
时间:2015-12-10 作者:PavilionVI


add_shortcode(\'taxography\' , \'execute_taxography\' );
function execute_taxography() {
    $wpbtags = get_terms( \'books\' );
    $output.= \'<div class="grid"><div class="taxography-grid"><ul>\';
    foreach($wpbtags as $tag) {
        $output.= \'<li class="item"><a href="\'. get_term_link($tag->term_id, \'books\' ) .\'" style="background-image: url(\\\'http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/books/\' . $tag->slug . \'.png\\\')"><span class="count">\'. $tag->count .\'</span><span class="taxography-name">\'. $tag->name . \'</span></a></li>\';
    $output.= \'</ul></div></div>\';
    return $output;
现在我只需创建一个新页面并输入短代码[分类法],它就可以工作了,但我要做的是添加一个分页,这样这个页面将只显示特定数量的书籍(例如:12本书)。我跟着this answer 还有很多其他问题,但我仍然无法解决这个问题!有什么想法吗?

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pieter Goosen 整理而成

你的短代码运行起来非常昂贵。get_term_link() 当您向其提供术语ID时,它对用户不友好,因为它会导致db查询以查询术语对象。如果将“对象”一词输入到get_term_link(), 它很快乐,不需要做任何工作来获得术语对象。


function get_term_link( $term, $taxonomy = \'\' ) {
    global $wp_rewrite;

    if ( !is_object($term) ) {
        if ( is_int( $term ) ) {
            $term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
        } else {
            $term = get_term_by( \'slug\', $term, $taxonomy );
如你所见,如果$term 不是term对象,而是term ID或slug,对db进行额外调用以获取term对象。所有这一切意味着,如果您有100个术语,并且需要获取到术语页面的链接,然后将ID或slug传递给get_term_link(), 您正在进行100个额外的db呼叫。因为您已经有了术语object,只需将其输入到get_term_link() 您可以节省100分贝通话。


请注意,您不需要硬编码URL,您需要使用动态值。看看wp_upload_dir() 要返回上载目录的路径,请确保在快捷码中相应地更改该路径

add_shortcode( \'taxography\', function ( $atts )
    $attributes = shortcode_atts(
            \'terms_per_page\' => 12,
            \'taxonomy\'      => \'books\',
            // Add any attribute which you seem fit

    // Sanitize and validate our inputs and set variables
    $tpp = filter_var( $attributes[\'terms_per_page\'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT );
    $taxonomy = filter_var( $attributes[\'taxonomy\'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

    // Make sure our taxonomy exists to avoid unnecessary work
    if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
        return false;

    // Our taxonomy exists, lets continue
    // Get the term count to calculate pagination.
    $term_count = get_terms( $taxonomy, [\'fields\' => \'count\'] );

    // Check if we have terms to avoid bugs
    if ( !$term_count )
         return false;

    // We have terms, now calculate pagination
    $max_num_pages = ceil( $term_count / $tpp );
    // Get current page number. Take static front pages into account as well
    if ( get_query_var( \'paged\' ) {
        $paged = get_query_var( \'paged\' );
    } elseif ( get_query_var( \'page\' ) {
        $paged = get_query_var( \'page\' );
    } else {
        $paged = 1;
    // Calculate term offset
    $offset = ( ( $paged - 1 ) * $tpp );

    // We can now get our terms and paginate it
    $args = [
        \'number\' => $tpp, // Amount of terms to return
        \'offset\' => $offset // The amount to offset the list by for pagination
    // Set our variable to hold our string
    $output = \'\';
    $wpbtags = get_terms( $taxonomy, $args );
    $output.= \'<div class="grid"><div class="taxography-grid"><ul>\';
    foreach($wpbtags as $tag) {
        $output.= \'<li class="item"><a href="\'. get_term_link($tag, $taxonomy ) .\'" style="background-image: url(\\\'http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/books/\' . $tag->slug . \'.png\\\')"><span class="count">\'. $tag->count .\'</span><span class="taxography-name">\'. $tag->name . \'</span></a></li>\';
    $output.= \'</ul></div></div>\';

    // Add our pagination links, I have used the default \'get_*_posts_link()\'. Adjust accordingly
    $output .= get_next_posts_link( \'Next Terms\', $max_num_pages ) . \'</br>\';
    $output .= get_previous_posts_link( \'Previous Terms\' ) . \'</br>\';

    return $output;


对于编号分页链接,可以使用我编写的修改版my pagination函数here in an answer. 请务必查看我关于代码应该如何使用以及如何工作的答案。

这是一个修改过的版本,可以处理像您这样的代码,也可以处理所有类型的查询。您应该能够按所述使用函数,唯一的修改是您可以将整数值传递给query 这将是最大页数

 * @author Pieter Goosen
 * @license GPLv2 
 * @link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * This function returns numbered pagination links or text pagination links
 * depending what is been set
 * Paginated numbered links uses get_pagenum_link() to return links to the
 * required pages
 * @uses http://wpseek.com/function/get_pagenum_link/
 * The pagination links uses next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link()
 * @uses http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/next_posts_link
 * @uses http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/previous_posts_link
 * @param array $args An array of key => value arguments. Defaults below 
 * - string query variable                  \'query\'                 => $GLOBALS[\'wp_query\'],
 * - string Previous page text              \'previous_page_text\'    => __( \'&laquo;\' ),
 * - string Next page text                  \'next_page_text\'        => __( \'&raquo;\' ),
 * - string First page link text            \'first_page_text\'       => __( \'First\' ),
 * - string Last page link text             \'last_page_text\'        => __( \'Last\' ),
 * - string Older posts text                \'next_link_text\'        => __( \'Older Entries\' ),
 * - string Newer posts text                \'previous_link_text\'    => __( \'Newer Entries\' ),
 * - bool Whether to use links              \'show_posts_links\'      => false,
 * - int Amount of numbered links to show   \'range\'                 => 5,
 * @return string $paginated_text
function get_paginated_numbers( $args = [] ) {

    //Set defaults to use
    $defaults = [
        \'query\'                 => $GLOBALS[\'wp_query\'],
        \'previous_page_text\'    => __( \'&laquo;\' ),
        \'next_page_text\'        => __( \'&raquo;\' ),
        \'first_page_text\'       => __( \'First\' ),
        \'last_page_text\'        => __( \'Last\' ),
        \'next_link_text\'        => __( \'Older Entries\' ),
        \'previous_link_text\'    => __( \'Newer Entries\' ),
        \'show_posts_links\'      => false,
        \'range\'                 => 5,

    // Merge default arguments with user set arguments
    $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

     * Get current page if query is paginated and more than one page exists
     * The first page is set to 1
     * Static front pages is included
     * @see WP_Query pagination parameter \'paged\'
     * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Pagination_Parameters
    if ( get_query_var(\'paged\') ) { 

        $current_page = get_query_var(\'paged\'); 

    }elseif ( get_query_var(\'page\') ) { 

        $current_page = get_query_var(\'page\'); 


        $current_page = 1; 


    // Get the amount of pages from the query
    $max_pages = ( is_object( $args[\'query\'] ) ) ? (int) $args[\'query\']->max_num_pages : (int) $args[\'query\'];

     * If $args[\'show_posts_links\'] is set to false, numbered paginated links are returned
     * If $args[\'show_posts_links\'] is set to true, pagination links are returned
    if( false === $args[\'show_posts_links\'] ) {

        // Don\'t display links if only one page exists
        if( 1 === $max_pages ) {

            $paginated_text = \'\';


             * For multi-paged queries, we need to set the variable ranges which will be used to check
             * the current page against and according to that set the correct output for the paginated numbers
            $mid_range      = (int) floor( $args[\'range\'] / 2 );
            $start_range    = range( 1 , $mid_range );
            $end_range      = range( ( $max_pages - $mid_range +1 ) , $max_pages );
            $exclude        = array_merge( $start_range, $end_range );  

             * The amount of pages must now be checked against $args[\'range\']. If the total amount of pages
             * is less than $args[\'range\'], the numbered links must be returned as is
             * If the total amount of pages is more than $args[\'range\'], then we need to calculate the offset
             * to just return the amount of page numbers specified in $args[\'range\']. This defaults to 5, so at any
             * given instance, there will be 5 page numbers displayed
            $check_range    = ( $args[\'range\'] > $max_pages )   ? true : false;

            if( true === $check_range ) {

                $range_numbers = range( 1, $max_pages );

            }elseif( false === $check_range ) {

                if( !in_array( $current_page, $exclude ) ) {

                    $range_numbers = range( ( $current_page - $mid_range ), ( $current_page + $mid_range ) );

                }elseif( in_array( $current_page, $start_range ) && ( $current_page - $mid_range ) <= 0 ) {

                    $range_numbers = range( 1, $args[\'range\'] );

                }elseif(  in_array( $current_page, $end_range ) && ( $current_page + $mid_range ) >= $max_pages ) {

                    $range_numbers = range( ( $max_pages - $args[\'range\'] +1 ), $max_pages );



             * The page numbers are set into an array through this foreach loop. The current page, or active page
             * gets the class \'current\' assigned to it. All the other pages get the class \'inactive\' assigned to it
            foreach ( $range_numbers as $v ) {

                if ( $v == $current_page ) { 

                    $page_numbers[] = \'<span class="current">\' . $v . \'</span>\';


                    $page_numbers[] = \'<a href="\' . get_pagenum_link( $v ) . \'" class="inactive">\' . $v . \'</a>\';



            * All the texts are set here and when they should be displayed which will link back to:
             * - $previous_page The previous page from the current active page
             * - $next_page The next page from the current active page
             * - $first_page Links back to page number 1
             * - $last_page Links to the last page
            $previous_page  = ( $current_page !== 1 )                       ? \'<a href="\' . get_pagenum_link( $current_page - 1 ) . \'">\' . $args[\'previous_page_text\'] . \'</a>\' : \'\';
            $next_page      = ( $current_page !== $max_pages )              ? \'<a href="\' . get_pagenum_link( $current_page + 1 ) . \'">\' . $args[\'next_page_text\'] . \'</a>\'     : \'\';
            $first_page     = ( !in_array( 1, $range_numbers ) )            ? \'<a href="\' . get_pagenum_link( 1 ) . \'">\' . $args[\'first_page_text\'] . \'</a>\'                    : \'\';
            $last_page      = ( !in_array( $max_pages, $range_numbers ) )   ? \'<a href="\' . get_pagenum_link( $max_pages ) . \'">\' . $args[\'last_page_text\'] . \'</a>\'            : \'\';

             * Text to display before the page numbers
             * This is set to the following structure:
             * - Page X of Y
            $page_text      = \'<span>\' . sprintf( __( \'Page %s of %s\' ), $current_page, $max_pages ) . \'</span>\';
            // Turn the array of page numbers into a string
            $numbers_string = implode( \' \', $page_numbers );

            // The final output of the function
            $paginated_text = \'<div class="pagination">\';
            $paginated_text .= $page_text . $first_page . $previous_page . $numbers_string . $next_page . $last_page;
            $paginated_text .= \'</div>\';


    }elseif( true === $args[\'show_posts_links\'] ) {

        * If $args[\'show_posts_links\'] is set to true, only links to the previous and next pages are displayed
        * The $max_pages parameter is already set by the function to accommodate custom queries
        $paginated_text = next_posts_link( \'<div class="next-posts-link">\' . $args[\'next_link_text\'] . \'</div>\', $max_pages );
        $paginated_text .= previous_posts_link( \'<div class="previous-posts-link">\' . $args[\'previous_link_text\'] . \'</div>\' );


    // Finally return the output text from the function
    return $paginated_text;

您只需将其添加到functions.php 或者在插件中,然后在您的短代码中按如下方式调用它


// Add our pagination links, I have used the default \'get_*_posts_link()\'. Adjust accordingly
$output .= get_next_posts_link( \'Next Terms\', $max_num_pages ) . \'</br>\';
$output .= get_previous_posts_link( \'Previous Terms\' ) . \'</br>\';

if ( function_exists( \'get_paginated_numbers\' ) )
    $output .= get_paginated_numbers( [\'query\' => $max_num_pages] );



我试图在标题中加载一个滑块,但只在主页上加载。如果有帮助的话,我正在使用Ultralight模板。我正在尝试(在template functions.php中)执行以下操作:<?php if ( is_page( \'home\' ) ) : ?> dynamic_sidebar( \'Homepage Widget\' ); <?php endif; ?> 但这行不通。现在,通过快速的google,我似乎需要将请