var app = angular.module(\'takeawaygrid\',[\'ngSanitize\',\'angularUtils.directives.dirPagination\',\'ui.bootstrap\' , \'ngProgress\' ,\'mgcrea.ngStrap\',\'ngAnimate\' ]);
app.filter(\'dashed\', function () {
return function (text) {
var str = text.replace("\'", "").replace(/\\s+/g, \'-\');
return str.toLowerCase();
return function(input){
return $sce.trustAsHtml(input);
return function(input){
var price = 0;
angular.forEach(input, function(obj , index){
price = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(obj);
return price;
app.controller(\'GridController\',function($scope , $http ,$timeout, ngProgress ,$alert){
if( angular.isDefined(takeaway_category) ){
$scope.takeway_category = takeaway_category.data.category_name;
$scope.spec_cat = takeaway_category.data.cat_all_info;
$scope.symbol = takeaway_category.data.currency_symbol;
$scope.per_page = parseInt( takeaway_category.per_page );
$scope.chnagePrice = function( $event , childId , childPrice , scope , final_price){
if( !angular.isDefined(final_price)){
final_price = 0;
var checkbox = $event.target;
if( checkbox.checked == true){
final_price = parseFloat(childPrice) + parseFloat(final_price);
final_price = parseFloat(final_price) - parseFloat(childPrice);
return parseFloat(final_price);
$scope.selectedChild = function($event , childPrice , childId , selected_child , scope ){
var checkbox = $event.target;
if( !angular.isDefined(selected_child)){
selected_child = [];
if( checkbox.checked == true ){
\'child_product_price\': childPrice
angular.forEach(selected_child , function(child , index){
if(child.child_product_id == childId ){
return selected_child;
$scope.addToCart = function( post_id, post_price , post_selected_child){
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=do_add_to_cart\' ,
data: jQuery.param({ \'items\': post_selected_child }),
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
if( e.success == 1 ){
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=show_mini_cart\',
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
// jQuery(\'.header-top-bar .cart-contents\').addClass(\'redbg\');
// jQuery(\'#mini-cart\').slideDown(250);
jQuery(\'html, body\').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
$timeout(ngProgress.complete(), 800);
$scope.addToCartSimple = function(post_id){
$scope.showLoader = true;
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=do_add_to_cart_simple\',
data: jQuery.param({ \'id\': post_id }),
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
if( e.success == 1 ){
// $alert({ content: e.message, placement: \'top\', type: \'material\', show: true });
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=show_mini_cart\',
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
jQuery(\'html, body\').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
// jQuery(\'.header-top-bar .cart-contents\').addClass(\'redbg\');
// jQuery(\'#mini-cart\').slideDown(250);
$timeout(ngProgress.complete(), 1000);
$scope.showLoader = false;
if( angular.isDefined(\'takeaway_category\') ){
// $scope.formOption = [];
// $scope.priceOption = [];
// $scope.options = takeaway_category.option;
// $scope.main_price = takeaway_category.main_price;
$scope.addOption = function( option , id , formOption , new_price ){
var found = jQuery.inArray(option, formOption );
if (found >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
//new_price = parseFloat(new_price) - parseFloat(option.price);
// new_price.splice(found ,1);
formOption.splice(found, 1);
new_price[0] = parseFloat(new_price[0]) - parseFloat(option.price);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
// var price = 0;
// angular.forEach(new_price , function(obj, index)){
// price = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(obj);
// }
// price = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(option.price);
// new_pricep[0] = option.price;
new_price[0] = parseFloat(new_price[0]) + parseFloat(option.price);
$scope.addSelectOption = function(option , id , selectedOption , formOption , price ){
if( formOption.length > 0){
angular.forEach( formOption , function(obj , index){
if( obj.id == option.id){
price[0] = parseFloat(price[0]) - parseFloat(obj.price);
formOption.splice(index, 1);
if( option.variation == \'yes\' ){
selectedOption.variation = \'yes\';
if( selectedOption != null){
if( price[0] == null){
price[0] = \'0\';
price[0] = parseFloat(price[0]) + parseFloat(selectedOption.price);
if( price[0] == null ){
price[0] = \'0\';
price[0] = parseFloat(price[0]) + parseFloat(selectedOption.price);
// $scope.option.selectedOption = $scope.options[1];
function check_for_variation(options){
angular.forEach(options , function(obj , index ){
if(obj.variation == \'yes\'){
return true;
return false;
$scope.doAddtoCartGrid = function( formOption , price_array , id ){
// var quantity = 1;
var quantity1 = angular.element(\'.p-\'+id).val();
var price = 0;
angular.forEach( price_array , function(obj , index){
price = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(obj);
$scope.showLoader = true;
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=do_cart_new\',
data: jQuery.param({ \'quantity\' : quantity1 , \'price\':price , \'option\':formOption , \'product_id\':id }),
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
if( e.success == 1 ){
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=show_mini_cart\',
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
jQuery(\'html, body\').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
// $location.url($location.path());
// var currentPageTemplate = $route.current.templateUrl;
// $templateCache.remove(currentPageTemplate);
// $route.reload();
$scope.showLoader = false;
var food = angular.module(\'dyCart\',[]);
food.controller(\'dyController\',[\'$scope\',\'$http\', function($scope , $http ){
if( angular.isDefined(\'takeaway_category\') ){
$scope.formOption = [];
$scope.priceOption = [];
$scope.options = takeaway_category.option;
$scope.main_price = takeaway_category.main_price;
$scope.addOption = function(option , id){
var found = jQuery.inArray(option, $scope.formOption );
if (found >= 0) {
// Element was found, remove it.
$scope.formOption.splice(found, 1);
} else {
// Element was not found, add it.
$scope.addSelectOption = function(option , id , selectedOption ){
if( $scope.formOption.length > 0){
angular.forEach($scope.formOption , function(obj , index){
if( obj.id == option.id){
$scope.formOption.splice(index, 1);
if( option.variation == \'yes\' ){
selectedOption.variation = \'yes\';
if( selectedOption != null)
if( $scope.main_price){
$scope.price = parseFloat( $scope.main_price );
$scope.price = 0.0;
function( newValue, oldValue ){
if( $scope.main_price){
$scope.price = parseFloat( $scope.main_price );
$scope.price = 0.0;
angular.forEach(newValue , function(obj , index){
if( obj.price != null ){
$scope.price = parseFloat($scope.price) + parseFloat(obj.price);
if( obj.selectedOption.price ){
$scope.price = parseFloat($scope.price) + parseFloat(obj.selectedOption.price);
function check_for_variation(options){
angular.forEach(options , function(obj , index ){
if(obj.variation == \'yes\'){
return true;
return false;
$scope.doAddtoCart = function(){
// error check
var variation = check_for_variation($scope.options);
// if( variation == false){
// alert(\'Please select Product variation \');
// }
var quantity = angular.element(\'.qty\').val();
var product_id = angular.element(\'.food_product_id\').val();
// console.log(\'algjalkd\');
var totalPrice = $scope.price;
var option = $scope.formOption;
method: \'POST\',
url: takeaway_category.url+\'?action=do_cart_new\',
data: jQuery.param({ \'quantity\' : quantity , \'price\':totalPrice , \'option\':option , \'product_id\':product_id }),
headers : { \'Content-Type\': \'application/x-www-form-urlencoded\' }
// console.log(e);
jQuery(\'html, body\').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
* Variations form handling
// On clicking the reset variation button
.on( \'click\', \'.reset_variations\', function( event ) {
//$(this).closest(\'form.variations_form\').find(\'.variations input:radio\').val(\'\').change();
//$(this).find(\'.variations input:radio:checked\').each( function() {
//$(this).checked = false;
return false;
} )
// Upon changing an option
.on( \'change\', \'.variations input:radio\', function( event ) {
$variation_form = $(this).closest(\'form.variations_form\');
.trigger( \'woocommerce_variation_radio_change\' )
.trigger( \'check_variations\', [ \'\', false ] );
if( $().uniform && $.isFunction( $.uniform.update ) ) {
} )
// Upon gaining focus
.on( \'focusin\', \'.variations input:radio\', function( event ) {
$variation_form = $(this).closest(\'form.variations_form\');
.trigger( \'woocommerce_variation_radio_focusin\' )
.trigger( \'check_variations\', [ $(this).attr(\'name\'), true ] );
} )
// Check variations
.on( \'check_variations\', function( event, exclude, focus ) {
var all_set = true;
var any_set = false;
var showing_variation = false;
var current_settings = {};
var $variation_form = $(this);
var $reset_variations = $variation_form.find(\'.reset_variations\');
$variation_form.find(\'.variations input:radio:checked\').each( function() {
if ( $(this).val().length == 0 ) {
all_set = false;
} else {
any_set = true;
if ( exclude && $(this).attr(\'name\') == exclude ) {
all_set = false;
current_settings[$(this).attr(\'name\')] = \'\';
} else {
// Encode entities
value = $(this).val()
.replace(/&/g, \'&\')
.replace(/"/g, \'"\')
.replace(/\'/g, "\'")
.replace(/</g, \'<\')
.replace(/>/g, \'>\');
// Add to settings array
current_settings[ $(this).attr(\'name\') ] = value;
var product_id = parseInt( $variation_form.attr( \'data-product_id\' ) );
var all_variations = window[ "product_variations_" + product_id ];
// Fallback
if ( ! all_variations )
all_variations = window[ "product_variations" ];
var matching_variations = find_matching_variations( all_variations, current_settings );
if ( all_set ) {
var variation = matching_variations.pop();
if ( variation ) {
if ( ! exclude ) {
// Found - set ID
.val( variation.variation_id )
$variation_form.trigger( \'found_variation\', [ variation ] );
} else {
// Nothing found - reset fields
//$variation_form.find(\'.variations input:radio\').val(\'\');
if ( ! exclude ) {
if ( ! focus )
$variation_form.trigger( \'reset_image\' );
} else {
$variation_form.trigger( \'update_variation_values\', [ matching_variations ] );
if ( ! focus )
$variation_form.trigger( \'reset_image\' );
if ( ! exclude ) {
if ( any_set ) {
if ( $reset_variations.css(\'visibility\') == \'hidden\' )
} else {
} )
// Reset product image
.on( \'reset_image\', function( event ) {
var $product = $(this).closest( \'.product\' );
var $product_img = $product.find( \'div.images img:eq(0)\' );
var $product_link = $product.find( \'div.images a.zoom:eq(0)\' );
var o_src = $product_img.attr(\'data-o_src\');
var o_title = $product_img.attr(\'data-o_title\');
var o_href = $product_link.attr(\'data-o_href\');
if ( o_src && o_href && o_title ) {
.attr( \'src\', o_src )
.attr( \'alt\', o_title )
.attr( \'title\', o_title );
.attr( \'href\', o_href );
} )
// Disable option fields that are unavaiable for current set of attributes
.on( \'update_variation_values\', function( event, variations ) {
$variation_form = $(this).closest(\'form.variations_form\');
// Loop through selects and disable/enable options based on selections
$variation_form.find(\'.variations input:radio\').each(function( index, el ){
current_attr_radio = $(el);
// Disable all
current_attr_radio.find(\'option:gt(0)\').attr(\'checked\', \'checked\');
// Get name
var current_attr_name = current_attr_radio.attr(\'name\');
// Loop through variations
for ( num in variations ) {
var attributes = variations[ num ].attributes;
for ( attr_name in attributes ) {
var attr_val = attributes[ attr_name ];
if ( attr_name == current_attr_name ) {
if ( attr_val ) {
// Decode entities
attr_val = $("<div/>").html( attr_val ).text();
// Add slashes
attr_val = attr_val.replace(/\'/g, "\\\\\'");
attr_val = attr_val.replace(/"/g, "\\\\\\"");
// Compare the meercat
current_attr_radio.find(\'option[value="\' + attr_val + \'"]\').removeAttr(\'checked\');
} else {
// Custom event for when variations have been updated
} )
// Show single variation details (price, stock, image)
.on( \'found_variation\', function( event, variation ) {
var $variation_form = $(this);
var $product = $(this).closest( \'.product\' );
var $product_img = $product.find( \'div.images img:eq(0)\' );
var $product_link = $product.find( \'div.images a.zoom:eq(0)\' );
var o_src = $product_img.attr(\'data-o_src\');
var o_title = $product_img.attr(\'data-o_title\');
var o_href = $product_link.attr(\'data-o_href\');
var variation_image = variation.image_src;
var variation_link = variation.image_link;
var variation_title = variation.image_title;
$variation_form.find(\'.single_variation\').html( variation.price_html + variation.availability_html );
if ( ! o_src ) {
o_src = ( ! $product_img.attr(\'src\') ) ? \'\' : $product_img.attr(\'src\');
$product_img.attr(\'data-o_src\', o_src );
if ( ! o_href ) {
o_href = ( ! $product_link.attr(\'href\') ) ? \'\' : $product_link.attr(\'href\');
$product_link.attr(\'data-o_href\', o_href );
if ( ! o_title ) {
o_title = ( ! $product_img.attr(\'title\') ) ? \'\' : $product_img.attr(\'title\');
$product_img.attr(\'data-o_title\', o_title );
if ( variation_image && variation_image.length > 1 ) {
.attr( \'src\', variation_image )
.attr( \'alt\', variation_title )
.attr( \'title\', variation_title );
.attr( \'href\', variation_link );
} else {
.attr( \'src\', o_src )
.attr( \'alt\', o_title )
.attr( \'title\', o_title );
.attr( \'href\', o_href );
var $single_variation_wrap = $variation_form.find(\'.single_variation_wrap\');
if ( variation.sku )
$product.find(\'.product_meta\').find(\'.sku\').text( variation.sku );
if ( ! variation.is_in_stock && ! variation.backorders_allowed ) {
if ( variation.min_qty )
$single_variation_wrap.find(\'input[name=quantity]\').attr( \'data-min\', variation.min_qty ).val( variation.min_qty );
if ( variation.max_qty )
$single_variation_wrap.find(\'input[name=quantity]\').attr(\'data-max\', variation.max_qty);
if ( variation.is_sold_individually == \'yes\' ) {
$single_variation_wrap.slideDown(\'200\').trigger( \'show_variation\', [ variation ] );
} );
* Initial states and loading
$(\'form.variations_form .variations input:radio\').change();
* Helper functions for variations
// Search for matching variations for given set of attributes
function find_matching_variations( product_variations, settings ) {
var matching = [];
for (var i = 0; i < product_variations.length; i++) {
var variation = product_variations[i];
var variation_id = variation.variation_id;
if ( variations_match( variation.attributes, settings ) ) {
return matching;
var count=0;
// Check if two arrays of attributes match
function variations_match( attrs1, attrs2 ) {
var match = true;
for ( attr_name in attrs1 ) {
var val1="";
var val2="";
val1 = String(attrs1[ attr_name ]).toLowerCase();
val2 = String(attrs2[ attr_name ]).toLowerCase();
val1 =attrs1[ attr_name ];
val2 = attrs2[ attr_name ];
if ( val1 !== undefined && val2 !== undefined && val1.length != 0 && val2.length != 0 && val1 != val2 ) {
match = false;
return match;
. 我认为,由于这些问题,这就是功能不起作用的原因,但我可能错了。