还有一个提示,如果要坚持使用WordPress编写PHP,请避免使用速记WordPress\' best practices, 所以您总是想写出开头的PHP标记。
$posttags = get_the_tags();
$count = 0;
if ( $posttags ) {
foreach( $posttags as $post_tag ) {
$count++; //add to counter
$tag_id = $post_tag->term_id; //get tag id so we can use it for a tag link
if ( 1 == $count ) {
echo \'<a href="\' . get_tag_link($tag_id) . \'" class="first-tag">\' . $post_tag->name . \'</a>\';
} //end of first tag if statement
break;// break out of this for each so we can use a ul to separate the tags after the first
} //end of for each ?>
<ul class="remaining-tags">
<?php foreach( $posttags as $remaining_tag ) {
$count++; //add to counter
if ( 2 != $count ) {
echo \'<li><a href="\' . get_tag_link($tag_id) . \'">\' . $remaining_tag->name . \'</a></li>\';
} // end of if statment for tags after first one
} //end of for each ?>
<?php } //end of if $posttags ?>