// Class implementing all of the necessary steps for adding a settings page in Wordpress
class EventsSettings {
// The text that identifies settings as belonging to this plugin
const PLUGIN_SLUG = "events";
// The group that all of the Podio settings will belong to
const PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP = "events-podio-settings";
const PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION = "events-podio-settings-section";
// The names of the settings that will be stored
const OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_ID = "events-podio-client-id";
const OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_SECRET = "events-podio-client-secret";
const OPT_PODIO_APP_ID = "events-podio-app-id";
const OPT_PODIO_APP_TOKEN = "events-podio-app-token";
const FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_GROUP = "events-facebook-settings";
const FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_SECTION = "events-facebook-settings-section";
const OPT_FACEBOOK_APP_ID = "events-facebook-app-id";
public function __construct() {
// Adds hooks for functions that get called to add a menu item, render a settings page and
// register settings that we will store
add_action("admin_menu", array($this, "initAdminMenu"));
add_action("admin_init", array($this, "initSettingsOptions"));
// Handles adding a menu item to the Wordpress settings list
public function initAdminMenu() {
// Adds a menu item that will call renderOptionsPage when opened
add_options_page("New York Events", " Events", "manage_options", self::PLUGIN_SLUG, array($this, "renderOptionsPage"));
// Initializes all settings that we will store
public function initSettingsOptions() {
// Registers all settings with the same settings group
register_setting(self::PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP, self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_ID);
register_setting(self::PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP, self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_SECRET);
register_setting(self::PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP, self::OPT_PODIO_APP_ID);
register_setting(self::PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP, self::OPT_PODIO_APP_TOKEN);
register_setting(self::FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_GROUP, self::OPT_FACEBOOK_APP_ID);
// Creates a section of settings for the UI, then adds that section to the same
// "plugin slug" that we used for creating the options page
add_settings_section(self::PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION, "Podio Settings", array($this, "podioSettingsHelpText"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG);
// Add the actual input fields to the settings section that we just created.
// The third parameter of each function call will get called to render the input field for
// the corresponding setting value
add_settings_field(self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_ID, "Podio Client ID", array($this, "field_podioClientID"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG, self::PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION);
add_settings_field(self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_SECRET, "Podio Client Secret", array($this, "field_podioClientSecret"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG, self::PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION);
add_settings_field(self::OPT_PODIO_APP_ID, "Podio App ID", array($this, "field_podioAppID"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG, self::PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION);
add_settings_field(self::OPT_PODIO_APP_TOKEN, "Podio App Token", array($this, "field_podioAppToken"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG, self::PODIO_SETTINGS_SECTION);
add_settings_section(self::FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_SECTION, "Facebook Settings", array($this, "facebookSettingsHelpText"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG);
add_settings_field(self::OPT_FACEBOOK_APP_ID, "Facebook App ID", array($this, "field_facebookAppId"), self::PLUGIN_SLUG, self::FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_SECTION);
// This renders the HTML of our settings page
public function renderOptionsPage() {
$cache = FSCache::instance();
// Uses the EventsTemplate helper to render the "settings" view
EventsTemplate::render("settings", array(\'this\' => $this, \'cache\' => $cache));
// Returns help text for the settings page
public function podioSettingsHelpText() {
echo "These settings are used to get events from Podio";
public function facebookSettingsHelpText() {
echo "These settings are used to share events to Facebook";
// Called for each setting to render an input field
public function field_podioClientID() {
echo $this->renderInput(self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_ID);
public function field_podioClientSecret() {
echo $this->renderInput(self::OPT_PODIO_CLIENT_SECRET);
public function field_podioAppID() {
echo $this->renderInput(self::OPT_PODIO_APP_ID);
public function field_podioAppToken() {
echo $this->renderInput(self::OPT_PODIO_APP_TOKEN);
public function field_facebookAppId() {
echo $this->renderInput(self::OPT_FACEBOOK_APP_ID);
// Renders the input field for a given option name
private function renderInput($optionName) {
// Gets the value of the option and then returns the HTML for the input
$setting = esc_attr(get_option($optionName));
return "<input type=\'text\' id=\'$optionName\' name=\'$optionName\' value=\'$setting\' style=\'width:400px;\'/>";
// Helper function for getting the value of an option
public function get($optionName) {
$val = get_option($optionName);
return empty($val) ? null : $val;
<div class="wrap">
<h2>New York Events Plugin</h2>
<form action="options.php" method="POST">
<?php settings_fields($this::PODIO_SETTINGS_GROUP);?>
<?php settings_fields($this::FACEBOOK_SETTINGS_GROUP);?>
<?php do_settings_sections($this::PLUGIN_SLUG);?>
<?php submit_button();?>
<h3>Cache Settings</h3>
Current Cache Size: <?php echo $cache->getCacheSize()?>
<div style="margin: 20px 0; width:620px;">
If you\'ve made changes to events in Podio and they\'re not showing up on the site, or if the cache is taking up too much space, you can clear the cache.
<div class="button button-primary">Clear Cache</div>

如您所见,只有Facebook API存储到数据库中。