add_action(\'add_attachment\', \'create_post_from_image\');
function create_post_from_image($id) {
if (wp_attachment_is_image($id)) {
$image = get_post($id);
// get image height/width for auto inserting the image later
@list($width, $height) = getimagesize(get_attached_file($id));
$post = array(
// Set image title as post title
\'post_title\' => $image->post_title,
// Set post to draft for details
\'post_status\' => \'draft\',
// "Fake" WordPress insert image code
\'post_content\' => \'<a href="\'.$image->guid.\'"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-\'.$image->ID.\'" src="\'.$image->guid.\'" alt="\'.$image->post_name.\'" width="\'.$width.\'" height="\'.$height.\'" /></a>\'
$postid = wp_insert_post($post);
if ($postid) {
// Set image as post featured image
set_post_thumbnail($postid, $image->ID);
// Attach image to the post
\'ID\' => $id,
\'post_parent\' => $postid
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Serg 整理而成
我用过this image 用于测试
add_action( \'add_attachment\', \'create_post_from_image\' );
function create_post_from_image( $id ) {
if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $id ) ) {
$image = get_post( $id );
// Get image height/width for auto inserting the image later
@list( $width, $height ) = getimagesize( get_attached_file( $id ) );
$post = array(
// Set image title as post title
\'post_title\' => $image->post_title,
// Set post to draft for details
\'post_status\' => \'draft\',
// "Fake" WordPress insert image code
\'post_content\' => \'<a href="\' . $image->guid .
\'"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-\' . $image->ID .
\'" src="\' . $image->guid . \'" alt="\' . $image->post_name .
\'" width="\' . $width . \'" height="\' . $height . \'" /></a>\'
// Take image date
if ( function_exists( \'exif_read_data\' ) ) {
$exif = exif_read_data( $image->guid );
if ( ! empty( $exif[\'DateTime\'] ) ) {
//var_dump( $exif[\'DateTime\'] );
$post[\'post_date\'] = $exif[\'DateTime\'];
$postid = wp_insert_post( $post );
if ( $postid ) {
// Set image as post featured image
set_post_thumbnail( $postid, $image->ID );
// Attach image to the post
wp_update_post( array(
\'ID\' => $id,
\'post_parent\' => $postid
) );