
时间:2014-05-07 作者:rafiki_rafi


 Some text - could be <span>HTML</span> or other shortcodes
 [component id=12]
 [component id=13]
 [component id=14]
 Some text - could be <span>HTML</span> or another shortcodes
我正在尝试编写一个脚本,它将逐条发布,提取出表单中的任何短代码[component id=X] 并将其包装在另一个短代码中,如下所示:

 Some text - could be <span>HTML</span> or other shortcodes
     [component id=12]
     [component id=13]
     [component id=14]
 Some text - could be <span>HTML</span> or another shortcodes
我很难为这个写正则表达式。我希望使用preg_replace_callback() 但不确定这是否是适当的功能。

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:rafiki_rafi 整理而成


短代码行之前的HTML/内容短代码行之后的HTML/内容我决定使用substr() 拆分内容。然后,我将所有内容重新组装到一起,并在中间部分添加“包装”快捷代码。

$args = array( \'numberposts\' => -1, \'post_status\' => \'publish|draft|trash\' )
$posts = get_posts( $args );
if( !empty( $posts ) ){
    foreach( $posts as $post ){
        $content = $post->post_content;
        if( !has_shortcode( $content, \'components\') ){
            $pattern = \'/\\[component id=\\"[0-9]+\\"\\]/\';
            preg_match_all( $pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

            $first_match = $matches[0][0];
            $first_match_start = $first_match[1]; // Start position of the first match

            $last_match = $matches[0][ count($matches[0]) - 1 ];
            $last_match_start = $last_match[1];
            $last_match_end = $last_match_start + strlen($last_match[0]);

            $before_html = substr($content, 0, $first_match_start); // Get all the content before the first match of [component id="XYZ"]
            $component_shortcodes = substr($content, $first_match_start, $last_match_end - $first_match_start ); // Get everything in between the first [component id="XYZ"] and the last
            $after_html = substr($content, $last_match_end ); // Get everything after the last [component id="XYZ"] match
            // Perform the actual wrapping here
            $new_content = $before_html . \'[components]\' . $component_shortcodes . \'[/components]\' . $after_html;
            $post->post_content = $new_content;
            wp_update_post( $post );



Manipulated shortcode output

我开发的一个注册短代码的插件有问题。短代码返回一个包含有效HTML的字符串,但一些主题似乎操纵了短代码返回的HTML,我真的不明白原因是什么。例如,这是我的短代码的正确输出:<div class=\"tile\"> <a> <img src=\"0.jpg\" /> <div class=\"caption\"> <p>Kate</p> </div&