
时间:2015-05-25 作者:Fahad Sohail





 * @param  [type] $content [description]
 * @return [type]          [description]
function wp_postquiz_content( $content ) {
    global $wp_postquiz_status, $questions;;

    $user_ID = get_current_user_id();

    if ( $wp_postquiz_status == true && is_main_query() ) {

        $content = "";

        // Get the previously answered questions for all posts.
        if ( get_user_meta($user_ID, \'wp_postquiz_user_has_answered\', true) )
            $answeredQuestions = get_user_meta($user_ID, \'wp_postquiz_user_has_answered\', true);            

        // Check how many questions are enabled and store
        // them in an array
        $q_switch = array();
        for ($i=1; $i <= 5 ; $i++) { 
            $q_switch[] = $questions[\'question-\' . $i . \'\'][\'q_switch\'];

        // Always get the first question.
        $content .= wp_postquiz_display_question(1);    

        // Get second question if first one is answered
        if ( $q_switch[1] == 1 && isset($answeredQuestions) && in_array("post-" . get_the_ID() . "-question-1", $answeredQuestions) )
           $content .= wp_postquiz_display_question(2);

        // Get third question if second one is answered
        if ( $q_switch[2] == 1 && isset($answeredQuestions) && in_array("post-" . get_the_ID() . "-question-2", $answeredQuestions) )
            $content .= wp_postquiz_display_question(3);

        // Get fourth questino if third one is answered
        if ( $q_switch[3] == 1 && isset($answeredQuestions) && in_array("post-" . get_the_ID() . "-question-3", $answeredQuestions) )
            $content .= wp_postquiz_display_question(2);

        // Get fifth question if fourth one is answered
        if ( $q_switch[4] == 1 && isset($answeredQuestions) && in_array("post-" . get_the_ID() . "-question-4", $answeredQuestions) )
            $content .= wp_postquiz_display_question(5);

        // Store the responses if answered correctly.
        if ( isset($_POST[\'question-no\']) ) {

            for ($i=1; $i <=5 ; $i++) { 

                if ( isset($_POST[\'answer-\' . $i . \'\']) ) {

                    // Get the correct Answer
                    $q_correct_answer   = $questions[\'question-\' . $i . \'\'][\'correct-answer\']; 

                    // If answered correctly store in user meta data.
                    if ( $_POST[\'answer-\' . $i . \'\'] == $q_correct_answer ) {

                        wp_postquiz_update_user_metadata( $user_ID, \'wp_postquiz_user_has_answered\', "post-" . get_the_ID() . "-question-" . $i . ""); 

                    } else {

                        $content .= "Wrong Answer";




        echo $content;

add_filter( \'the_content\', \'wp_postquiz_content\', 10, 1 );
问题布局功能(wp\\u Postquick\\u display\\u question):

 * Get Question from Database for the post
 * @param  [int] $question_no 
 * @return [string]          
function wp_postquiz_display_question($question_no) {
    // Check if Post Quiz is enabled or disabled.
    global $questions;

    // Get the post id in which quis is being used.
    $postid = get_the_ID();

    // Question Details
    $q_post_content     = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'content\']; 
    $q_question         = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'question\'];
    $q_option_1         = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'options\'][\'option-1\'];
    $q_option_2         = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'options\'][\'option-2\'];
    $q_option_3         = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'options\'][\'option-3\'];
    $q_option_4         = $questions[\'question-\' . $question_no . \'\'][\'options\'][\'option-4\'];

    // HTML to return
    $question_html = \'<div class="wp-postquiz-wrapper">
            <div class="wp-postquiz content">\' . $q_post_content . \'</div>
            <div class="question-wrapper">
                <form method="post">    
                    <div class="wp-postquiz question">\' . $q_question . \'</div>
                    <div class="wp-postquiz question-options">
                        <select name="answer-\' . $question_no . \'">
                            <option value="A">\' .  $q_option_1 . \'</option>
                            <option value="B">\' .  $q_option_2 . \'</option>
                            <option value="C">\' .  $q_option_3 . \'</option>
                            <option value="D">\' .  $q_option_4 . \'</option>
                    <input type="hidden" name="question-no" value="\' . $question_no . \'">
                    <input type="hidden" name="post-id" value="\' . $postid . \'">
                    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="answer-submitted">
                    <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button primary" value="Answer!">

    return $question_html;

1 个回复
SO网友:Fahad Sohail

