
时间:2015-08-11 作者:caffeinehigh

我正在使用一种自定义的帖子类型,它使用两种分类法“颜色”和“样式”。我有一个剧本(from this thread) 将它们分组在一起,因此当您在颜色分类页面上时,它们按样式分组,如下所示:


//limit to three per style
add_action(\'pre_get_posts\', \'change_tax_num_of_posts\' );

function change_tax_num_of_posts( $wp_query ) {

    if( is_tax(\'colour\') && is_main_query() ) {

      $wp_query->set(\'posts_per_page\', 3);



2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pieter Goosen 整理而成


获取style 分类学这里我们只需要术语ID

获取当前tax_querycolour 分类学使用style 分类并创建新的tax_query 从当前页面的术语和从style 分类学

对中的每个术语运行自定义查询style 分类法,从每个术语中获取一个post id数组。您可以在此处添加所有自定义参数。我们将使用此自定义查询中的订单作为后订单

将post ID数组传递给主查询。在这里,您不想添加自定义排序等。我们将使用post id数组中的post id序列进行排序

代码前的几个注意事项:由于使用了短数组语法,代码需要PHP 5.4以上([]). 您也不应该使用任何早于PHP5的版本。4、如果您这样做了,只需将短数组语法更改为旧数组语法即可(array()). 例如get_terms( $taxonomy, [\'fields\' => \'ids\'] ) 应该成为get_terms( $taxonomy, array( \'fields\' => \'ids\' ) )


  • 我对代码的注释非常好,因此您可以按照我所做的来理解


    使用此新代码,您可以放弃我的完整排序思想,如中所述my linked answer on SO. 此答案中给出的代码应负责此排序。您想要进行的任何调整都应该在自定义查询和get_terms 呼叫。只要记住在每次修改后刷新瞬态,或者最好取消对瞬态调用的注释,并在对所有修改满意后恢复正常

    代码:一如既往,我们将使用pre_get_posts 根据需要更改主查询

    add_action( \'pre_get_posts\', function ( $q )
        if (    !is_admin() // Targets only front end queries
             && $q->is_main_query() // Targets only main query
             && $q->is_tax( \'colour\' ) // Targets only taxonomy pages
        ) {
             * To save on the extra work that we need to do to get our results,
             * lets save everything in a transient. We will save the string of post ids
             * in the transient. 
             * We will only delete and recreate this transient when a new post is published,
             * deleted, undeleted or updated. This will save us a lot of extra hard work
             * on every page load
             * @link https://codex.wordpress.org/Transients_API
            $queried_object = get_queried_object(); // Get the current queried object to build a unique transient name
             * Use md5 to build a unique transient name to avoid any conflicts
             * The code below will create a unique transient name which will look like this
             * "colourtax_1ac37e97ee207e952dfc2b8f7eef110f"
             * Note, this should NOT be longer that 45 characters else the transient will be regenerated
             * on each page load. Transients are expensive to create, so don\'t want to recreate this on every
             * page load due to a name being to long. As a quick guide the md5 part generate a 32 character string,
             * so the "colourtax_" part should be a maximum of 13 characters
            $unique_transient_name = \'colourtax_\' . md5( $queried_object->taxonomy . $queried_object->slug . $queried_object->term_id );
            if ( false === ( $post_ids_array = get_transient( $unique_transient_name ) ) ) {
                // Gets the current tax_query
                $tax_query = $q->tax_query->queries; 
                // Choose the taxonomy to sort by
                $taxonomy = \'style\'; 
                // Set the variable to hold the sorted post ids according to terms
                $post_ids_array = [];
                 * Get all the terms from the selected taxonomy to sort by. Just get term ids
                 * Add additional arguments here as needed
                 * @link https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_terms
                $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, [\'fields\' => \'ids\'] ); 
                if (    $terms // Check if the array has valid terms, not empty
                     && !is_wp_error( $terms ) // Check that we do not have any error
                ) { 
                    // Define a variable to hold all post ID
                    $posts_ids = \'\';
                    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                         * NOTE: You would want to do everything here
                         * Build our query args, add all your relevant arguments here
                         * You should extend this to include your custom parameter values
                         * like meta_queries en sorting order.
                         * Do a var_dump( $wp_query ) and use the relevant arguments from
                         * there to make this dynamic
                        $args = [
                            \'post_type\' => \'any\',
                            \'posts_per_page\' => 3, // Get only 3 posts per term
                            \'fields\' => \'ids\', // Only get post ids to make query faster and more lean
                            // Build a tax_query to add additional terms from selected taxonomy to sort by  
                            \'tax_query\' => [ 
                                $tax_query, // Our default tax_query from the taxonomy page
                                    \'taxonomy\' => $taxonomy,
                                    \'terms\' => $term,
                                    \'include_children\' => false,
                        // Return an array of post ids only
                        $posts_array = get_posts( $args );
                        // First check if we have posts to avoid bugs in our code
                        if ( $posts_array ) {
                            // Break the ids array up into a string for later processing
                            foreach ( $posts_array as $v )
                                $posts_ids .= \' \' . $v;
                            unset( $v );    
                        } //endif $posts_array
                    } //endforeach $terms
                    unset( $term );
                     * You can remove the following section. The idea here is as follow:
                     * Any post without a term in the style taxonomy will not be displayed on
                     * a colour taxonomy term page. To avoid this, we will need to get all posts
                     * that does not have a post in style taxonomy. This posts will be displayed last
                     * on the page
                     * If you are very sure that all posts are tagged in a colour AND style taxonomy
                     * term, then you can remove this section, this is really just a fall back
                    $args_additional = [
                        \'post_type\' => \'any\',
                        \'posts_per_page\' => 3, // Get only 3 posts without style taxonomy term, adjust as needed
                        \'fields\' => \'ids\', // Only get post ids to make query faster and more lean
                        // Build a tax_query to get posts that is not tagged in style taxonomy  
                        \'tax_query\' => [ 
                            $tax_query, // Our default tax_query from the taxonomy page
                                \'taxonomy\' => $taxonomy,
                                \'terms\' => $terms,
                                \'include_children\' => false,
                                \'operator\' => \'NOT IN\', // Posts should not have these terms from style taxonomy
                    // Return an array of post ids only
                    $posts_array_2 = get_posts( $args_additional );
                    // First check if we have posts to avoid bugs in our code
                    if ( $posts_array_2 ) {
                        // Break the ids array up into a string for later processing
                        foreach ( $posts_array_2 as $v )
                            $posts_ids .= \' \' . $v;
                        unset( $v );    
                    } //endif $posts_array
                    // STOP DELETING HERE!!
                    // Create an array of post ids from the $posts_ids string
                    $post_ids_array = explode( \' \', ltrim( $posts_ids ) );
                } //endif $terms
                 * Set the transient if it does not exist. 
                 * NOTE: We will choose a week for expiry date, set as needed
                 * @link https://codex.wordpress.org/Transients_API#Using_Time_Constants
                set_transient( $unique_transient_name, $post_ids_array, 7 * DAY_IN_SECONDS );   
            } // endif transient check
             * Check if we have an array of post ID\'s before changing anything on the tax page
             * Here we will alter the main query. You do not want to add or remove anything
             * here. Any custom parameters like sorting should be done in the custom queries
             * above
            if ( !empty( $post_ids_array ) ) {
                $q->set( \'post__in\', $post_ids_array ); // Posts to get as set in our array, max of 3 posts per term
                $q->set( \'orderby\', \'post_in\' ); // Sort our posts in the order it is passed in the post__in array
                $q->set( \'order\', \'ASC\' );
                $q->set( \'posts_per_page\', -1 ); // You can change this, if I remember, you need all posts on one page
        } //endif conditional checks for query

    以下代码将处理此问题。每当一篇帖子被更新、发布、垃圾或未经处理时transition_post_status 钩子激发,所以我们将使用该逻辑删除所有包含colourtax_ 名称

    add_action( \'transition_post_status\', function ()
        global $wpdb;
        $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE `option_name` LIKE (\'_transient%_colourtax_%\')" );
        $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE `option_name` LIKE (\'_transient_timeout%_colourtax_%\')" );

  • SO网友:caffeinehigh



    function colour_tax_featured($query) {
    if( is_tax(\'colour\') && $query->is_main_query() ) {
        $query->set(\'meta_key\', \'meta_box_featured_colour\');
            $query->set(\'meta_value\', \'featured_colour\');
        return $query;
        add_action(\'pre_get_posts\', \'colour_tax_featured\' );



    Global functions on WPMU
