function prefix_deprecated_hook_admin_notice() {
if ( has_filter( \'prefix_filter\' ) ) {
// Check if it\'s been dismissed...
if ( ! get_option(\'dismissed-prefix_deprecated\', FALSE ) ) {
// Added the class "notice-my-class" so jQuery pick it up and pass via AJAX,
// and added "data-notice" attribute in order to track multiple / different notices
// multiple dismissible notice states ?>
<div class="updated notice notice-my-class is-dismissible" data-notice="prefix_deprecated">
<p><?php _e( \'Notice\', \'my-text-domain\' ); ?></p>
<?php }
add_action( \'admin_notices\', \'prefix_deprecated_hook_admin_notice\' );
// shorthand no-conflict safe document-ready function
jQuery(function($) {
// Hook into the "notice-my-class" class we added to the notice, so
// Only listen to YOUR notices being dismissed
$( document ).on( \'click\', \'.notice-my-class .notice-dismiss\', function () {
// Read the "data-notice" information to track which notice
// is being dismissed and send it via AJAX
var type = $( this ).closest( \'.notice-my-class\' ).data( \'notice\' );
// Make an AJAX call
// Since WP 2.8 ajaxurl is always defined in the admin header and points to admin-ajax.php
$.ajax( ajaxurl,
type: \'POST\',
data: {
action: \'dismissed_notice_handler\',
type: type,
} );
} );
add_action( \'wp_ajax_dismissed_notice_handler\', \'ajax_notice_handler\' );
* AJAX handler to store the state of dismissible notices.
function ajax_notice_handler() {
// Pick up the notice "type" - passed via jQuery (the "data-notice" attribute on the notice)
$type = self::request( \'type\' );
// Store it in the options table
update_option( \'dismissed-\' . $type, TRUE );
此方法符合WordPress Core dev team blog