE;
if ( FALSE === $blogs ) {
global $wpdb;
// add limit for select
if ( \'all\' === $num )
$limit = \'\';
$limit = "LIMIT $start, $num";
$blogs = $wpdb->get_results(
$wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT blog_id, domain, path
FROM $wpdb->blogs
WHERE site_id = %d
AND public = \'1\'
AND archived = \'0\'
AND mature = \'0\'
AND spam = \'0\'
AND deleted = \'0\'
ORDER BY registered ASC
", $wpdb->siteid ),
// Set the Transient cache
set_site_transient( \'multisite_blog_list\', $blogs, $expires );
// only if usable, set via var
if ( TRUE === $details ) {
$blog_list = get_site_transient( \'multisite_blog_list_details\' );
// For debugging purpose
if ( defined( \'WP_DEBUG\' ) && WP_DEBUG )
$blog_list = FALSE;
if ( FALSE === $blog_list ) {
global $wpdb;
$current_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
foreach ( (array) $blogs as $details ) {
$blog_list[ $details[\'blog_id\'] ] = $details;
$blog_list[ $details[\'blog_id\'] ][\'postcount\'] = $wpdb->get_var( "
FROM " . $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $details[\'blog_id\'] ). "posts
WHERE post_status=\'publish\'
AND post_type=\'page\'"
switch_to_blog( $details[\'blog_id\'] );
$blog_list[ $details[\'blog_id\'] ][\'name\'] = get_blog_details()->blogname;
$blog_list[ $details[\'blog_id\'] ][\'desc\'] = get_bloginfo( \'description\' );
switch_to_blog( $current_blog_id );
// Set the Transient cache
set_site_transient( \'multisite_blog_list_details\', $blog_list, $expires );
unset( $blogs );
$blogs = $blog_list;
if ( FALSE === is_array( $blogs ) )
return array();
return $blogs;
sorting function. 一个简单的例子:
$blogs = b5f_get_blog_list( 0, \'all\', true );
uasort( $blogs, function( $a, $b ) {
return strcasecmp( $a[\'name\'], $b[\'name\'] );
$current_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
foreach( $blogs as $blog ) :
switch_to_blog( $blog[ \'blog_id\' ] );
echo $blog[\'name\'] . \' - \' . $blog[\'domain\'] . \' - \' . $blog[\'desc\'];
switch_to_blog( $current_blog_id );