我还创建了一个类似的方法,正如@sri所提到的,但是使用$wpdb与wp\\u update\\u post应该更具性能和可配置性。
* Reset the slugs on a particular post type to use the default sanatized slugs
* @param string $post_type filter by post type
* @param int $offset set the paginated post to start
* @param boolean $force_guid_update * WARNING * never enable this
* @example add the following code into your theme\'s functions.php file, ensure
* that the desired post type is set when calling wp20140226_reset_slugs(\'post\');
* Then navigate to wp-admin/options-permalink.php to activate query to reset slugs.
* Depending on how many posts need to be updated this method may take quite
* some time, on a shared host there may be a need to set the $offset argument
* to limit the amount of time the script runs and use multiple calls by adjusting
* the offset to progress through the entire record set.
function wp20140226_reset_slugs( $post_type = null, $offset = 0, $force_guid_update = false ){
global $pagenow, $wpdb;
if ( $pagenow != \'options-permalink.php\' || empty($post_type) )
$get_post_args = array(
\'post_type\' => $post_type,
\'post_status\' => \'any\'
if( $offset == 0 ){
$get_post_args[\'posts_per_page\'] = -1;
} else {
$get_post_args[\'offset\'] = $offset;
$posts_to_fix = new WP_Query( $get_post_args );
foreach( $posts_to_fix->posts as $post_to_fix ){
array( \'post_name\' => sanitize_title( $post_to_fix->post_title ) ),
array( \'ID\' => $post_to_fix->ID ),
array( \'%s\' ),
array( \'%d\' )
// you should really leave this alone (do not set to true unless you need to)
if( $force_guid_update ){
$siteurl = trailingslashit( get_option(\'siteurl\') );
$wpdb->query( "UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET guid = CONCAT( \'{$siteurl}?p=\', ID ) WHERE post_type = {$post_type} OR post_type = \'revision\';" );
add_action(\'admin_notices\', \'wp20140226_reset_slugs_admin_notice\');
* notify the user when the reset slug queries are run
function wp20140226_reset_slugs_admin_notice(){
<div class="updated">
<p><?php _e(\'You have successfully run the reset slugs function, please disable or suffer impact when in the admin.\'); ?></p>
wp20140226_reset_slugs(\'post\'); // change this to be your custom post type