if ( is_alt_domain( $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] ) ) {
$domain = str_replace( \'www.\', \'\', $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] );
define( \'WP_SITEURL\', \'http://www.\' . $domain );
define( \'WP_HOME\', \'http://www.\' . $domain );
} else if (is_sub_domain( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] ) ) {
$domain = "{$_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\']}";
define( \'WP_SITEURL\', \'http://\' . $domain );
define( \'WP_HOME\', \'http://\' . $domain );
} else if (! (is_main_domain( $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\']) ) ) {
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location:http://family.com", true, 301 );
function is_main_domain( $domain ) {
$domain = $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] ;
return strcmp( $domain, my_main_domain() ) == 0 ;
function is_sub_domain ( $domain ) {
$domain = str_replace( my_main_domain(), \'\', $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] );
return in_array( substr( $domain, 0, -1), sub_domains() );
function is_alt_domain( $domain ) {
$domain = str_replace( \'www.\', \'\', $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] );
$domain = substr( $domain, 0, strrpos( $domain, \'.\') );
return array_key_exists( $domain, alt_domains() );
function sub_domains() {
return array(
function alt_domains() {
return array(
\'project1\' => \'com\',
\'project2\' => \'com\',
\'project3\' => \'is\',
function my_main_domain() {
return \'family.com\';
// this seems to be important
update_option(\'siteurl\',\'http://\' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
update_option(\'home\',\'http://\' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
add_action( \'category_link\', \'yoursite_category_link\', 11, 2 );
function yoursite_category_link( $category_link, $category_id ) {
$parts = explode( \'/\', $category_link );
// if %category% in http://%domain%/%category%/
// is in alt_domains() update the category_link
if ( array_key_exists("{$parts[3]}", alt_domains() ) ) {
$tld = alt_domains()[$parts[3]];
$category_link = "http://www.{$parts[3]}.{$tld}/"; // Strip \'category/%category%/\'
return $category_link;
add_action( \'author_link\', \'yoursite_author_link\', 11, 2 );
function yoursite_author_link( $author_link, $author_id ) {
$parts = explode( \'/\', $author_link );
// if %author% in http://domain/author/%author%/
// is in sub_domains() update the author_link
if ( "{$parts[3]}" == "author" && in_array("{$parts[4]}", sub_domains() ) ) {
$author_link = "http://{$parts[4]}.family.com/"; // Strip \'author/%author%/\'
} else {
$author_link = "http://family.com/author/{$parts[4]}"; // Strip \'author/%author%/\'
return $author_link;
add_action( \'init\', \'yoursite_init\' );
function yoursite_init() {
// Remove the canonical redirect to the category page
// if %category% in http://%category%.%ext%/ is a blogger category
if ( is_alt_domain( $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] ) || is_sub_domain( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] ) ) {
$parts = explode( \'/\', strtolower( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) );
if ( (count($parts) > 1) && ( array_key_exists("{$parts[1]}",alt_domains() ) || ( "author" == $parts[1] && in_array("{$parts[2]}", sub_domains() ) ) ) ) {
remove_filter( \'template_redirect\', \'redirect_canonical\' );
add_action( \'template_redirect\', \'yoursite_template_redirect\' );
function yoursite_template_redirect() {
// Redirect any http://%domain%.%ext%/%category%/ to http://%category%.%ext%/
// and any http://%domain%.%ext%/author/%author%/ to http://%author%.%domain%.%ext%
$parts = explode( \'/\', strtolower( $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] ) );
if ( array_key_exists( "{$parts[1]}", alt_domains()) ) {
$tld = alt_domains()[$parts[1]];
wp_redirect( "http://www.{$parts[1]}.{$tld}/", 301 );
} else if ( \'author\' == $parts[1] && in_array("{$parts[2]}", sub_domains() ) ) {
wp_redirect( "http://{$parts[2]}.famliy.com/", 301 );
add_action( \'request\', \'yoursite_request\' );
function yoursite_request($query_vars) {
// If %category% in http://%category%.%ext%/ is a blogger category set the
// \'category_name\' query var to tell WordPress to display the category page.
if ( is_alt_domain( $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\']) || is_sub_domain( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'] ) ) {
$category_domain = str_replace( \'www.\', \'\', $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] );
$category_domain = substr( $category_domain, 0, strrpos( $category_domain, \'.\' ) );
$author_name = substr( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'], 0, strpos( $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\'], \'.\' ) );
$parts = explode( \'/\', $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] );
$category_name = "{$parts[1]}";
if ( array_key_exists($category_domain, alt_domains()) ) {
if ( strlen( $category_name ) < 1 ) {
$query_vars = array( \'pagename\' => $category_domain.\'-page\' );
} else if ( term_exists("{$category_name}", \'category\') ) {
$query_vars = array(
\'category__and\' => array(
} else if ( in_array( $author_name, sub_domains() ) ) {
if ( strlen( $category_name ) < 1 ) {
$query_vars = array( \'pagename\' => $author_name.\'-page\' );
} else if (term_exists("{$category_name}", \'category\') ) {
$query_vars = array(
\'category_name\' => $category_name,
\'author_name\' => $author_name
return $query_vars;
作为旁注,此答案与我的下一个答案/问题结合使用-How to have a static category/author page? - 应该让我对拥有一个多面网站的意图更加明确:)