
时间:2014-09-04 作者:numediaweb


add_menu_page(\'My menu\' , \'Some text\', \'read\', \'nwcm\');

// Create the news custom post type
register_post_type(\'nwcm_news\', array(
    \'labels\' => array(
        \'name\' => __(\'News for clients\', NWCM_TEXT_DOMAIN) ,
        \'singular_name\' => __(\'News\', NWCM_TEXT_DOMAIN)
    ) ,
    \'public\' => true,
    \'has_archive\' => true,
    \'public\' => true,
    \'show_ui\' => true,
    \'show_in_menu\' => \'nwcm\',
    \'taxonomies\' => array(
    ) ,
然后,我添加了一个与“nwcm\\U news”帖子类型挂钩的自定义分类法:

// register news taxonomy
register_taxonomy(\'nwcm_news_category\', \'nwcm_news\', array(
    \'label\' => __(\'News categories\') ,
    \'menu_name\' => __(\'News categories\') ,
    \'rewrite\' => array(
        \'slug\' => \'nwcm_news_category\'
    ) ,
    \'hierarchical\' => true

我如何解决这个问题?我查过了this solution 但答案缺少完整的代码示例。。

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Michael Ecklund 整理而成



以下解决方案允许您为自定义Post Type菜单提供所需的菜单名称。只需更改标签“menu\\u name”。


// Create the news custom post type
register_post_type(\'nwcm_news\', array(
    \'labels\'        => array(
        \'name\'          => __(\'News for clients\', \'NWCM\'),
        \'singular_name\' => __(\'News\', \'NWCM\'),
        \'menu_name\'     => __(\'NWCM\', \'NWCM\'),
        \'all_items\'     => __(\'View Articles\', \'NWCM\'),
    \'public\'        => true,
    \'has_archive\'   => true,
    \'show_ui\'       => true,
    \'show_in_menu\'  => true,
    \'taxonomies\'    => array(


// register news taxonomy
register_taxonomy(\'nwcm_news_category\', \'nwcm_news\', array(
    \'label\'         => \'News Categories\',
    \'labels\'        => array(
        \'menu_name\' => __(\'News Categories\', \'NWCM\')
    \'rewrite\'       => array(
        \'slug\' => \'nwcm-news-category\'
    \'hierarchical\'  => true

我在menu_name “NWCM”到labels 自定义帖子类型。


EDIT: 09/05/2014


Hook into init and register Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies.

if ( ! function_exists( \'mbe_init\' ) ) {

    function mbe_init() {

        # Create the news custom post type
        register_post_type( \'nwcm_news\', array(
            \'labels\'       => array(
                \'name\'          => __( \'News for clients\', \'NWCM\' ),
                \'singular_name\' => __( \'News\', \'NWCM\' ),
            \'public\'       => true,
            \'has_archive\'  => true,
            \'show_ui\'      => true,
            \'show_in_menu\' => false,// adding to custom menu manually
            \'taxonomies\'   => array(
        ) );

        # Create the news categories custom taxonomy
        register_taxonomy( \'nwcm_news_category\', \'nwcm_news\', array(
            \'label\'        => \'News Categories\',
            \'labels\'       => array(
                \'menu_name\' => __( \'News Categories\', \'NWCM\' )
            \'rewrite\'      => array(
                \'slug\' => \'nwcm-news-category\'
            \'hierarchical\' => true
        ) );


    add_action( \'init\', \'mbe_init\' );


Hook into admin_menu to create a custom parent admin menu, and add Custom Submenu Admin Pages, Custom Post Type pages, and Custom Taxonomy Pages all to the custom parent admin menu.

if ( ! function_exists( \'mbe_add_admin_menu\' ) && ! function_exists( \'mbe_display_admin_page\' ) ) {

    function mbe_add_admin_menus() {

        # Settings for custom admin menu
        $page_title = \'News for clients\';
        $menu_title = \'NWCM\';
        $capability = \'post\';
        $menu_slug  = \'nwcm\';
        $function   = \'mbe_display_admin_page\';// Callback function which displays the page content.
        $icon_url   = \'dashicons-admin-page\';
        $position   = 0;

        # Add custom admin menu
        add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position );

        $submenu_pages = array(

            # Avoid duplicate pages. Add submenu page with same slug as parent slug.
                \'parent_slug\' => \'nwcm\',
                \'page_title\'  => \'Summary of News\',
                \'menu_title\'  => \'Summary\',
                \'capability\'  => \'read\',
                \'menu_slug\'   => \'nwcm\',
                \'function\'    => \'mbe_display_admin_page\',// Uses the same callback function as parent menu.

            # Post Type :: View All Posts
                \'parent_slug\' => \'nwcm\',
                \'page_title\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_title\'  => \'View News\',
                \'capability\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_slug\'   => \'edit.php?post_type=nwcm_news\',
                \'function\'    => null,// Doesn\'t need a callback function.

            # Post Type :: Add New Post
                \'parent_slug\' => \'nwcm\',
                \'page_title\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_title\'  => \'Add News\',
                \'capability\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_slug\'   => \'post-new.php?post_type=nwcm_news\',
                \'function\'    => null,// Doesn\'t need a callback function.

            # Taxonomy :: Manage News Categories
                \'parent_slug\' => \'nwcm\',
                \'page_title\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_title\'  => \'News Categories\',
                \'capability\'  => \'\',
                \'menu_slug\'   => \'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=nwcm_news_category&post_type=nwcm_news\',
                \'function\'    => null,// Doesn\'t need a callback function.


        # Add each submenu item to custom admin menu.
        foreach ( $submenu_pages as $submenu ) {




    add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'mbe_add_admin_menus\', 1 );

    /* If you add any extra custom sub menu pages which are not a Custom Post Type or a Custom Taxonomy, you will need
     * to create a callback function for each of your custom submenu items you create above.

    # Default Admin Page for Custom Admin Menu
    function mbe_display_admin_page() {

        # Display custom admin page content from newly added custom admin menu.
        echo \'<div class="wrap">\' . PHP_EOL;
        echo \'<h2>My Custom Admin Page Title</h2>\' . PHP_EOL;
        echo \'<p>This is the custom admin page created from the custom admin menu.</p>\' . PHP_EOL;
        echo \'</div><!-- end .wrap -->\' . PHP_EOL;
        echo \'<div class="clear"></div>\' . PHP_EOL;



Hook into parent_file to correctly highlight your Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy submenu items with your custom parent menu/page.

if ( ! function_exists( \'mbe_set_current_menu\' ) ) {

    function mbe_set_current_menu( $parent_file ) {
        global $submenu_file, $current_screen, $pagenow;

        # Set the submenu as active/current while anywhere in your Custom Post Type (nwcm_news)
        if ( $current_screen->post_type == \'nwcm_news\' ) {

            if ( $pagenow == \'post.php\' ) {
                $submenu_file = \'edit.php?post_type=\' . $current_screen->post_type;

            if ( $pagenow == \'edit-tags.php\' ) {
                $submenu_file = \'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=nwcm_news_category&post_type=\' . $current_screen->post_type;

            $parent_file = \'nwcm\';


        return $parent_file;


    add_filter( \'parent_file\', \'mbe_set_current_menu\' );


  1. Adding Custom Parent Admin Menus
  2. Adding Custom Child Admin Menus
  3. Roles and Capabilities in WordPress
  4. Registering Custom Post Types
  5. Registering Custom Taxonomies
  6. WordPress Plugin API :: Action Reference
  7. WordPress Plugin API :: Action Reference :: init
  8. WordPress Plugin API :: Action Reference :: admin_menu
  9. WordPress Plugin API :: Filter Reference
  10. List of All WordPress Hooks (including actions and filters)


我是这样完成的:在admin\\u菜单操作中,我向父菜单项(“nwcm”)添加了一个子菜单项,并将menu\\u slug参数设置为分类法编辑页面的URL。

add_submenu_page(\'nwcm\', \'News categories\', \'News categories\', \'edit_posts\', \'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=nwcm_news&post_type=nwcm_news\',false );



Fix Admin Dashboard Posts tab

我有WordPress v3。5.1和使用WPZoom中的主题。我添加了一个名为WordPress SEO的SEO插件,它又在我的帖子管理表中添加了4列,这导致这些列挤在一起,现在很难看到所有帖子。我曾尝试在管理CSS中更改CSS,但这根本没有帮助,当我使用Firebug更改它时,它会有所帮助。如何修复压扁的立柱?为了更好地理解,您可以在以下位置查看图像副本:http://justawebbie.com/facebook/post-window.jpg.