* Plugin Name: Restrict Categories
* Description: Individually restrict category combinations.
* License: MIT
* License URI: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* Text Domain: tf-restrict-categories
* Domain Path: /languages
if (! class_exists(\'TFRestrictCategories\')) :
* Main (and only) class.
class TFRestrictCategories {
* Plugin instance.
* @type object
protected static $instance = null;
* basename() of global $pagenow.
* @type string
protected static $page_base;
* Plugin textdomain.
* @type string
protected $textdomain = \'tf-restrict-categories\';
* Plugin option name.
* @type string
protected $option_name = \'tf_restrict_categories\';
* Plugin settings page name.
* @type string
protected $settings_page_name = \'tf-restrict-categories\';
* Plugin settings page.
* @type string
protected $settings_page;
* Constructor. Registers activation routine.
* @hook wp_loaded
* @return void
public function __construct() {
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, \'activation\'));
} // function __construct
* Get plugin instance.
* @hook wp_loaded
* @return object TFRestrictCategories
public static function get_instance() {
if (null === self::$instance)
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
} // function get_instance
* Registers uninstall routine.
* @hook activation
* @return void
public static function activation() {
register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, \'uninstall\'));
} // function activation
* Checks if the plugin has to be loaded.
* @return boolean
public static function has_to_be_loaded() {
global $pagenow;
if (empty($pagenow))
return false;
self::$page_base = basename($pagenow, \'.php\');
// Load plugin for all admin pages
return is_admin();
} // function has_to_be_loaded
* Registers plugin actions and filters.
* @hook wp_loaded
* @return void
public function init() {
add_action(\'admin_menu\', array($this, \'add_settings_page\'));
add_action(\'wp_insert_post\', array($this, \'restrict_categories\'));
$pages = array(
if (in_array(self::$page_base, $pages))
add_action(\'admin_print_scripts-posts_page_tf-restrict-categories\', array($this, \'enqueue_scripts\'));
if (\'plugins\' === self::$page_base)
add_filter(\'plugin_action_links_\'.plugin_basename(__FILE__), array($this, \'add_settings_link\'));
if (\'options\' === self::$page_base)
add_action(\'admin_init\', array($this, \'register_setting\'));
} // function init
* Wrapper for get_option().
* @param string $key Option name.
* @param mixed $default Return value for missing key.
* @return mixed|$default Option value.
protected function get_option($key = null, $default = false) {
static $option = null;
if (null === $option) {
$option = get_option($this->option_name, false);
if (false === $option)
$option = array(
if (null === $key)
return $option;
if (! isset($option[$key]))
return $default;
return $option[$key];
} // function get_option
* Adds custom settings page to posts settings.
* @hook admin_menu
* @return void
public function add_settings_page() {
$this->settings_page = add_posts_page(\'Restrict Categories\', \'Restrict Categories\', \'manage_categories\', $this->settings_page_name, array($this, \'print_settings_page\'));
} // function add_settings_page
* Prints settings page.
* @see add_settings_page()
* @return void
public function print_settings_page() {
<div class="wrap">
<h2>Restrict Categories</h2>
<div class="tool-box">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo admin_url(\'options.php\'); ?>">
$args = array(
\'hide_empty\' => 0,
if (count($categories = get_categories($args))) {
$option = $this->get_option($this->option_name, array());
<table id="tf-restrict-categories" class="widefat">
foreach ($categories as $category) {
<th><?php echo $category->name; ?></th>
$alternate = true;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$class = ($alternate) ? \' class="alternate"\' : \'\';
$alternate = ! $alternate;
<tr<?php echo $class; ?>>
<td id=""><?php echo $category->name; ?></td>
foreach ($categories as $second_category) {
<td id="restrict-category-<?php echo $category->term_id; ?>-<?php echo $second_category->term_id; ?>">
if ($category->term_id !== $second_category->term_id) {
$checked = (
isset($option[$category->term_id]) && isset($option[$category->term_id][$second_category->term_id])
|| isset($option[$second_category->term_id]) && isset($option[$second_category->term_id][$category->term_id])
$checked = ($checked) ? \' checked="checked"\' : \'\';
$disabled = (isset($option[$second_category->term_id]) && isset($option[$second_category->term_id][$category->term_id]));
$disabled = ($disabled) ? \' disabled="disabled"\' : \'\';
<input type="checkbox" id="<?php echo $category->term_id; ?>-<?php echo $second_category->term_id; ?>" name="<?php echo $this->option_name; ?>[<?php echo $category->term_id; ?>][<?php echo $second_category->term_id; ?>]" value="1"<?php echo $checked.$disabled; ?> />
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e(\'Save Changes\'); ?>" />
} else
_e("No categories found.", \'tf-restrict-categories\');
} // function print_settings_page
* Restricts categories according to stored plugin settings.
* @hook wp_insert_post
* @param int $id Post ID.
* @return void
public function restrict_categories($id) {
$args = array(
\'fields\' => \'ids\',
\'orderby\' => \'term_id\'
if (
count($option = $this->get_option($this->option_name, array()))
&& count($categories = wp_get_object_terms($id, \'category\', $args))
) {
foreach ($option as $master_key => $restrict)
foreach($restrict as $restrict_key => $v)
if (in_array($master_key, $categories))
foreach($categories as $key => $category)
if ($category === $restrict_key)
wp_set_object_terms($id, $categories, \'category\');
} // function restrict_categories
* Adds a link to the settings to the plugin list.
* @hook plugin_action_links_{$file}
* @param array $links Already existing links.
* @return array
public function add_settings_link($links) {
$settings_link = array(
\'<a href="\'.admin_url(\'edit.php?page=\'.$this->settings_page_name).\'">\'.__("Settings").\'</a>\'
return array_merge($settings_link, $links);
} // function add_settings_link
* Enqueues necessary script files.
* @hook admin_print_scripts-posts_page_tf-restrict-categories
* @return void
public function enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script(\'tf-restrict-categories-js\', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__).\'js/tf-restrict-categories.js\', array(\'jquery\'), filemtime(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__).\'js/tf-restrict-categories.js\'), true);
} // function enqueue_scripts
* Registers setting for custom options page.
* @hook admin_init
* @return void
public function register_setting() {
register_setting($this->option_name, $this->option_name, array($this, \'save_setting\'));
} // function register_setting
* Prepares option values before they are saved.
* @param array $data Original option values.
* @return array Sanitized option values.
public function save_setting($data) {
$sanitized_data = $this->get_option();
if (isset($data) && ! empty($data))
$sanitized_data[$this->option_name] = $data;
return $sanitized_data;
} // function save_setting
* Loads plugin textdomain.
* @return boolean
protected function load_textdomain() {
return load_plugin_textdomain($this->textdomain, false, plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)).\'/languages\');
} // function load_textdomain
* Remove translations from memory.
* @return void
protected function unload_textdomain() {
} // function unload_textdomain
* Deletes plugin data on uninstall.
* @hook uninstall
* @return void
public static function uninstall() {
} // function uninstall
} // class TFRestrictCategories
if (TFRestrictCategories::has_to_be_loaded())
add_action(\'wp_loaded\', array(TFRestrictCategories::get_instance(), \'init\'));
endif; // if (! class_exists(\'TFRestrictCategories\'))
jQuery(function($) {
$(\'#tf-restrict-categories [type="checkbox"]\').click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (! $this.is(\':disabled\')) {
var n = this.id.split(\'-\');
$(\'#tf-restrict-categories [type="checkbox"][name$="\\\\[\'+n[1]+\'\\\\]\\\\[\'+n[0]+\'\\\\]"]\')
.attr(\'disabled\', $this.is(\':checked\'))
.attr(\'checked\', $this.is(\':checked\'));
该插件的工作原理如下。在设置页面上,我们定义了一些类别组合。比方说,我们希望有规则,如果存在“Cat A”,则不允许使用“Cat C”。这可以通过选中row Cat A 和column Cat C. 这意味着:行类别是主类别,列类别将受到限制
保存/更新帖子时(或者,更准确地说:当having saved/updated 根据存储的插件设置检查类别,并进行调整。