
时间:2015-04-14 作者:orionrush

我遇到了一个问题wp_debug 通知扰乱了我的ajax响应。

法典suggests 使用ob_clean 在返回或回应之前:




因此,我在下面的ajax函数末尾完成了这项工作,但这会创建一个ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete.

虽然缓冲区可能是空的,但仍有错误消息进入我的响应中,法典似乎建议ob\\U clean将其清除。进一步Im使用exit() 返回结果,以及的手册页中的注释表明它也会刷新缓冲区。我知道有很多方法wp_config.phpconditionally disable wp_debug, 但我真的希望插件本身能够处理这个问题。


 * Process the ajax request
 * add_action(\'wp_ajax_title_check\', \'duplicate_title_check_callback\');
 * action must appear in the main plugin file, not in as separate ajax function file
 * @uses:       title_check
 * @global:     $wpdb
 * @wp-hook:    wp_ajax_title_check

    function duplicate_title_check_callback()
    global $wpdb;
    $title = $_POST[\'post_title\'];
    $post_id = $_POST[\'post_id\'];
    header(\'Content-Type: application/json\');
    $sim_query = "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type = \'venue\' AND post_title LIKE \'%%%s%%\' AND ID != \'%d\'";
    $sim_results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sim_query, like_escape($title), $post_id ) );
    if ($sim_results)
        $notice = array("head" => "Whooa there! We found the following venue(s) with a similar heading:", "foot" =>"Consider deleting any duplicates and/or moving this post to the trash.");
        foreach ($sim_results as $sim_result)
            $venue[\'title\'] = get_the_title($sim_result->ID);
            $path = \'post.php?post=\' . $sim_result->ID . \'&action=edit\';
            $venue[\'link\'] = esc_url(admin_url($path));
            $venue[\'city\'] =  wpcf_api_field_meta_value( \'city\', $sim_result->ID );
            $venue[\'ID\'] =  $sim_result->ID;
            $posts[] = $venue;
        $return_json = array("status" => "true", "notice" => $notice, "posts"=>$posts );
    } else {
        $return_json = array("status" => "false", "notice" => "This Venue title looks unique!");
    exit(json_encode($return_json)); // This should flush buffers to default point http://php.net/manual/en/function.exit.php#101204
    //echo(json_encode($return_json)); // Same result
    wp_die(); // terminate the wp instance, exit should be sufficient.
我还看到:How to define WP_DEBUG as true outside of wp-config.php?

编辑:根据@Czerspaluate的建议和@bosco的一篇伟大的文章,这就是我现在的想法。一些级联错误在很大程度上是问题所在,但更全面地实现bosco的“更健壮”方法实际上可以捕获并记录错误。原则上我理解,但鉴于我目前的经验,我不希望if( ob_get_length() ) ob_clean(); 实际清除缓冲区,因为到目前为止它还没有工作。但这是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步,并且假设检查将头调用返回到更合适的位置,这也是一个加号。先生们,谢谢。

function duplicate_title_check_callback()
    global $wpdb;
    $title = $_POST[\'post_title\'];
    $post_id = $_POST[\'post_id\'];
    $sim_query = "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_type = \'venue\' AND post_title LIKE \'%%%s%%\' AND ID != \'%d\'";
    $sim_results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sim_query, $wpdb->esc_like($title), $post_id ) );
    if ($sim_results)
        $notice = array("head" => "Whooa there! We found the following venue(s) with a similar heading:", "foot" =>"Consider deleting any duplicates and/or moving this post to the trash.");
        foreach ($sim_results as $sim_result)
            $venue[\'title\'] = get_the_title($sim_result->ID);
            $path = \'post.php?post=\' . $sim_result->ID . \'&action=edit\';
            $venue[\'link\'] = esc_url(admin_url($path));
            $venue[\'city\'] =  wpcf_api_field_meta_value( \'city\', $sim_result->ID );
            $venue[\'ID\'] =  $sim_result->ID;
            $posts[] = $venue;
        $return_json = array("status" => "true", "notice" => $notice, "posts"=>$posts );
        $return_json = array("status" => "false", "notice" => "This Venue title looks unique!");
    if( ob_get_length() )
        header(\'Content-Type: application/json\');
        // http://php.net/manual/en/function.exit.php#101204


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:bosco 整理而成



最稳定的WordPress环境往往是那些不产生无关输出或消息的环境,即使在WP_DEBUG 已启用;因此,最好的做法是检查意外的输出,确定其来源,并解决问题,以便唯一的输出是正确、干净的响应。理想情况下,生产安装不应产生任何错误、警告或通知。


The fact remains: the only true solution is to locate the individual problems creating unexpected output and solve them one-by-one. 其他一切都应该被视为暂时的“黑客”

简而言之,要回答您的问题,ob_clean() 如果没有缓冲区或缓冲区为空,则确实会失败。如果在成功调用后仍收到意外输出ob_clean(), 这意味着您的代码正在以某种方式创建输出—在提供的代码中,可能是调用exit(json_encode($return_json));, 或者甚至是对ob_clean() 它本身添加一个只清理预先存在的非空缓冲区的检查可能是您正在寻找的解决方案(在旁注中,放置header(\'Content-Type: application/json\'); 在输出响应之前立即调用以防止ob_clean() 在嵌套缓冲区或任何header()-相关错误):

if( ob_get_length() )

header(\'Content-Type: application/json\');
echo json_encode( $return_json );
如果此时仍收到意外输出,json_encode() 很可能因为试图处理$return_json - 再次检查变量的内容,并json_encode()\'s要求。

如果问题仍然存在,强制将输出缓冲区与上述内容结合使用可能会解决问题。This is more of a speculative hack than a legitimate solution, though, and would best be avoided. 请尝试以下操作之一:

更改php.ini 配置文件(位置依赖于服务器环境)并重新启动Web服务器:output_buffering onwp-config.php: ini_set( \'output_buffering\', \'on\' );<如果不行,只需拨打ob_start() 在同一个文件中可能会产生结果,但有干扰更复杂的环境和安装的风险.htaccess WordPress安装根目录中的文件:

<IfModule mod_php5.c> php_value output_buffering On </IfModule>



PHP使用一堆嵌套的输出缓冲区控制输出,根据安装和启用的服务器和PHP扩展(以及PHP脚本本身的功能),其他缓冲区可能位于PHP默认缓冲区之上。或者甚至可能没有输出缓冲区(如果PHP ini指令output_buffering 已禁用,并且脚本本身尚未创建)。

I should note that several PHP extensions use buffers to do things like URL rewriting and output compression - my solution below should be used for troubleshooting and development purposes only, as will almost certainly prevent these mechanisms from functioning properly on your AJAX responses. 通常这种影响可以忽略不计,但它会在更复杂的环境和站点中产生问题。抄本中描述的黑客也有类似的风险,尽管风险较小,因为它并没有像我一样完全删除缓冲区。


if( defined( \'DOING_AJAX\' ) && DOING_AJAX ) {
  $bufferContents = array();

  // Capture nested buffer contents and discard them
  while( 1 < ob_get_level() )
    $bufferContents[] = ob_get_clean();

  // Ensure that a top-level buffer is available to capture any unexpected output
  if( ! ob_get_level() )
The$bufferContents 然后,如果需要,可以将数组写入调试日志,或记录到其他地方以供参考。


// If the output buffer contains data, get rid of it to prevent mucking up the JSON response
if( 0 < ( $bufferLength = ob_get_length() ) ) {
  $bufferContents = ob_end_clean();

header( "Content-Type: application/json" );
echo $ajaxResponse;
再一次$bufferContents 变量可能包含有用的信息,可以根据需要进行处理。


$ajaxResponse  = array(
  \'status\' => $status || \'error\',
  \'data\'   => $response

// If the output buffer contains data, get rid of it to prevent mucking up the JSON response
if( 0 < ( $bufferLength = ob_get_length() ) ) {
  $bufferContents = ob_end_clean();

  // If debugging is enabled, pass any unexpected output to the client in the form of an additional \'phpBuffer\' property
  if( WP_DEBUG ) {
    $ajaxResponse[ \'phpBuffer\' ] => $bufferContents;

  // Take note of the situation in the log files
  if( WP_DEBUG_LOG ) {
    $bufferLogFile  = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . \'debug.buffer.log\';
    $bufferContents = date(\'m/d/Y h:i:s a\', time()) . \':\' . chr(10) . $bufferContents . chr(10) . chr(10);

    error_log( $bufferLength . \' characters of unexpected output were generated while processing an AJAX request in "\' . plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . __FILE__ . \'". They have been recorded in "\' . $bufferLogFile . \'".\';

    // Save the buffer contents to file.
    file_put_contents( $bufferLogFile, $bufferContents, FILE_APPEND );

header( "Content-Type: application/json" );
echo json_encode( $ajaxResponse );




我有一个index.php 带有about链接的页面,可以从WordPress仪表板中创建的名为about的页面(帖子)获取作者内容。我正在使用Magnific Popup poups插件。我有about.php 其中包括以下关于页面的内容:<?php $pageid = 2; // 2 is the id of about page/post $about = get_post($pageid); ?> <div id=\"custo