class Inspiry_Property_Post_Type {
* Register Property Post Type
* @since 1.0.0
public function register_property_post_type() {
$labels = array(
\'name\' => _x( \'Properties\', \'Post Type General Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'singular_name\' => _x( \'Property\', \'Post Type Singular Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'menu_name\' => __( \'Properties\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'name_admin_bar\' => __( \'Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item_colon\' => __( \'Parent Property:\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'all_items\' => __( \'All Properties\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_new_item\' => __( \'Add New Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_new\' => __( \'Add New\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'new_item\' => __( \'New Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'edit_item\' => __( \'Edit Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'update_item\' => __( \'Update Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'view_item\' => __( \'View Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'search_items\' => __( \'Search Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'not_found\' => __( \'Not found\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'not_found_in_trash\' => __( \'Not found in Trash\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
$rewrite = array(
\'slug\' => apply_filters( \'inspiry_property_slug\', __( \'property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ) ),
\'with_front\' => true,
\'pages\' => true,
\'feeds\' => true,
$args = array(
\'label\' => __( \'property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'description\' => __( \'Real Estate Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'labels\' => $labels,
\'supports\' => array( \'title\', \'editor\', \'excerpt\', \'author\', \'thumbnail\', \'revisions\', \'page-attributes\', \'comments\' ),
\'hierarchical\' => true,
\'public\' => true,
\'show_ui\' => true,
\'show_in_menu\' => true,
\'menu_position\' => 5,
\'menu_icon\' => \'dashicons-building\',
\'show_in_admin_bar\' => true,
\'show_in_nav_menus\' => true,
\'can_export\' => true,
\'has_archive\' => true,
\'exclude_from_search\' => false,
\'publicly_queryable\' => true,
\'rewrite\' => $rewrite,
\'capability_type\' => \'post\',
register_post_type( \'property\', $args );
* Register Property Type Taxonomy
* @since 1.0.0
public function register_property_type_taxonomy() {
$labels = array(
\'name\' => _x( \'Property Type\', \'Taxonomy General Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'singular_name\' => _x( \'Property Type\', \'Taxonomy Singular Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'menu_name\' => __( \'Types\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'all_items\' => __( \'All Property Types\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item\' => __( \'Parent Property Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item_colon\' => __( \'Parent Property Type:\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'new_item_name\' => __( \'New Property Type Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_new_item\' => __( \'Add New Property Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'edit_item\' => __( \'Edit Property Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'update_item\' => __( \'Update Property Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'view_item\' => __( \'View Property Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'separate_items_with_commas\' => __( \'Separate Property Types with commas\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_or_remove_items\' => __( \'Add or remove Property Types\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'choose_from_most_used\' => __( \'Choose from the most used\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'popular_items\' => __( \'Popular Property Types\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'search_items\' => __( \'Search Property Types\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'not_found\' => __( \'Not Found\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
$rewrite = array(
\'slug\' => apply_filters( \'inspiry_property_type_slug\', __( \'property-type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ) ),
\'with_front\' => true,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
$args = array(
\'labels\' => $labels,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
\'public\' => true,
\'show_ui\' => true,
\'show_admin_column\' => true,
\'show_in_nav_menus\' => true,
\'show_tagcloud\' => true,
\'rewrite\' => $rewrite,
register_taxonomy( \'property-type\', array( \'property\' ), $args );
* Register Property Status Taxonomy
* @since 1.0.0
public function register_property_status_taxonomy() {
$labels = array(
\'name\' => _x( \'Property Status\', \'Taxonomy General Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'singular_name\' => _x( \'Property Status\', \'Taxonomy Singular Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'menu_name\' => __( \'Statuses\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'all_items\' => __( \'All Property Statuses\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item\' => __( \'Parent Property Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item_colon\' => __( \'Parent Property Status:\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'new_item_name\' => __( \'New Property Status Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_new_item\' => __( \'Add New Property Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'edit_item\' => __( \'Edit Property Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'update_item\' => __( \'Update Property Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'view_item\' => __( \'View Property Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'separate_items_with_commas\' => __( \'Separate Property Statuses with commas\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_or_remove_items\' => __( \'Add or remove Property Statuses\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'choose_from_most_used\' => __( \'Choose from the most used\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'popular_items\' => __( \'Popular Property Statuses\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'search_items\' => __( \'Search Property Statuses\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'not_found\' => __( \'Not Found\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
$rewrite = array(
\'slug\' => apply_filters( \'inspiry_property_status_slug\', __( \'property-status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ) ),
\'with_front\' => true,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
$args = array(
\'labels\' => $labels,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
\'public\' => true,
\'show_ui\' => true,
\'show_admin_column\' => true,
\'show_in_nav_menus\' => true,
\'show_tagcloud\' => true,
\'rewrite\' => $rewrite,
register_taxonomy( \'property-status\', array( \'property\' ), $args );
* Register Property City Taxonomy
* @since 1.0.0
public function register_property_city_taxonomy() {
$labels = array(
\'name\' => _x( \'Property City\', \'Taxonomy General Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'singular_name\' => _x( \'Property City\', \'Taxonomy Singular Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'menu_name\' => __( \'Locations\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'all_items\' => __( \'All Property Cities\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item\' => __( \'Parent Property City\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'parent_item_colon\' => __( \'Parent Property City:\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'new_item_name\' => __( \'New Property City Name\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_new_item\' => __( \'Add New Property City\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'edit_item\' => __( \'Edit Property City\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'update_item\' => __( \'Update Property City\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'view_item\' => __( \'View Property City\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'separate_items_with_commas\' => __( \'Separate Property Cities with commas\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'add_or_remove_items\' => __( \'Add or remove Property Cities\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'choose_from_most_used\' => __( \'Choose from the most used\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'popular_items\' => __( \'Popular Property Cities\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'search_items\' => __( \'Search Property Cities\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
\'not_found\' => __( \'Not Found\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
$rewrite = array(
\'slug\' => apply_filters( \'inspiry_property_city_slug\', __( \'property-city\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ) ),
\'with_front\' => true,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
$args = array(
\'labels\' => $labels,
\'hierarchical\' => true,
\'public\' => true,
\'show_ui\' => true,
\'show_admin_column\' => true,
\'show_in_nav_menus\' => true,
\'show_tagcloud\' => true,
\'rewrite\' => $rewrite,
register_taxonomy( \'property-city\', array( \'property\' ), $args );
* Register custom columns
* @param array $defaults
* @since 1.0.0
* @return array $defaults
public function register_custom_column_titles ( $defaults ) {
$new_columns = array(
"thumb" => __( \'Photo\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
"id" => __( \'Custom ID\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ),
"price" => __( \'Price\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
$last_columns = array();
if ( count( $defaults ) > 5 ) {
unset( $defaults[\'author\'] );
$last_columns = array_splice( $defaults, 2, 4 );
// Simplify column titles
$last_columns[ \'taxonomy-property-type\' ] = __( \'Type\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
$last_columns[ \'taxonomy-property-status\' ] = __( \'Status\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
$last_columns[ \'taxonomy-property-city\' ] = __( \'Location\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
$defaults = array_merge( $defaults, $new_columns );
$defaults = array_merge( $defaults, $last_columns );
return $defaults;
* Display custom column for properties
* @access public
* @param string $column_name
* @since 1.0.0
* @return void
public function display_custom_column ( $column_name ) {
global $post;
switch ( $column_name ) {
case \'thumb\':
if ( has_post_thumbnail ( $post->ID ) ) {
?><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" target="_blank"><?php the_post_thumbnail( array( 130, 130 ) );?></a><?php
} else {
_e ( \'No Image\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
case \'id\':
$property_id = get_post_meta ( $post->ID, \'REAL_HOMES_property_id\', true );
if( ! empty ( $property_id ) ) {
echo $property_id;
} else {
_e ( \'NA\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
case \'price\':
$property_price = get_post_meta ( $post->ID, \'REAL_HOMES_property_price\', true );
if ( !empty ( $property_price ) ) {
$price_amount = doubleval( $property_price );
$price_postfix = get_post_meta ( $post->ID, \'REAL_HOMES_property_price_postfix\', true );
echo Inspiry_Property::format_price( $price_amount, $price_postfix );
} else {
_e ( \'NA\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
* Register meta boxes related to property post type
* @param array $meta_boxes
* @since 1.0.0
* @return array $meta_boxes
public function register_meta_boxes ( $meta_boxes ){
$prefix = \'REAL_HOMES_\';
// Agents
$agents_array = array( -1 => __( \'None\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' ) );
$agents_posts = get_posts( array (
\'post_type\' => \'agent\',
\'posts_per_page\' => -1,
\'suppress_filters\' => 0,
) );
if ( ! empty ( $agents_posts ) ) {
foreach ( $agents_posts as $agent_post ) {
$agents_array[ $agent_post->ID ] = $agent_post->post_title;
// Property Details Meta Box
$default_desc = __( \'Consult theme documentation for required image size.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\' );
$gallery_images_desc = apply_filters( \'inspiry_gallery_description\', $default_desc );
$video_image_desc = apply_filters( \'inspiry_video_description\', $default_desc );
$slider_image_desc = apply_filters( \'inspiry_slider_description\', $default_desc );
$meta_boxes[] = array(
\'id\' => \'property-meta-box\',
\'title\' => __(\'Property\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'pages\' => array(\'property\'),
\'tabs\' => array(
\'details\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Basic Information\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-admin-home\',
\'gallery\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Gallery Images\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-format-gallery\',
\'video\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Property Video\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-format-video\',
\'agent\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Agent Information\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-businessman\',
\'misc\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Misc\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-lightbulb\',
\'home-slider\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Homepage Slider\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-images-alt\',
\'banner\' => array(
\'label\' => __(\'Top Banner\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'icon\' => \'dashicons-format-image\',
\'tab_style\' => \'left\',
\'fields\' => array(
// Details
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_price",
\'name\' => __(\'Sale or Rent Price ( Only digits )\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: 435000\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_price_postfix",
\'name\' => __(\'Price Postfix\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: Per Month\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_size",
\'name\' => __(\'Area Size ( Only digits )\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: 2500\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_size_postfix",
\'name\' => __(\'Size Postfix\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: Sq Ft\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_bedrooms",
\'name\' => __(\'Bedrooms\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: 4\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_bathrooms",
\'name\' => __(\'Bathrooms\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: 2\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_garage",
\'name\' => __(\'Garages\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Example Value: 1\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_id",
\'name\' => __(\'Property ID\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'It will help you search a property directly.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 6,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
// Map
\'type\' => \'divider\',
\'columns\' => 12,
\'id\' => \'google_map_divider\', // Not used, but needed
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_address",
\'name\' => __(\'Property Address\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Leaving it empty will hide the google map on property detail page.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
// \'std\' => \'Miami, FL, USA\',
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_location",
\'name\' => __(\'Property Location at Google Map*\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Drag the google map marker to point your property location. You can also use the address field above to search for your property.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'map\',
\'std\' => \'25.761680,-80.191790,14\', // \'latitude,longitude[,zoom]\' (zoom is optional)
\'style\' => \'width: 95%; height: 400px\',
\'address_field\' => "{$prefix}property_address",
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'details\',
\'name\' => __(\'Property Gallery Images\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_images",
\'desc\' => $gallery_images_desc,
\'type\' => \'image_advanced\',
\'max_file_uploads\' => 48,
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'gallery\',
// Property Video
\'id\' => "{$prefix}tour_video_url",
\'name\' => __(\'Virtual Tour Video URL\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'Provide virtual tour video URL. YouTube, Vimeo, SWF File and MOV File are supported\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'text\',
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'video\',
\'name\' => __(\'Virtual Tour Video Image\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}tour_video_image",
\'desc\' => $video_image_desc,
\'type\' => \'image_advanced\',
\'max_file_uploads\' => 1,
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'video\',
// Agents
\'name\' => __(\'What to display in agent information box ?\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}agent_display_option",
\'type\' => \'radio\',
\'std\' => \'none\',
\'options\' => array(
\'my_profile_info\' => __(\'Author information.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'agent_info\' => __(\'Agent Information. ( Select the agent below )\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'none\' => __(\'None. ( Hide information box )\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'agent\',
\'name\' => __(\'Agent\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}agents",
\'type\' => \'select\',
\'options\' => $agents_array,
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'agent\',
// Misc
\'name\' => __(\'Mark this property as featured ?\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}featured",
\'type\' => \'radio\',
\'std\' => 0,
\'options\' => array(
1 => __(\'Yes \', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
0 => __(\'No\', \'inspiry-real-estate\')
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'misc\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}attachments",
\'name\' => __(\'Attachments\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'You can attach PDF files, Map images OR other documents to provide further details related to property.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'file_advanced\',
\'mime_type\' => \'\',
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'misc\',
\'id\' => "{$prefix}property_private_note",
\'name\' => __(\'Private Note\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'In this textarea, You can write your private note about this property. This field will not be displayed anywhere else.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'textarea\',
\'std\' => "",
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'misc\',
// Homepage Slider
\'name\' => __(\'Do you want to add this property in Homepage Slider ?\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'desc\' => __(\'If Yes, Then you need to provide a slider image below.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}add_in_slider",
\'type\' => \'radio\',
\'std\' => \'no\',
\'options\' => array(
\'yes\' => __(\'Yes \', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'no\' => __(\'No\', \'inspiry-real-estate\')
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'home-slider\',
\'name\' => __(\'Slider Image\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}slider_image",
\'desc\' => $slider_image_desc,
\'type\' => \'image_advanced\',
\'max_file_uploads\' => 1,
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'home-slider\',
// Top Banner
\'name\' => __(\'Top Banner Image\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'id\' => "{$prefix}page_banner_image",
\'desc\' => __(\'Upload the banner image, If you want to change it for this property. Otherwise default banner image uploaded from theme options will be displayed. Image should have minimum width of 2000px and minimum height of 230px.\', \'inspiry-real-estate\'),
\'type\' => \'image_advanced\',
\'max_file_uploads\' => 1,
\'columns\' => 12,
\'tab\' => \'banner\',
// apply a filter before returning meta boxes
$meta_boxes = apply_filters( \'property_meta_boxes\', $meta_boxes );
return $meta_boxes;
如何覆盖register_meta_boxes 作用我想删除这个父类中定义的一些元框。谢谢