
时间:2014-02-13 作者:Marc Dingena

I have the following hook which sets a default "hotness" for a post. For context, hotness is a meta_value saved to the post, and changes every time someone upvotes or downvotes the post. I use this meta_value to sort posts on a \'What is hot right now?\' page.

Because at the time the post is created in WordPress, the "score" of upvotes vs. downvotes is 0. Therefore I can completely omit the score\'s portion of the hotness calculation. When the post is created, only the creation time is taken into account:

/* Hook: Add custom postmeta when a new post is created
 * Since: 8.0
add_action( \'wp_insert_post\', tjnz_prepare_postmeta );
function tjnz_prepare_postmeta( $post_id ) {
    if ( !wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ) {
        $hotness = round( ( time() - 1211380200 ) / 800000, 7 );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_favorites\', 0, true );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_plays\', 0, true );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_downloads\', 0, true );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_upvotes\', 0.000, true );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_downvotes\', 0.000, true );
        add_post_meta( $post_id, \'_tjnz_hotness\', $hotness, true );

I\'m wondering what happens when you schedule a post in WordPress. Will the hook be triggered when I click Schedule, or when the WordPress cronjob publishes the post?

If the hook is triggered when I click Schedule, how can I effectively change that so that the time inserted into the database is actually the post\'s publish time, rather than when I clicked to schedule the post?

The Codex page for wp_insert_post states that the $post object has a \'post_date_gmt\' member. It\'s documented as:

\'post_date_gmt\' => [ Y-m-d H:i:s ] // The time post was made, in GMT.

To me, it is unclear if they mean when it\'s inserted into the database (time of clicking the schedule button) or when it\'s \'meant\' to be created (the time which I entered in the scheduler). Can someone please clarify this?


After examining ialocin\'s answer, I have concluded that my current usage of the wp_insert_post hook is not going to yield the desired results. I will try another approach, but want to clarify my intentions to help others understand why I need this.

As I said earlier, I calculate a \'hotness\' value for every post I make. Without the influence of a score, the hotness still gradually increases over time. At Unix Epoch + 1211380200 seconds is my \'personal site Epoch\'. If a post\'s post_date_gmt = 1211380200, it is essentially posted at the \'birth\' of my site (this is May 21st, 2008).

For every new post, I want to save it\'s initial hotness value, so I have to know the post\'s publish date (in GMT Unix timestamp) and subtract the time different between Unix Epoch and my Epoch, which is 1211380200 seconds.

When I post content, I often schedule multiple posts to go \'on air\' throughout the week, because I don\'t have enough time to post every day. It is important that posts get the initial value right, because it is the basis for any further calculation.

My new approach would be to hook into post status transitions. Please help me get this right:

add_action( \'transition_post_status\', \'tjnz_prepare_postmeta\', 10, 3 );
function tjnz_prepare_postmeta( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
    if ( $new_status == \'publish\' && $old_status != \'publish\' ) {
        $hotness = round( ( $post->post_date_gmt - 1211380200 ) / 800000, 7 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_favorites\', 0 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_plays\', 0 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_downloads\', 0 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_upvotes\', 0.000 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_downvotes\', 0.000 );
        update_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_tjnz_hotness\', $hotness );

The reason I also check for $old_status is because I am assuming that when I update an already published post, both $new_status and $old_status would be \'publish\'. I do not want to accidentally reset any of the meta values every time I update an existing published post.

I also changed add_post_meta to update_post_meta because that way I can ensure the correct values are inserted into the database whether a post is Published directly or Scheduled. I believe if the meta values do not yet exist, update_post_meta will actually act as an add_post_meta function.

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Nicolai Grossherr 整理而成

简单的回答是,post_datepost_date_gmt 将设置为您计划发布帖子的日期,而不是您创建帖子的日期,因此post_datepost_date_gmt 正在保留发布日期



什么时候开始wp_insert_post 是否触发挂钩?

实际上,两次都是这样,所以单击“计划”和“将文章状态从未来更改为发布”wp_insert_post() 正在调用挂钩本身-请参见source; wp_publish_post() - 看见source;

  • 仔细查看文档并了解源代码,这里主要是post.php, 总是有助于了解真正发生的事情

    • 您可以/应该使用该功能time()?

      您当然可以从1获取新信息。考虑在内post_date 和post_date_gmt 保存您所需的信息,如已确定的发布日期,请使用它post_modified 和post_modified_gmt 如果要反映更改

  • 您将选择的实际方法实际上取决于您的需求/计划,而我对此知之甚少。据我所知,你绝对应该考虑使用另一个或多个钩子。看看Post Status Transitions 供其他人考虑。另外检查源-post.php - 深入了解何时以及如何使用这些挂钩。这里有很多关于这个的问题,只要搜索一下就可以了。

