对于任何使用All-in-one SEO插件并通过PHP注册CPT的人,下面是您可以做的。
\'archive_seo_title\' => \'your set title | your site\',
\'archive_meta_desc\' => \'your meta description\'
// CPT Archive page SEO Title
add_filter( \'aioseop_title\', \'dd_rewrite_custom_titles\' );
function dd_rewrite_custom_titles( $title ) {
if ( is_post_type_archive() ) {
$post_type = get_post_type_object( get_post_type() );
if ($post_type->labels->archive_seo_title){
$title = $post_type->labels->archive_seo_title;
return $title;
// CPT Archive page meta Description
add_filter( \'aioseop_description\', \'filter_aioseop_description\');
function filter_aioseop_description( $description ) {
if ( is_post_type_archive() ) {
$post_type = get_post_type_object( get_post_type() );
if ($post_type->labels->archive_meta_desc){
$description = $post_type->labels->archive_meta_desc;
return $description;
Note: If you are not using CPT php registration, you can just make $title and $description variables equal to whatever you want, e.g.
$title = get_the_title() . \' | \' . get_bloginfo();