
时间:2016-01-28 作者:f8m


我想从我的自定义帖子类型中删除base slugreview 和我的自定义分类法brand.




代码位于http://www.markwarddesign.com/2014/02/remove-custom-post-type-slug-permalink/ 可以移除基本段塞,但我无法将下面的功能与我的功能结合起来。只要我添加markwarddesign中的函数。com结果为404。

我尝试了发布在Custom Taxonomy specific to a Custom Post type 但它仍然含有碱液。


function brand_permalink($permalink, $post_id, $leavename) {
    if (strpos($permalink, \'%brand%\') === FALSE) return $permalink;
        // Get post
        $post = get_post($post_id);
        if (!$post) return $permalink;

        // Get taxonomy terms
        $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, \'brand\');
        if (!is_wp_error($terms) && !empty($terms) && is_object($terms[0]))
            $taxonomy_slug = $terms[0]->slug;
        else $taxonomy_slug = \'other\';

    return str_replace(\'%brand%\', $taxonomy_slug, $permalink);
add_filter(\'post_link\', \'brand_permalink\', 1, 3);
add_filter(\'post_type_link\', \'brand_permalink\', 1, 3);

 * Code below is from https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/57493/custom-taxonomy-specific-to-a-custom-post-type
 * A custom taxonomy is created and linked to CPT \'review\'.
 * The goal is to create permalinks containing the taxonomy + CPT post name, e.g. /some-brand/xyz-review/
function custom_brand_taxonomy() {
        \'brand\',  //The name of the taxonomy. Name should be in slug form (must not contain capital letters or spaces). 
        \'review\',        //post type name
            \'hierarchical\' => true,  
            \'label\' => \'Brand\',  //Display name
            \'query_var\' => true,
            \'rewrite\' => array(
                \'slug\' => \'\', // This controls the base slug that will display before each term
                \'with_front\' => false // Don\'t display the category base before 
add_action( \'init\', \'custom_brand_taxonomy\');

 * Creating a function to create our CPT
function xyz_custom_post_types() {

    // Set options for Custom Post Type REVIEW
    $review_args = array(
        \'label\'               => __( \'review\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
        \'description\'         => __( \'Descrption review bla bla\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
        \'labels\'              => array(
                                \'name\'                => _x( \'reviewe\', \'Post Type General Name\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'singular_name\'       => _x( \'review\', \'Post Type Singular Name\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'menu_name\'           => __( \'reviewe\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'parent_item_colon\'   => __( \'Parent review\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'all_items\'           => __( \'Alle reviewe\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'view_item\'           => __( \'review ansehen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'add_new_item\'        => __( \'review erstellen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'add_new\'             => __( \'Erstellen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'edit_item\'           => __( \'review bearbeiten\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'update_item\'         => __( \'review aktualisieren\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'search_items\'        => __( \'review suchen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'not_found\'           => __( \'Nicht gefunden\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                \'not_found_in_trash\'  => __( \'Nicht in Papierkorb gefunden\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
        // Features this CPT supports in Post Editor
        \'supports\'            => array( \'title\', \'editor\', \'revisions\', \'custom-fields\', \'page-attributes\' ),
        /* A hierarchical CPT is like Pages and can have
        * Parent and child items. A non-hierarchical CPT
        * is like Posts.
        \'hierarchical\'        => false,
        \'public\'              => true,
        \'show_ui\'             => true,
        \'show_in_menu\'        => true,
        \'show_in_nav_menus\'   => true,
        \'show_in_admin_bar\'   => true,
        \'menu_position\'       => 99,
        \'can_export\'          => true,
        \'rewrite\'             => array( \'slug\' => \'review/%brand%\', \'with_front\' => false ),
        \'has_archive\'         => \'review\',
        \'exclude_from_search\' => false,
        \'publicly_queryable\'  => true,
        \'capability_type\'     => \'page\',

    // Registering your Custom Post Type
    register_post_type( \'review\', $review_args );


/* Hook into the \'init\' action so that the function
 * Containing our post type registration is not 
 * unnecessarily executed. 
add_action( \'init\', \'xyz_custom_post_types\', 0 );

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Milo 整理而成

我按照上面的方式复制了您的代码,将其粘贴到了2616主题中,并将post类型重写段塞从review/%brand%%brand%. 这使得术语归档和评论帖子都具有您想要的URL结构并成功显示。


好消息是我们可以解决这个问题。当WordPress解析请求时,将填充所有可能匹配的查询变量,并通过request filter 在那里我们可以修改和转换它们。


function test_request( $request ){
    echo \'<pre>\';
    echo \'</pre>\';
add_filter( \'request\', \'test_request\' );


function wpd_fix_requests( $request ){

    // if it\'s a brand term request
    // see if a brand term exists by this name with get_term_by
    // if not, reset the query to a post or page with name
    if( array_key_exists( \'brand\' , $request )
        && ! array_key_exists( \'post_type\' , $request )
        && ! get_term_by( \'slug\', $request[\'brand\'], \'brand\' ) ){
            $request[\'name\'] = $request[\'brand\'];
            $request[\'post_type\'] = array( \'post\', \'page\' );
            unset( $request[\'brand\'] );

    // if this is a review request
    // add page to post type in case it\'s a child page
    if( array_key_exists( \'review\', $request ) ){
        $request[\'post_type\'] = array( \'review\', \'page\' );

    // return request vars
    return $request;
add_filter( \'request\', \'wpd_fix_requests\' );



我使用%postname% 将我的自定义分类法作为我的Brand 和自定义帖子类型作为我的Product.

我的URL如下所示example.org/some-brand/some-product 而我可以在上显示概述example.org/some-brand/.

我正在使用高级自定义字段Pro插件使我的所有页面都可编辑。功能wp323_get_template_file 实现@Milo建议的内容,因为对页面或具有自定义页面模板的页面的所有请求都被重定向到了single。php。现在页面按页面显示。php,如果有自定义页面模板,则会显示正确的模板。

每一个Product 必须链接到Brand, 否则URL将包含/other/ 而不是品牌。



 function wpd_fix_requests( $request ){
     // Written by @Milo: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/215987/remove-base-slug-in-cpt-ct-use-ct-in-permalink
     // if it\'s a brand term request
     // see if a brand term exists by this name with get_term_by
     // if not, reset the query to a post or page with name
     if( array_key_exists( \'brand\' , $request )
         && ! array_key_exists( \'post_type\' , $request )
         && ! get_term_by( \'slug\', $request[\'brand\'], \'brand\' ) ){
             $request[\'name\'] = $request[\'brand\'];
             $request[\'post_type\'] = array( \'post\', \'page\' );
             unset( $request[\'brand\'] );

     // if this is a review request
     // add page to post type in case it\'s a child page
     if( array_key_exists( \'review\', $request ) ){
         $request[\'post_type\'] = array( \'review\', \'page\' );

     // return request vars
     return $request;
 add_filter( \'request\', \'wpd_fix_requests\' );

 function brand_permalink($permalink, $post_id, $leavename) {
     if (strpos($permalink, \'%brand%\') === FALSE) return $permalink;
         // Get post
         $post = get_post($post_id);
         if (!$post) return $permalink;

         // Get taxonomy terms
         $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, \'brand\');
         if (!is_wp_error($terms) && !empty($terms) && is_object($terms[0]))
             $taxonomy_slug = $terms[0]->slug;
         else $taxonomy_slug = \'other\';

     return str_replace(\'%brand%\', $taxonomy_slug, $permalink);
 add_filter(\'post_link\', \'brand_permalink\', 1, 3);
 add_filter(\'post_type_link\', \'brand_permalink\', 1, 3);

  * Code below is from https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/57493/custom-taxonomy-specific-to-a-custom-post-type
  * A custom taxonomy is created and linked to CPT \'review\'.
  * The goal is to create permalinks containing the taxonomy + CPT post name, e.g. /some-brand/xyz-review/
 function custom_brand_taxonomy() {
         \'brand\',  //The name of the taxonomy. Name should be in slug form (must not contain capital letters or spaces). 
         \'review\',        //post type name
             \'hierarchical\' => true,  
             \'label\' => \'Brand\',  //Display name
             \'query_var\' => true,
             \'rewrite\' => array(
                 \'slug\' => \'/\', // This controls the base slug that will display before each term
                 \'with_front\' => false // Don\'t display the category base before 
 add_action( \'init\', \'custom_brand_taxonomy\');

  * Creating a function to create our CPT
 function xyz_custom_post_types() {

     // Set options for Custom Post Type REVIEW
     $review_args = array(
         \'label\'               => __( \'review\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
         \'description\'         => __( \'Descrption review bla bla\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
         \'labels\'              => array(
                                 \'name\'                => _x( \'reviewe\', \'Post Type General Name\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'singular_name\'       => _x( \'review\', \'Post Type Singular Name\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'menu_name\'           => __( \'reviewe\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'parent_item_colon\'   => __( \'Parent review\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'all_items\'           => __( \'Alle reviewe\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'view_item\'           => __( \'review ansehen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'add_new_item\'        => __( \'review erstellen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'add_new\'             => __( \'Erstellen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'edit_item\'           => __( \'review bearbeiten\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'update_item\'         => __( \'review aktualisieren\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'search_items\'        => __( \'review suchen\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'not_found\'           => __( \'Nicht gefunden\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
                                 \'not_found_in_trash\'  => __( \'Nicht in Papierkorb gefunden\', \'mythemexyz\' ),
         // Features this CPT supports in Post Editor
         \'supports\'            => array( \'title\', \'editor\', \'revisions\', \'custom-fields\', \'page-attributes\' ),
         /* A hierarchical CPT is like Pages and can have
         * Parent and child items. A non-hierarchical CPT
         * is like Posts.
         \'hierarchical\'        => false,
         \'public\'              => true,
         \'show_ui\'             => true,
         \'show_in_menu\'        => true,
         \'show_in_nav_menus\'   => true,
         \'show_in_admin_bar\'   => true,
         \'menu_position\'       => 99,
         \'can_export\'          => true,
         \'rewrite\'             => array( \'slug\' => \'%brand%\', \'with_front\' => false ),
         \'has_archive\'         => \'review\',
         \'exclude_from_search\' => false,
         \'publicly_queryable\'  => true,
         \'capability_type\'     => \'page\',

     // Registering your Custom Post Type
     register_post_type( \'review\', $review_args );


 /* Hook into the \'init\' action so that the function
  * Containing our post type registration is not 
  * unnecessarily executed. 
 add_action( \'init\', \'xyz_custom_post_types\', 0 );

  * Use single_template filter to properply redirect to page.php and custom page templates
 function wp323_get_template_file($single_template) {
      global $post;

      $page_custom_template = get_post_meta( $post->ID, \'_wp_page_template\', true );

      if ($post->post_type == \'page\') {
        if($page_custom_template != \'default\') {
            $single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . \'/\' . $page_custom_template;
        else {
            $single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . \'/page.php\';

      return $single_template;
 add_filter( \'single_template\', \'wp323_get_template_file\' );


Force pretty permalinks?

我正在构建一个插件,该插件将用于单个站点,并依赖于add_rewrite_rule 要工作,需要打开永久链接。打开它们并不困难,因为它只是一个站点,但我担心其中一个管理员可能会在不知道自己在做什么的情况下关闭它,并破坏该站点。如何以编程方式强制保持漂亮的永久链接?