custom stripe plugin

时间:2016-02-27 作者:RiotAct



function pippin_stripe_event_listener() {

if(isset($_GET[\'wps-listener\']) && $_GET[\'wps-listener\'] == \'stripe\') {

    global $stripe_options;

    require_once(STRIPE_BASE_DIR . \'/lib/Stripe.php\');

    if(isset($stripe_options[\'test_mode\']) && $stripe_options[\'test_mode\']) {
        $secret_key = $stripe_options[\'test_secret_key\'];
    } else {
        $secret_key = $stripe_options[\'live_secret_key\'];


    // retrieve the request\'s body and parse it as JSON
    $body = @file_get_contents(\'php://input\');

    // grab the event information
    $event_json = json_decode($body);

    // this will be used to retrieve the event from Stripe
    $event_id = $event_json->id;

    if(isset($event_json->id)) {

        http_response_code(200); // PHP 5.4 or greater

        try {

            // to verify this is a real event, we re-retrieve the event from Stripe 
            $event = Stripe_Event::retrieve($event_id);
            $invoice = $event->data->object;

            // successful payment
            if($event->type == \'charge.succeeded\') {
                // send a payment receipt email here

                // retrieve the payer\'s information
                $customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($invoice->customer);
                $email = $customer->email;

                $amount = $invoice->amount / 100; // amount comes in as amount in cents, so we need to convert to dollars

                $subject = __(\'Payment Receipt\', \'pippin_stripe\');
                $headers = \'From: "\' . html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo(\'name\')) . \'" <\' . get_bloginfo(\'admin_email\') . \'>\';
                $message = "Hello " . $customer_name . "\\n\\n";
                $message .= "You have successfully made a payment of " . $amount . "\\n\\n";
                $message .= "Thank you.";

                wp_mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);

            // failed payment
            if($event->type == \'charge.failed\') {
                // send a failed payment notice email here

                // retrieve the payer\'s information
                $customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($invoice->customer);
                $email = $customer->email;

                $subject = __(\'Failed Payment\', \'pippin_stripe\');
                $headers = \'From: "\' . html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo(\'name\')) . \'" <\' . get_bloginfo(\'admin_email\') . \'>\';
                $message = "Hello " . $customer_name . "\\n\\n";
                $message .= "We have failed to process your payment of " . $amount . "\\n\\n";
                $message .= "Please get in touch with support.\\n\\n";
                $message .= "Thank you.";

                wp_mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // something failed, perhaps log a notice or email the site admin
add_action(\'init\', \'pippin_stripe_event_listener\');


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:RiotAct 整理而成
