我可以给你们两个例子。NOTE: 代码示例至少需要PHP 5.4+,这应该是您现在的最低版本。5.4之前的所有版本都已过期,不受支持,因此,如果您仍在使用这些版本,则存在巨大的安全风险。
add_filter( \'the_posts\', function( $posts, $q )
if( $q->is_main_query() && $q->is_search() )
usort( $posts, function( $a, $b ){
* Sort by post type. If the post type between two posts are the same
* sort by post date. Make sure you change your post types according to
* your specific post types. This is my post types on my test site
$post_types = [
\'event_type\' => 1,
\'post\' => 2,
\'cameras\' => 3
if ( $post_types[$a->post_type] != $post_types[$b->post_type] ) {
return $post_types[$a->post_type] - $post_types[$b->post_type];
} else {
return $a->post_date < $b->post_date; // Change to > if you need oldest posts first
return $posts;
}, 10, 2 );
add_filter( \'the_posts\', function( $posts, $q )
if( $q->is_main_query() && $q->is_search() )
usort( $posts, function( $a, $b ){
* Sort by post type. If the post type between two posts are the same
* sort by post date. Be sure to change this accordingly
if ( $a->post_type != $b->post_type ) {
return strcasecmp(
$a->post_type, // Change these two values around to sort descending
} else {
return $a->post_date < $b->post_date; // Change to > if you need oldest posts first
return $posts;
}, 10, 2 );