
时间:2015-04-19 作者:Andrew





2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Howdy_McGee 整理而成

我相信你指的是"Post Types". 默认情况下,WordPress有一个您已经熟悉的完整帖子类型-post (新闻/博客),page (页),attachment (媒体),revision (第页/修订后)。您可以在上阅读内置帖子类型的完整列表The Codex - Post Types.


Step One - 连接到FTP-您do not 要使用Appearance -> Editor.

Step Two - 找到您的主题,如果您使用的是子主题,请打开它并找到functions.php 文件在中打开文件Notepad++ 或您选择的编辑器。

Step Three - 注册您的帖子类型

朝着你的functions.php 我们要将文件挂接到WordPress中init 并使用一个内置的WordPress函数,巧妙地称为:register_post_type. 我强烈建议您阅读这些法典链接,因为我不会解释每一点,而是给出一个简短的描述。

/** Create Post Type **/
function cpt_init() {

    // Products Custom Post Type
    register_post_type( \'cpt_products\', array(                  // Internal name `cpt_products` - this is what we test against in queries
        \'labels\'            =>  array(                          // An array of Administrative labels
            \'name\'          =>      __( \'Products\' ),
            \'singular_name\' =>      __( \'Product\' ),
            \'all_items\'     =>      __( \'View Products\' ),
            \'add_new\'       =>      __( \'New Product\' ),
            \'add_new_item\'  =>      __( \'New Product\' ),
            \'edit_item\'     =>      __( \'Edit Product\' ),
            \'view_item\'     =>      __( \'View Product\' ),
            \'search_items\'  =>      __( \'Search Products\' ),
            \'no_found\'      =>      __( \'No Products Found\' ),
            \'not_found_in_trash\' => __( \'No Products in Trash\' )
        \'public\'            =>  true,                           // Whether it will be publically available or only in the admin panel
        \'publicly_queryable\'=>  true,                           // "                                                                "
        \'show_ui\'           =>  true,                           // Whether we want this post type to show up in the admin panel
        \'show_in_nav_menus\' =>  false,                          // If we want Products to show up in the `Appearance -> Menu`
        \'capability_type\'   =>  \'page\',                         // Mostly used for user capability
        \'hierarchical\'      =>  false,                          // If you will allow products to have child products / assigned a parent
        \'rewrite\'           =>  array( \'slug\' => \'product\', \'with_front\' => false ),        // This is going to be what the single post will be located at `/product/product-name/`
        \'menu_icon\'         =>  \'dashicons-cart\',               // https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/#welcome-widgets-menus
        \'menu_position\'     =>  5,                              // Where you want it to show up in the admin panel
        \'supports\'          =>  array( \'title\', \'editor\', \'page-attributes\', \'revisions\' )  // What is actually shown when a new product is added - admin panel
    ) );
add_action( \'init\', \'cpt_init\' );
Step Four - 上载functions.php - 这里的一个重要提示是flush permalinks 这很容易Settings -> Permalinks 然后单击页面底部的“保存”按钮。

类似于创建帖子类型,如果要创建类别(类似于帖子类别),可以使用register_taxonomy 作用按照上述步骤操作,直到步骤3。

Step 3 - 注册分类法

前两个参数对于将分类法链接到post类型很重要。下一个重要部分是hierarchical 参数-这将是post_tags (错误)和categories (正确)。我们将使这种分类法具有层次结构,类似于帖子类别。

/** Add Custom Taxonomy **/
function tax_init() {
    // Product Categories
        \'tax_products\',         // Taxonomy slug
        \'cpt_products\',         // What post type we\'re assigning the taxonomy to.
        array(                  // Array of Arguments
            \'labels\'            =>  array(                                  // User Friendly Labels
                \'name\'              => __( \'Product Categories\' ),
                \'singular_name\'     => __( \'Product Category\' ),
                \'search_items\'      => __( \'Search Product Categories\' ),
                \'all_items\'         => __( \'All Product Categories\' ),
                \'parent_item\'       => __( \'Parent Product Category\' ),
                \'parent_item_colon\' => __( \'Parent Product Category:\' ),
                \'edit_item\'         => __( \'Edit Product Category\' ), 
                \'update_item\'       => __( \'Update Product Category\' ),
                \'add_new_item\'      => __( \'Add New Product Category\' ),
                \'new_item_name\'     => __( \'New Product Category\' ),
                \'menu_name\'         => __( \'Product Categories\' )
            \'public\'            =>  true,               // Whether it will be public or only used in the admin panel
            \'hierarchical\'      =>  true,               // The differnce between *Tags* and *Categories*
            \'show_in_nav_menus\' =>  true,               // To show up in `Appearance -> Menus` or not.
            \'show_admin_column\' =>  true,               // If we want an column next to the title when listing our products
            \'rewrite\'           =>  array( \'slug\' => \'products/category\', \'with_front\' => false, \'hierarchical\' => true )       // Similar to post type, where to find the categories `products/category/category-1/`
add_action( \'init\', \'tax_init\');


这些被称为custom post types. 有几种方法可以创建新的帖子类型,使用插件或自己创建。

如果您喜欢使用插件,请尝试以下操作-https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/functions.php 在主题中创建文件。这是一个简单的例子:

function codex_custom_init() {
    $args = array(
      \'public\' => true,
      \'label\'  => \'Books\'
    register_post_type( \'book\', $args );
add_action( \'init\', \'codex_custom_init\' );




Only Showing Upcoming Events

在此页面的侧栏中:http://lifebridgecypress.org/our-people, 我有一个即将使用此代码的事件列表。。。<ul id=\"upcoming-events\"> <?php $latestPosts = new WP_Query(); $latestPosts->query(\'cat=3&showposts=10\'); ?> <?php while ($latestPos