如果你真的想创建一个更好的工作流,可以看看css Preparers。我本人对SASS有偏见:sass-lang.com 如果这超出了您的工作范围,您还可以在编写css文件时将其分成逻辑结构部分,从而使其更易于管理。
这样,您可以通过查找* print
或* all
/* css */
* reset / normalize / opinionated */
/*general css-rules for all sites first. box-model: border-box, normalize.css and html5boilerplate helper classes for starters */
* typgraphy
/* site-specific h1, h2, p etc ... */
* header
/* banner, logo, menus, etc ... */
* all pages
/* stuff that goes in the middle on all pages */
* plurals, archive, search, blog
/* stuff that goes into pages that show more than one post per page */
* solo, singles, pages
/* stuff that goes into .page and .single pages. one article per page */
* front-page
/* stuff for only the front page. */
* widgets, sidebars, hero-units
/* stuff in other places of the site. */
* footer
/* stuff that goes in the page footer, colophon / copyright etc */
* print
/* simple styles for printing */