
时间:2016-04-03 作者:user3137901

我有一个自定义的帖子类型,叫做shows 和分类法podcast. 使用taxonomy-podcast.php, 我很难找到将生成下一个/上一个术语URL存档的函数。



Example Term 2



< Previous Term(url.com/podcast/example-term-1)    .   . . . . | . . . . .     Next Term(url.com/podcast/example-term-3)>

2 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pieter Goosen 整理而成








该函数至少需要PHP 5.4并包含基本内容,您可以根据自己的需要进行调整

function get_tax_navigation( $taxonomy = \'category\' ) 
    // Make sure we are on a taxonomy term/category/tag archive page, if not, bail
    if ( \'category\' === $taxonomy ) {
        if ( !is_category() )
            return false;
    } elseif ( \'post_tag\' === $taxonomy ) {
        if ( !is_tag() )
            return false;
    } else {
        if ( !is_tax( $taxonomy ) )
            return false;

    // Make sure the taxonomy is valid and sanitize the taxonomy
    if (    \'category\' !== $taxonomy 
         || \'post_tag\' !== $taxonomy
    ) {
        $taxonomy = filter_var( $taxonomy, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
        if ( !$taxonomy )
            return false;

        if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
            return false;

    // Get the current term object
    $current_term = get_term( $GLOBALS[\'wp_the_query\']->get_queried_object() );

    // Get all the terms ordered by slug 
    $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, [\'orderby\' => \'slug\'] );

    // Make sure we have terms before we continue
    if ( !$terms ) 
        return false;

    // Because empty terms stuffs around with array keys, lets reset them
    $terms = array_values( $terms );

    // Lets get all the term id\'s from the array of term objects
    $term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $terms, \'term_id\' );

     * We now need to locate the position of the current term amongs the $term_ids array. \\
     * This way, we can now know which terms are adjacent to the current one
    $current_term_position = array_search( $current_term->term_id, $term_ids );

    // Set default variables to hold the next and previous terms
    $previous_term = \'\';
    $next_term     = \'\';

    // Get the previous term
    if ( 0 !== $current_term_position ) 
        $previous_term = $terms[$current_term_position - 1];

    // Get the next term
    if ( intval( count( $term_ids ) - 1 ) !== $current_term_position ) 
        $next_term = $terms[$current_term_position + 1];

    $link = [];
    // Build the links
    if ( $previous_term ) 
        $link[] = \'Previous Term: <a href="\' . esc_url( get_term_link( $previous_term ) ) . \'">\' . $previous_term->name . \'</a>\';

    if ( $next_term ) 
        $link[] = \'Next Term: <a href="\' . esc_url( get_term_link( $next_term ) ) . \'">\' . $next_term->name . \'</a>\';

    return implode( \' ...|... \', $link );

echo get_tax_navigation( \'podcast\' );
编辑-从评论来看,只有两个问题:(1)当我们上学期结束时,我们还能下学期吗:(第一学期的URL)反之亦然?基本上是一个无限项循环。(2) 出于主题化的目的,我如何使用此函数分别输出下一个和上一个URL?(例如get\\u tax\\u导航(\'podcast\',\'previous\')和get\\u tax\\u导航(\'podcast\',\'next\'))


我们可以介绍$direction 参数,它接受三个值,一个空字符串,previousnext


function get_tax_navigation( $taxonomy = \'category\', $direction = \'\' ) 
    // Make sure we are on a taxonomy term/category/tag archive page, if not, bail
    if ( \'category\' === $taxonomy ) {
        if ( !is_category() )
            return false;
    } elseif ( \'post_tag\' === $taxonomy ) {
        if ( !is_tag() )
            return false;
    } else {
        if ( !is_tax( $taxonomy ) )
            return false;

    // Make sure the taxonomy is valid and sanitize the taxonomy
    if (    \'category\' !== $taxonomy 
         || \'post_tag\' !== $taxonomy
    ) {
        $taxonomy = filter_var( $taxonomy, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
        if ( !$taxonomy )
            return false;

        if ( !taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) )
            return false;

    // Get the current term object
    $current_term = get_term( $GLOBALS[\'wp_the_query\']->get_queried_object() );

    // Get all the terms ordered by slug 
    $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, [\'orderby\' => \'slug\'] );

    // Make sure we have terms before we continue
    if ( !$terms ) 
        return false;

    // Because empty terms stuffs around with array keys, lets reset them
    $terms = array_values( $terms );

    // Lets get all the term id\'s from the array of term objects
    $term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $terms, \'term_id\' );

     * We now need to locate the position of the current term amongs the $term_ids array. \\
     * This way, we can now know which terms are adjacent to the current one
    $current_term_position = array_search( $current_term->term_id, $term_ids );

    // Set default variables to hold the next and previous terms
    $previous_term = \'\';
    $next_term     = \'\';

    // Get the previous term
    if (    \'previous\' === $direction 
         || !$direction
    ) {
        if ( 0 === $current_term_position ) {
            $previous_term = $terms[intval( count( $term_ids ) - 1 )];
        } else {
            $previous_term = $terms[$current_term_position - 1];

    // Get the next term
    if (    \'next\' === $direction
         || !$direction
    ) {
        if ( intval( count( $term_ids ) - 1 ) === $current_term_position ) {
            $next_term = $terms[0];
        } else {
            $next_term = $terms[$current_term_position + 1];

    $link = [];
    // Build the links
    if ( $previous_term ) 
        $link[] = \'Previous Term: <a href="\' . esc_url( get_term_link( $previous_term ) ) . \'">\' . $previous_term->name . \'</a>\';

    if ( $next_term ) 
        $link[] = \'Next Term: <a href="\' . esc_url( get_term_link( $next_term ) ) . \'">\' . $next_term->name . \'</a>\';

    return implode( \' ...|... \', $link );

  • echo get_tax_navigation( \'podcast\' ); 显示下一个和上一个术语

  • echo get_tax_navigation( \'podcast\', \'previous\' ); 仅显示上一个术语

  • echo get_tax_navigation( \'podcast\', \'next\' ); 仅显示下一个术语



function custom_term_navigation() {
    $thistermid = get_queried_object()->term_id;
    if (!is_numeric($thistermid)) {return;}

    // remove commenting to use transient storage
    // $terms = get_transient(\'all_podcast_terms\');
    // if (!$terms) {
        $args = array(\'orderby\'=>\'slug\');
        $terms = get_terms(\'podcast\',$args);
    //  set_transient(\'all_podcast_terms\',$terms,60*60);
    // }

    $termid = \'\'; $termslug = \'\'; $foundterm = false;
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $prevterm = $termslug;
        $termid = $term->term_id;
        if ($foundterm) {$nextterm = $term->slug; break;}
        if ($termid == $thistermid) {
            $foundterm = true; $previousterm = $prevterm;
        $termslug = $term->slug;

    $navigation = \'\';
    if ($previousterm != \'\') {
        $previoustermlink = get_term_link($previousterm,\'podcast\');
        $navigation .= "".$previoustermlink."\' style=\'float:left; display:inline;\'>&larr; Previous Term</a>";
    if ($nexterm != \'\') {
        $nexttermlink = get_term_link($nexterm,\'podcast\');
        $navigation .= "<a href=\'".$nextermlink."\' style=\'float:right; display:inline;\'>Next Term &rarr;</a>";

    return $navigation;


ACF Taxonomy in Loop

你好吗我的问题是,我在头版上显示了一些卡片,例如名称和描述,这些信息来自我的分类法event,因为我用ACF创建了一些字段,我想在卡片中打印它们,但我不知道怎么做。下面是我如何打印卡片的代码 <?php if(is_front_page()): $terms = get_terms( [ \'taxonomy\' => \'evento\', \'hide_empty\' =>