How to set CORS header?

时间:2015-12-03 作者:Amit Patel

我一直在wordpress 4.2.4中通过ajax访问Ruby on Rails应用程序中的媒体图像。


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://myblog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/test.jpeg. No \'Access-Control-Allow-Origin\' header is present on the requested resource. Origin \'\' is therefore not allowed access.

我试过了WP-CORS 插件和集合* 作为允许的域,但它不起作用。我核实了回复没有Access-Control-Allow-Origin 标题。


1 个回复
SO网友:Amit Patel

通过添加Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" 在里面apache2.conf:

<Directory /var/www/>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Require all granted
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"