
时间:2015-06-23 作者:Justin Picard


[books booktypes="cityguides"]
[books booktypes="travelguides"]
[books booktypes="languageguides"]










// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array (
        \'type\'      => \'books\',
        \'order\'     => \'name\',
        \'order\'     => \'ASC\',
        \'orderby\'   => \'title\',
        \'posts\'     => -1,
        \'booktypes\' => \'\',
        \'category\'  => \'\'
    ), $atts ) );

    $options = array(
        \'post_type\'         => $type,
        \'order\'             => $order,
        \'orderby\'           => $orderby,
        \'posts_per_page\'    => $posts,
        \'booktypes\'         => $booktypes,
        \'category_name\'     => $category
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

    $taxonomy = \'booktypes\';
    $queried_term = get_query_var($taxonomy);
    $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, \'slug=\'.$queried_term);

    if ($terms) {
        foreach($terms as $term) {

            if ( $query->have_posts() ) {


                    <h2 id="<?php echo $booktypes ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                            echo $term->name;

                    <div class="books-container <?php echo $booktypes ?>">

                        <?php while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post(); ?>

                            <?php if( $query->current_post%3 == 0 ) echo "\\n".\'<div class=" section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; ?>

                                <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                                        <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                                        <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                                    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
                                                        //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                                        echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                                        echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                                        echo \'</span></a>\';


                                    <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                                        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                            <?php if( $query->current_post%3 == 2 || $query->current_post == $query->post_count-1 ) echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; ?>

                        <?php endwhile;
                        wp_reset_postdata(); ?>

                $myvariable = ob_get_clean();
                return $myvariable;

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pieter Goosen 整理而成


使用usort() 根据术语名称对帖子进行排序


很少有重要注意事项从不使用extract(). 当它失败时,它是不可靠的,并且极难调试。因此,使用extract() 已从core和codex中删除。您可以在以下trac记录单中了解更多信息:trac ticket #22400


echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
$thumbnail 是未定义的,我不确定这行实际上应该是什么样子,所以您需要自己解决这个问题。出于调试目的,我个人使用了一个名为Debug Objects,我与之没有任何关联)在本地测试安装上进行调试。此插件捕获所有错误并将其显示在屏幕上。


我添加了一个名为term_order. 如果此属性为空,all 术语按字母顺序显示。您还可以通过以下方式指定特定订单term name我在这里使用术语名称,因为您的客户端似乎会传递术语名称,而不是slug或id。如果您要传递id或slug,只需相应地修改代码即可)。此属性按照您希望显示的顺序接受一个逗号分隔的术语名称字符串。例如:

term_order="cityguides, travelguides, languageguides"
这将只显示这三个任期的帖子,按cityguides, travelguides, languageguides. 术语名称将仅显示在该特定术语的第一篇文章之前

中有错误usort() 多年来,它仍然是不固定的。这就是bug


到目前为止,就像我说的,这个bug还没有修复。最好的解决方案是通过使用@ 在之前签名usort(). 请注意,您应该never 使用此方法抑制错误和bug,以及所有错误和bugmust 是固定的。因为这是一个php核心错误,似乎永远不会被修复,所以建议在修复错误之前使用此方法。查看错误详细信息here


我内置了一个系统,在将术语名称传递给term_order 属性因此,您无需担心空格和因此而导致的短代码失败



由于使用了短数组语法,此代码需要PHP 5.4以上版本([]) 支持旧语法(array()). 我还使用了数组解引用(get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name)也仅在PHP 5.4中可用+


// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts
add_shortcode( \'books\', \'books_shortcode\' );

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    // Do not use extract(), use this syntax for your attributes
    $attributes = shortcode_atts( 
            \'term_order\' => \'\', // New attribute to sort your terms in a custom order, pass a comma deliminated spaced string here. Default is term name
            \'taxonomy\'   => \'booktypes\',
            \'type\'       => \'books\',
            \'order\'      => \'ASC\',
            \'orderby\'    => \'post_title\',
            \'posts\'      => -1,

    $taxonomy = filter_var( $attributes[\'taxonomy\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    // Check if our taxonomy is valid to avoid errors and bugs. If invalid, return false
    if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
        return false;

    //Set the variables for sorting purposes    
    $orderby = filter_var( $attributes[\'orderby\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    $order   = filter_var( $attributes[\'order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

    // Convert the string of term names to an array
    $tax_query = [];
    if ( $attributes[\'term_order\'] ) {
        // First we need to remove the whitespaces before and after the commas
        $no_whitespaces = preg_replace( \'/\\s*,\\s*/\', \',\', filter_var( $attributes[\'term_order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) );
        $terms_array = explode( \',\', $no_whitespaces );

         * As we are using term names, and due to a bug in tax_query, we cannot pass term names to a tax_query
         * We are going to use get_term_by to get the term ids
        foreach ( $terms_array as $term ) {
            $term_ids_array[] = get_term_by( \'name\', $term, $taxonomy )->term_id;

        // Build a tax_query to get posts from the passed term names in $attributes[\'term_order\']
        $tax_query = [
                \'taxonomy\'         => $taxonomy,
                \'terms\'            => $term_ids_array,
                \'include_children\' => false


    // Pass your attributes as query arguments, remember to filter and sanitize user input
    $options = [
        \'post_type\'         => filter_var( $attributes[\'type\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ),
        \'posts_per_page\'    => filter_var( $attributes[\'posts\'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ),
        \'tax_query\'         => $tax_query
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

     * We need to sort the loop now before we run it. If the custom attribute, term_order is an empty array or not a valid array,
     * we will sort by term name, ascending. If a valid array of term names is passed, we will sort by the order given
     * There is a bug in usort causing the following error:
     * usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function
     * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50688
     * This bug has yet to be fixed, when, no one knows. The only workaround is to suppress the error reporting
     * by using the @ sign before usort
    @usort( $query->posts, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $taxonomy, $terms_array, $order, $orderby )
        // We will use names, so the array should be names as well. Change according to needs
        $array_a = get_the_terms( $a->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;
        $array_b = get_the_terms( $b->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;

        // If the post terms are the same, orderby the value of $attributes[\'orderby\']
        if ( $array_a != $array_b ) {   
            // If $terms_array is empty, sort by name default
            if ( !$terms_array )
                return strcasecmp( $array_a, $array_b );

            $array_flip = array_flip( $terms_array );
            return $array_flip[$array_a] - $array_flip[$array_b];
        } else {
            $orderby_param = [\'ID\', \'post_date\', \'post_date_gmt\', \'post_parent\', \'post_modified\', \'post_modified_gmt\', \'comment_count\', \'menu_order\'];
            if ( in_array( $orderby, $orderby_param ) ) {
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return $a->$orderby - $b->$orderby; 
                } else {
                    return $b->$orderby - $a->$orderby; 
            } else { 
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return strcasecmp( $a->$orderby, $b->$orderby );    
                } else {
                    return strcasecmp( $b->$orderby, $a->$orderby );    

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        //Will hold the term name of the previous post for comparison
        $term_name_string = \'\';
        // Start a counter in order to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
        $counter = 0;

            while ( $query->have_posts() ) { 

                // Display the term name
                global $post;
                $terms_array = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
                $term_name = $terms_array[0]->name;

                 * If this $term_name_string is not $term_name, we have a lot to do like display term name,
                 * and opening and closing divs
                if ( $term_name_string != $term_name ) { 
                    // Reset our counter back to 0 to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
                    $counter = 0;
                     * We need to close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                     * We also need to close our previous term div if term name changes 
                     * Open our div to wrap each term in a block. We will do this in same way as our term names
                     * Also open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                    if ( $query->current_post != 0 ) {  
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                    echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post in term -->\';

                    // Use the term slug here
                    echo \'<div class="books-container \' . $terms_array[0]->slug . \'">\';


                            <h2 id="<?php echo $taxonomy /*I don\'t know what this should be, so just correct my change */ ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                                    echo $term_name;

                        echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                } // end $term_name_string != $term_name if condition

                 * Close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                 * Open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs on every third post
                if( $counter != 0 && $counter%3 == 0 ) {
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n";
                    echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                // Set the current term name to $term_name_string for comparison
                $term_name_string = $term_name; 


                    <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                            <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                            <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
                                <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                            echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink() . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                            echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                            echo \'</span></a>\';
                            <?php } ?>


                        <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                if ( ( $query->current_post + 1 ) == $query->post_count ) { 
                    echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post -->\';


        return ob_get_clean();

// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts
add_shortcode( \'books\', \'books_shortcode\' );

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    // Do not use extract(), use this syntax for your attributes
    $attributes = shortcode_atts( 
            \'term_order\' => \'\', // New attribute to sort your terms in a custom order, pass a comma deliminated spaced string here. Default is term slug
            \'taxonomy\'   => \'booktypes\',
            \'type\'       => \'books\',
            \'order\'      => \'ASC\',
            \'orderby\'    => \'title\',
            \'posts\'      => -1,

    $taxonomy = filter_var( $attributes[\'taxonomy\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    // Check if our taxonomy is valid to avoid errors and bugs. If invalid, return false
    if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
        return false;

    //Set the variables for sorting purposes    
    $orderby = filter_var( $attributes[\'orderby\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    $order   = filter_var( $attributes[\'order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

    // Convert the string of term slugs to an array
    $tax_query = [];
    if ( $attributes[\'term_order\'] ) {
        // First we need to remove the whitespaces before and after the commas
        $no_whitespaces = preg_replace( \'/\\s*,\\s*/\', \',\', filter_var( $attributes[\'term_order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) );
        $terms_array = explode( \',\', $no_whitespaces );

        // Build a tax_query to get posts from the passed term slugs in $attributes[\'term_order\']
        $tax_query = [
                \'taxonomy\'         => $taxonomy,
                \'field\'            => \'slug\',
                \'terms\'            => $terms_array,
                \'include_children\' => false


    // Pass your attributes as query arguments, remember to filter and sanitize user input
    $options = [
        \'post_type\'         => filter_var( $attributes[\'type\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ),
        \'posts_per_page\'    => filter_var( $attributes[\'posts\'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ),
        \'tax_query\'         => $tax_query
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

     * We need to sort the loop now before we run it. If the custom attribute, term_order is an empty array or not a valid array,
     * we will sort by term name, ascending. If a valid array of term names is passed, we will sort by the order given
     * There is a bug in usort causing the following error:
     * usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function
     * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50688
     * This bug has yet to be fixed, when, no one knows. The only workaround is to suppress the error reporting
     * by using the @ sign before usort
    @usort( $query->posts, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $taxonomy, $terms_array, $order, $orderby )
        // We will use names, so the array should be names as well. Change according to needs
        $array_a = get_the_terms( $a->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;
        $array_b = get_the_terms( $b->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;

        // If the post terms are the same, orderby the value of $attributes[\'orderby\']
        if ( $array_a != $array_b ) {   
            // If $terms_array is empty, sort by name default
            if ( !$terms_array )
                return strcasecmp( $array_a, $array_b );

            $array_flip = array_flip( $terms_array );
            return $array_flip[$array_a] - $array_flip[$array_b];
        } else {
            $orderby_param = [\'ID\', \'post_date\', \'post_date_gmt\', \'post_parent\', \'post_modified\', \'post_modified_gmt\', \'comment_count\', \'menu_order\'];
            if ( in_array( $orderby, $orderby_param ) ) {
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return $a->$orderby - $b->$orderby; 
                } else {
                    return $b->$orderby - $a->$orderby; 
            } else { 
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return strcasecmp( $a->$orderby, $b->$orderby );    
                } else {
                    return strcasecmp( $b->$orderby, $a->$orderby );    

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        //Will hold the term name of the previous post for comparison
        $term_name_string = \'\';
        // Start a counter in order to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
        $counter = 0;

            while ( $query->have_posts() ) { 

                // Display the term name
                global $post;
                $terms_array = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
                $term_name = $terms_array[0]->name;

                 * If this $term_name_string is not $term_name, we have a lot to do like display term name,
                 * and opening and closing divs
                if ( $term_name_string != $term_name ) { 
                    // Reset our counter back to 0 to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
                    $counter = 0;
                     * We need to close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                     * We also need to close our previous term div if term name changes 
                     * Open our div to wrap each term in a block. We will do this in same way as our term names
                     * Also open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                    if ( $query->current_post != 0 ) {  
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                    echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post in term -->\';

                    // Use the term slug here
                    echo \'<div class="books-container \' . $terms_array[0]->slug . \'">\';


                            <h2 id="<?php echo $taxonomy /*I don\'t know what this should be, so just correct my change */ ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                                    echo $term_name;

                        echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                } // end $term_name_string != $term_name if condition

                 * Close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                 * Open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs on every third post
                if( $counter != 0 && $counter%3 == 0 ) {
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n";
                    echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                // Set the current term name to $term_name_string for comparison
                $term_name_string = $term_name; 


                    <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                            <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                            <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
                                <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                            echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink() . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                            echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                            echo \'</span></a>\';
                            <?php } ?>


                        <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                if ( ( $query->current_post + 1 ) == $query->post_count ) { 
                    echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post -->\';


        return ob_get_clean();
用法现在您可以使用以下短代码:(我使用了默认的帖子类型post 和分类学category 出于测试目的,这就解释了我对属性的使用

[books type=\'post\' taxonomy=\'category\' term_order="cityguides, travelguides, languageguides"]
将显示术语中的帖子cityguides, travelguides, languageguides 按照特定的顺序



调整中的代码usort 作用我们需要按术语和orderby 属性为了做到这一点,我们需要比较两个帖子中的术语,如果它们相同,则按orderby

我已经更新了上述两个代码示例中的代码,以反映这些更改。这里的一个重大变化是您传递给的值orderby 因为我们现在将按post属性订购。您需要检查有效的WP_Post properties 并使用它们来代替default values used with WP_Query

因此,例如,如果需要按标题对帖子进行排序,那么该值将为post_title 而不是title. 如果要按发布日期排序,则值为post_date 而不是date 与正常情况一样WP_query





假设我有一个主题选项或自定义的postmeta文本区域。现在我想执行多个短代码、一般文本、图像等。最佳实践是什么?为什么?选项1:$content = //my text area data; echo apply_filters(\'the_content\', $content); 选项2:$content = //my text area data; echo do_shortcode($content); 请告诉我哪一个是最佳实践,以及为什么。EDIT让我详细描

页面上的多个循环仅显示第一个循环的分类名称 - 小码农CODE - 行之有效找到问题解决它


时间:2015-06-23 作者:Justin Picard


[books booktypes="cityguides"]
[books booktypes="travelguides"]
[books booktypes="languageguides"]










// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    extract( shortcode_atts( array (
        \'type\'      => \'books\',
        \'order\'     => \'name\',
        \'order\'     => \'ASC\',
        \'orderby\'   => \'title\',
        \'posts\'     => -1,
        \'booktypes\' => \'\',
        \'category\'  => \'\'
    ), $atts ) );

    $options = array(
        \'post_type\'         => $type,
        \'order\'             => $order,
        \'orderby\'           => $orderby,
        \'posts_per_page\'    => $posts,
        \'booktypes\'         => $booktypes,
        \'category_name\'     => $category
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

    $taxonomy = \'booktypes\';
    $queried_term = get_query_var($taxonomy);
    $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, \'slug=\'.$queried_term);

    if ($terms) {
        foreach($terms as $term) {

            if ( $query->have_posts() ) {


                    <h2 id="<?php echo $booktypes ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                            echo $term->name;

                    <div class="books-container <?php echo $booktypes ?>">

                        <?php while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post(); ?>

                            <?php if( $query->current_post%3 == 0 ) echo "\\n".\'<div class=" section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; ?>

                                <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                                        <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                                        <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                                    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
                                                        //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                                        echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                                        echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                                        echo \'</span></a>\';


                                    <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                                        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                            <?php if( $query->current_post%3 == 2 || $query->current_post == $query->post_count-1 ) echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; ?>

                        <?php endwhile;
                        wp_reset_postdata(); ?>

                $myvariable = ob_get_clean();
                return $myvariable;

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pieter Goosen 整理而成


使用usort() 根据术语名称对帖子进行排序


很少有重要注意事项从不使用extract(). 当它失败时,它是不可靠的,并且极难调试。因此,使用extract() 已从core和codex中删除。您可以在以下trac记录单中了解更多信息:trac ticket #22400


echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
$thumbnail 是未定义的,我不确定这行实际上应该是什么样子,所以您需要自己解决这个问题。出于调试目的,我个人使用了一个名为Debug Objects,我与之没有任何关联)在本地测试安装上进行调试。此插件捕获所有错误并将其显示在屏幕上。


我添加了一个名为term_order. 如果此属性为空,all 术语按字母顺序显示。您还可以通过以下方式指定特定订单term name我在这里使用术语名称,因为您的客户端似乎会传递术语名称,而不是slug或id。如果您要传递id或slug,只需相应地修改代码即可)。此属性按照您希望显示的顺序接受一个逗号分隔的术语名称字符串。例如:

term_order="cityguides, travelguides, languageguides"
这将只显示这三个任期的帖子,按cityguides, travelguides, languageguides. 术语名称将仅显示在该特定术语的第一篇文章之前

中有错误usort() 多年来,它仍然是不固定的。这就是bug


到目前为止,就像我说的,这个bug还没有修复。最好的解决方案是通过使用@ 在之前签名usort(). 请注意,您应该never 使用此方法抑制错误和bug,以及所有错误和bugmust 是固定的。因为这是一个php核心错误,似乎永远不会被修复,所以建议在修复错误之前使用此方法。查看错误详细信息here


我内置了一个系统,在将术语名称传递给term_order 属性因此,您无需担心空格和因此而导致的短代码失败



由于使用了短数组语法,此代码需要PHP 5.4以上版本([]) 支持旧语法(array()). 我还使用了数组解引用(get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name)也仅在PHP 5.4中可用+


// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts
add_shortcode( \'books\', \'books_shortcode\' );

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    // Do not use extract(), use this syntax for your attributes
    $attributes = shortcode_atts( 
            \'term_order\' => \'\', // New attribute to sort your terms in a custom order, pass a comma deliminated spaced string here. Default is term name
            \'taxonomy\'   => \'booktypes\',
            \'type\'       => \'books\',
            \'order\'      => \'ASC\',
            \'orderby\'    => \'post_title\',
            \'posts\'      => -1,

    $taxonomy = filter_var( $attributes[\'taxonomy\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    // Check if our taxonomy is valid to avoid errors and bugs. If invalid, return false
    if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
        return false;

    //Set the variables for sorting purposes    
    $orderby = filter_var( $attributes[\'orderby\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    $order   = filter_var( $attributes[\'order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

    // Convert the string of term names to an array
    $tax_query = [];
    if ( $attributes[\'term_order\'] ) {
        // First we need to remove the whitespaces before and after the commas
        $no_whitespaces = preg_replace( \'/\\s*,\\s*/\', \',\', filter_var( $attributes[\'term_order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) );
        $terms_array = explode( \',\', $no_whitespaces );

         * As we are using term names, and due to a bug in tax_query, we cannot pass term names to a tax_query
         * We are going to use get_term_by to get the term ids
        foreach ( $terms_array as $term ) {
            $term_ids_array[] = get_term_by( \'name\', $term, $taxonomy )->term_id;

        // Build a tax_query to get posts from the passed term names in $attributes[\'term_order\']
        $tax_query = [
                \'taxonomy\'         => $taxonomy,
                \'terms\'            => $term_ids_array,
                \'include_children\' => false


    // Pass your attributes as query arguments, remember to filter and sanitize user input
    $options = [
        \'post_type\'         => filter_var( $attributes[\'type\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ),
        \'posts_per_page\'    => filter_var( $attributes[\'posts\'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ),
        \'tax_query\'         => $tax_query
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

     * We need to sort the loop now before we run it. If the custom attribute, term_order is an empty array or not a valid array,
     * we will sort by term name, ascending. If a valid array of term names is passed, we will sort by the order given
     * There is a bug in usort causing the following error:
     * usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function
     * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50688
     * This bug has yet to be fixed, when, no one knows. The only workaround is to suppress the error reporting
     * by using the @ sign before usort
    @usort( $query->posts, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $taxonomy, $terms_array, $order, $orderby )
        // We will use names, so the array should be names as well. Change according to needs
        $array_a = get_the_terms( $a->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;
        $array_b = get_the_terms( $b->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;

        // If the post terms are the same, orderby the value of $attributes[\'orderby\']
        if ( $array_a != $array_b ) {   
            // If $terms_array is empty, sort by name default
            if ( !$terms_array )
                return strcasecmp( $array_a, $array_b );

            $array_flip = array_flip( $terms_array );
            return $array_flip[$array_a] - $array_flip[$array_b];
        } else {
            $orderby_param = [\'ID\', \'post_date\', \'post_date_gmt\', \'post_parent\', \'post_modified\', \'post_modified_gmt\', \'comment_count\', \'menu_order\'];
            if ( in_array( $orderby, $orderby_param ) ) {
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return $a->$orderby - $b->$orderby; 
                } else {
                    return $b->$orderby - $a->$orderby; 
            } else { 
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return strcasecmp( $a->$orderby, $b->$orderby );    
                } else {
                    return strcasecmp( $b->$orderby, $a->$orderby );    

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        //Will hold the term name of the previous post for comparison
        $term_name_string = \'\';
        // Start a counter in order to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
        $counter = 0;

            while ( $query->have_posts() ) { 

                // Display the term name
                global $post;
                $terms_array = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
                $term_name = $terms_array[0]->name;

                 * If this $term_name_string is not $term_name, we have a lot to do like display term name,
                 * and opening and closing divs
                if ( $term_name_string != $term_name ) { 
                    // Reset our counter back to 0 to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
                    $counter = 0;
                     * We need to close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                     * We also need to close our previous term div if term name changes 
                     * Open our div to wrap each term in a block. We will do this in same way as our term names
                     * Also open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                    if ( $query->current_post != 0 ) {  
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                    echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post in term -->\';

                    // Use the term slug here
                    echo \'<div class="books-container \' . $terms_array[0]->slug . \'">\';


                            <h2 id="<?php echo $taxonomy /*I don\'t know what this should be, so just correct my change */ ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                                    echo $term_name;

                        echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                } // end $term_name_string != $term_name if condition

                 * Close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                 * Open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs on every third post
                if( $counter != 0 && $counter%3 == 0 ) {
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n";
                    echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                // Set the current term name to $term_name_string for comparison
                $term_name_string = $term_name; 


                    <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                            <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                            <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
                                <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                            echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink() . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                            echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                            echo \'</span></a>\';
                            <?php } ?>


                        <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                if ( ( $query->current_post + 1 ) == $query->post_count ) { 
                    echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post -->\';


        return ob_get_clean();

// create shortcode with parameters so that the user can define what\'s queried - default is to list all blog posts
add_shortcode( \'books\', \'books_shortcode\' );

function books_shortcode( $atts ) {
    // Do not use extract(), use this syntax for your attributes
    $attributes = shortcode_atts( 
            \'term_order\' => \'\', // New attribute to sort your terms in a custom order, pass a comma deliminated spaced string here. Default is term slug
            \'taxonomy\'   => \'booktypes\',
            \'type\'       => \'books\',
            \'order\'      => \'ASC\',
            \'orderby\'    => \'title\',
            \'posts\'      => -1,

    $taxonomy = filter_var( $attributes[\'taxonomy\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    // Check if our taxonomy is valid to avoid errors and bugs. If invalid, return false
    if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
        return false;

    //Set the variables for sorting purposes    
    $orderby = filter_var( $attributes[\'orderby\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    $order   = filter_var( $attributes[\'order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

    // Convert the string of term slugs to an array
    $tax_query = [];
    if ( $attributes[\'term_order\'] ) {
        // First we need to remove the whitespaces before and after the commas
        $no_whitespaces = preg_replace( \'/\\s*,\\s*/\', \',\', filter_var( $attributes[\'term_order\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) );
        $terms_array = explode( \',\', $no_whitespaces );

        // Build a tax_query to get posts from the passed term slugs in $attributes[\'term_order\']
        $tax_query = [
                \'taxonomy\'         => $taxonomy,
                \'field\'            => \'slug\',
                \'terms\'            => $terms_array,
                \'include_children\' => false


    // Pass your attributes as query arguments, remember to filter and sanitize user input
    $options = [
        \'post_type\'         => filter_var( $attributes[\'type\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ),
        \'posts_per_page\'    => filter_var( $attributes[\'posts\'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ),
        \'tax_query\'         => $tax_query
    $query = new WP_Query( $options );

     * We need to sort the loop now before we run it. If the custom attribute, term_order is an empty array or not a valid array,
     * we will sort by term name, ascending. If a valid array of term names is passed, we will sort by the order given
     * There is a bug in usort causing the following error:
     * usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function
     * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50688
     * This bug has yet to be fixed, when, no one knows. The only workaround is to suppress the error reporting
     * by using the @ sign before usort
    @usort( $query->posts, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $taxonomy, $terms_array, $order, $orderby )
        // We will use names, so the array should be names as well. Change according to needs
        $array_a = get_the_terms( $a->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;
        $array_b = get_the_terms( $b->ID, $taxonomy )[0]->name;

        // If the post terms are the same, orderby the value of $attributes[\'orderby\']
        if ( $array_a != $array_b ) {   
            // If $terms_array is empty, sort by name default
            if ( !$terms_array )
                return strcasecmp( $array_a, $array_b );

            $array_flip = array_flip( $terms_array );
            return $array_flip[$array_a] - $array_flip[$array_b];
        } else {
            $orderby_param = [\'ID\', \'post_date\', \'post_date_gmt\', \'post_parent\', \'post_modified\', \'post_modified_gmt\', \'comment_count\', \'menu_order\'];
            if ( in_array( $orderby, $orderby_param ) ) {
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return $a->$orderby - $b->$orderby; 
                } else {
                    return $b->$orderby - $a->$orderby; 
            } else { 
                if ( $order == \'ASC\' ) {
                    return strcasecmp( $a->$orderby, $b->$orderby );    
                } else {
                    return strcasecmp( $b->$orderby, $a->$orderby );    

    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        //Will hold the term name of the previous post for comparison
        $term_name_string = \'\';
        // Start a counter in order to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
        $counter = 0;

            while ( $query->have_posts() ) { 

                // Display the term name
                global $post;
                $terms_array = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
                $term_name = $terms_array[0]->name;

                 * If this $term_name_string is not $term_name, we have a lot to do like display term name,
                 * and opening and closing divs
                if ( $term_name_string != $term_name ) { 
                    // Reset our counter back to 0 to set our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs correctly
                    $counter = 0;
                     * We need to close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                     * We also need to close our previous term div if term name changes 
                     * Open our div to wrap each term in a block. We will do this in same way as our term names
                     * Also open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                    if ( $query->current_post != 0 ) {  
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                    echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post in term -->\';

                    // Use the term slug here
                    echo \'<div class="books-container \' . $terms_array[0]->slug . \'">\';


                            <h2 id="<?php echo $taxonomy /*I don\'t know what this should be, so just correct my change */ ?>" style="margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; ">
                                    echo $term_name;

                        echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                } // end $term_name_string != $term_name if condition

                 * Close our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs
                 * Open our \'section_inner clearfix\' and \'section_inner_margin clearfix\' divs on every third post
                if( $counter != 0 && $counter%3 == 0 ) {
                        echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n";
                    echo "\\n".\'<div class="section_inner clearfix"><div class="section_inner_margin clearfix">\'."\\n"; 

                // Set the current term name to $term_name_string for comparison
                $term_name_string = $term_name; 


                    <div <?php post_class(\'vc_span4 wpb_column column_container\'); ?> style="padding-bottom: 60px;">
                        <div class="wpb_wrapper">

                            <?php // Get the post thumbnail ?>
                            <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
                                <div class="wpb_single_image wpb_content_element element_from_fade element_from_fade_on">
                                    <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                            //$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), \'Book-thumbnail\' );
                                            echo \'<a href="\' . get_permalink() . \'" title="\' . the_title_attribute( \'echo=0\' ) . \'" class="book-holder" ><span class="book-thumb">\';
                                            echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, \'book-thumbnail\' ); 
                                            echo \'</span></a>\';
                            <?php } ?>


                        <div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element text-align-center" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; ">

                            <div class="wpb_wrapper">
                                <h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank" class="qbutton  small" style="margin: 20px 0px 0px 0px; "><?php _e(\'More Info\', \'qode\'); ?></a>



                if ( ( $query->current_post + 1 ) == $query->post_count ) { 
                    echo \'</div></div> <!--/.wrap-->\'."\\n"; 
                echo \'</div><!-- Close div on last post -->\';


        return ob_get_clean();
用法现在您可以使用以下短代码:(我使用了默认的帖子类型post 和分类学category 出于测试目的,这就解释了我对属性的使用

[books type=\'post\' taxonomy=\'category\' term_order="cityguides, travelguides, languageguides"]
将显示术语中的帖子cityguides, travelguides, languageguides 按照特定的顺序



调整中的代码usort 作用我们需要按术语和orderby 属性为了做到这一点,我们需要比较两个帖子中的术语,如果它们相同,则按orderby

我已经更新了上述两个代码示例中的代码,以反映这些更改。这里的一个重大变化是您传递给的值orderby 因为我们现在将按post属性订购。您需要检查有效的WP_Post properties 并使用它们来代替default values used with WP_Query

因此,例如,如果需要按标题对帖子进行排序,那么该值将为post_title 而不是title. 如果要按发布日期排序,则值为post_date 而不是date 与正常情况一样WP_query



Namespaced shortcode?

我正在改造一个旧的WP站点,该站点有许多自定义的短代码,显然由于代码当前的组织方式,这些短代码在性能方面付出了代价。当然,我可以修复优化不好的代码,使用十几个短代码,并且一天就可以完成,但我想知道如何更好地组织它们。根据WordPress\'documentation, 建议将它们放在插件中并在上初始化init. 我们可以通过这样“命名”它们来减少这个钩子中的负载吗?[com.company shortcode attr=\"attr\" prop=\"prop\"] 有人尝试过这样的解决方案吗