* Plugin Name: My Boxes Shortcode
* Author: birgire
* Author URI: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/121423/26350
add_action( \'plugins_loaded\', array( \'My_Boxes_Shortcode\', \'get_instance\' ) );
if( ! class_exists( \'My_Boxes_Shortcode\' ) )
class My_Boxes_Shortcode
static private $instance = NULL;
static public function get_instance()
if ( NULL === self::$instance )
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
public function __construct()
add_shortcode( \'boxes\', array( $this, \'boxes_callback\' ) );
add_shortcode( \'box\', array( $this, \'box_callback\' ) );
public function box_callback( $atts, $content )
$atts = shortcode_atts(
\'class\' => \'box\',
), $atts, \'my_box_shortcode\' );
// input
$content = esc_textarea( trim( $content ) );
$atts[\'class\'] = esc_attr( $atts[\'class\'] );
// output
return sprintf( \'<div class="%s">%s</div>\', $atts[\'class\'], $content );
public function boxes_callback( $atts, $content )
$atts = shortcode_atts(
\'class\' => \'boxes\',
\'per_row\' => \'3\',
), $atts, \'my_boxes_shortcode\' );
// input
$content = str_replace( \'<br />\', \' \', $content );
$atts[\'class\'] = esc_attr( $atts[\'class\'] );
$atts[\'per_row\'] = (int) $atts[\'per_row\'];
// if per_row is not positive then force it to the default value.
$atts[\'per_row\'] = ( 1 > $atts[\'per_row\'] )? 3 : $atts[\'per_row\'];
// split the content into boxes
$content = str_replace( \'[/box]\', \'[/box]<!--x-->\', $content );
$boxes = explode( \'<!--x-->\', do_shortcode( $content ) );
// output
$html = \'\';
// add a div wrapper around each row
if( 0 < count( $boxes ) )
$html .= \'<div class="row-wrapper">\';
foreach( $boxes as $i => $box )
$html .= $box;
// inject the row seperator
if( ( $atts[\'per_row\'] - 1 ) === ( $i % $atts[\'per_row\'] ) )
$html .= \'</div><div class="row-wrapper">\';
$html .= \'</div>\';
// remove the last row wrapper if it\'s empty
if( 1 === ( count( $boxes ) % $atts[\'per_row\'] ) )
$html = substr( $html, 0, (-1) * strlen( \'<div class="row-wrapper"> </div> \' ) );
return sprintf( \'<!-- start boxes wrapper: -->
<div class="%s">%s</div>
<!-- end boxes wrapper -->\', $atts[\'class\'], $html );
} // end class
} // end if class ! exists
[boxes class="myboxes" per_row="3"]
[box class="box first"]foo[/box]
[box class="box last"]quux[/box]
<!-- start boxes wrapper: -->
<div class="myboxes">
<div class="row-wrapper">
<div class="box first">foo</div>
<div class="box">bar</div>
<div class="box">baz</div>
<div class="row-wrapper">
<div class="box last">quux</div>
<!-- end boxes wrapper -->