Toggle User Roles with button

时间:2015-02-19 作者:Andrew Lazarus

我不知道这是否可行,但我有两个用户角色:HeroLegend. 当人们订阅我的网站时,他们会被分配Hero 用户角色。

我希望能够将用户切换到Legend 通过打开按钮的用户角色/users.php 在其自己的列中



注意:Legend\'我们可以看到比Hero 用户

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:David Gard 整理而成



这里的主要工作是wp_update_user() function, 我鼓励你看看。

首先,将此添加到functions.php 文件以添加附加列及其内容。这还将添加AJAX函数,当调用它时,它将真正发挥所有的作用-

/** Manage custom columns on instances of \'WP_List_Table\' */
add_action(\'init\', \'my_setup_custom_columns\', 110, 0);
function my_setup_custom_columns(){
    /** Manage columns on the WP_Users_List_Table */
    add_filter(\'manage_users_columns\', \'my_add_custom_columns\');
    /** Populate additional columns on the WP_Users_List_Table */
    add_action(\'manage_users_custom_column\', \'my_fill_custom_columns_return\', 10, 3);

 * Add additional custom columns to the list table views in the admin area
 * @param required array $columns   The columns that currently exist
function my_add_custom_columns($columns){

    /** Grab the page that is currently being viewed */
    global $pagenow;
    /** Users specific columns ( */
    if($pagenow === \'users.php\') :
        $new_columns[\'my-change-user-role\'] = __(\'Change Role\');
    $columns = $columns + $new_columns;
    return $columns;

 * Fill the custom columns by returning data
 * @param required string $column_value The current column value (in this case \'null\' since the columns are new)
 * @param required string $column_name  The name of the column to return data for
 * @param required integer $object_id   The ID of the curent object to fill the column for
 * @return string $column_value         The value to fill the column with
function my_fill_custom_columns_return($column_value, $column_name, $object_id){

    switch($column_name) :
         * ID (the ID of the current object)
        case \'my-change-user-role\' :
            $user = get_userdata($object_id);
            $role = $user->roles[0];
            if($role === \'legend\') :
                $column_value = \'<span user-id="\' . $object_id . \'" new-role="subscriber" class="change-user-role">Downgrade to a Hero</span>\';
            elseif($role === \'hero\') :
                $column_value = \'<span user-id="\' . $object_id . \'" new-role="document_administrator" class="change-user-role">Upgrade to a Legend</span>\';
                $column_value = \'&#8212;\';
    return $column_value;

 * Change the role of a given user
add_action(\'wp_ajax_change_user_role\', \'my_update_user_role\');
function my_update_user_role(){

    /** Update the user role */
    $args = array(
        \'ID\'    => $_POST[\'user_id\'],
        \'role\'  => $_POST[\'new_role\']
    $result = wp_update_user($args);
    /** Check whether or not the update was successful */
    if(is_wp_error($user_id)) :
        $message = \'An unexpected error occured, please try again.\';
        $url = false;
    else :
        $message = \'success\';
        $url = admin_url(\'users.php\');
    $return = array(
        \'message\'   => $message,
        \'url\'       => $url
    echo json_encode((object)$return);
    wp_die(); // This is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response

.wp-list-table.users .manage-column.column-my-change-user-role{
    width:  150px;
.wp-list-table.users span.change-user-role{
    color:  #0074A2;
    cursor: pointer;
.wp-list-table.users span.change-user-role:hover{
    color:  #2EA2CC;

    var updateUser = {
         * Psuedo constructor
        init : function(){
            this.userChangeRoleButtons = $(\'.wp-list-table.users span.change-user-role\');   // Grab all instance of the buttons to change the user role
            this.createEvents();                                                            // Create the events to be handled by this object
        }, // init
         * Create the events that are to be handled by this object
        createEvents : function(){
            var t = this;   // This object
             * Handle clicks of the change user role buttons
            this.userChangeRoleButtons.on(\'click\', function(e){
        }, // createEvents
         * Updates the user role as required
        changeRole : function(clicked){
            var t               = this, // This object
                user_id         = clicked.attr(\'user-id\'),
                new_role        = clicked.attr(\'new-role\');
            var data = {    // The data object to pass to the AJAX request
                action:     \'change_user_role\',
                user_id:    user_id,
                new_role:   new_role
            /** Make the AJAX request to update the download count */
            var action_jqxhr = $.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response){
                /** Parse the JSON response */
                var obj = JSON.parse(response);
                /** Ensure that there were no errors and update the \'Change role\' button text */
                if(obj.message.indexOf(\'error\') === -1){    // There was no error, redirect the user back to this page
                } else {    // There was an error, tell the user about it
                    alert(obj.message); // Show the error to the user
            }).fail(function(){ // There was an AJAX error...
                alert(\'An unexpected error occured, please try again.\');
        } // changeRole



jquery issue in functions.php
