稍后我将添加一些其他注释,因为现在值得一提的是,您想要not 使用多个主题的“粘滞”选项,因为这会导致冲突,因为如果在不同的窗口中打开同一站点上的两个主题,持久cookie将覆盖匹配的管理调用,这正是我编写此解决方案的原因,以克服该问题。
if (!function_exists(\'muscle_theme_switch_admin_fix\')) {
function muscle_theme_switch_admin_fix() {
$multiplethemes = false; $themetestdrive = false; $debug = false;
$expires = 24*60*60; // transient time for temporary theme test drive (querystring)
// maybe reset cookie and URL data by user request
if ( (isset($_GET[\'resetthemes\'])) && ($_GET[\'resetthemes\'] == \'1\') ) {
if ($debug) {echo "<!-- THEME SWITCH DATA RESET -->";}
if ($themetestdrive) {setCookie(\'theme_test_drive\',\'\',-300);}
delete_option(\'theme_switch_request_urls\'); return;
// maybe set debug switch
if ( (isset($_GET[\'debug\'])) && ($_GET[\'debug\'] == \'1\') ) {$debug = true;}
elseif (defined(\'THEMEDEBUG\')) {$debug = THEMEDEBUG;}
// check for a valid active plugin
$activeplugins = maybe_unserialize(get_option(\'active_plugins\'));
if (!is_array($activeplugins)) {return;}
if (in_array(\'jonradio-multiple-themes/jonradio-multiple-themes.php\',$activeplugins)) {$multiplethemes = true;}
if (in_array(\'theme-test-drive/themedrive.php\',$activeplugins)) {$themetestdrive = true;}
if ( (!$multiplethemes) && (!$themetestdrive) ) {return;} // nothing to do
// theme test drive by default only filters via get_stylesheet and get_template
// improve theme test drive to use options filters like multiple themes instead
if ($themetestdrive) {
remove_filter(\'template\', \'themedrive_get_template\'); remove_filter(\'stylesheet\', \'themedrive_get_stylesheet\');
add_filter(\'pre_option_stylesheet\', \'themedrive_get_stylesheet\'); add_filter(\'pre_option_template\', \'themedrive_get_template\');
// maybe load stored alternative theme for AJAX/admin calls
if (is_admin()) {
// get pagenow to check for admin-post.php as well
global $pagenow;
if ( ( (defined(\'DOING_AJAX\')) && (DOING_AJAX) ) || ($pagenow == \'admin-post.php\') ) {
// set the referer path for URL matching
$referer = parse_url($_SERVER[\'HTTP_REFERER\'],PHP_URL_PATH);
// set some globals for the AJAX theme options
global $ajax_stylesheet, $ajax_template;
// check for temporary Theme Test Drive cookie data
if ( ($themetestdrive) && (isset($_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\'])) && ($_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\'] != \'\') ) {
$i = 0; $cookiedata = explode(\',\',$_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\']);
// attempt to match referer data with stored transient request
foreach ($cookiedata as $transientkey) {
$transientdata = get_transient($transientkey);
if ($transientdata) {
$data = explode(\':\',$transientdata);
if ($data[0] == $referer) {
$ajax_stylesheet = $data[1]; $ajax_template = $data[2];
$transientdebug = $transientdata; $matchedurlpath = true;
elseif ($multiplethemes) {
// check the request URL list to handle all other cases
$requesturls = get_option(\'theme_switch_request_urls\');
if (!is_array($requesturls)) {return;}
if ( (is_array($requesturls)) && (array_key_exists($referer,$requesturls)) ) {
$matchedurlpath = true;
$ajax_stylesheet = $requesturls[$referer][\'stylesheet\'];
$ajax_template = $requesturls[$referer][\'template\'];
if ($matchedurlpath) {
// add new theme option filters for admin AJAX (and admin post)
// so any admin actions defined by the theme are finally loaded!
function admin_ajax_stylesheet() {global $ajax_stylesheet; return $ajax_stylesheet;}
function admin_ajax_template() {global $ajax_template; return $ajax_template;}
// maybe output debug info for AJAX/admin test frame
if ($debug) {
echo "<!-- COOKIE DATA: ".$_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\']." -->";
echo "<!-- TRANSIENT DATA: ".$transientdebug." -->";
echo "<!-- REFERER: ".$referer." -->";
echo "<!-- STORED URLS: "; print_r($requesturls); echo " -->";
if ($matchedurlpath) {echo "<!-- URL MATCH FOUND -->";} else {echo "<!-- NO URL MATCH FOUND -->";}
echo "<!-- AJAX Stylesheet: ".get_option(\'stylesheet\')." -->";
echo "<!-- AJAX Template: ".get_option(\'template\')." -->";
return; // we are done so bug out here
// store public request URLs where an alternate theme is active
// (multiple themes does not load in admin, but theme test drive does)
if ( ($themetestdrive) || ( (!is_admin()) && ($multiplethemes) ) ) {
// get current theme (possibly overriden) setting
$themestylesheet = get_option(\'stylesheet\'); $themetemplate = get_option(\'template\');
// remove filters, get default theme setting, re-add filters
if ($multiplethemes) {
remove_filter(\'pre_option_stylesheet\', \'jr_mt_stylesheet\'); remove_filter(\'pre_option_template\', \'jr_mt_template\');
$stylesheet = get_option(\'stylesheet\'); $template = get_option(\'template\');
add_filter(\'pre_option_stylesheet\', \'jr_mt_stylesheet\'); add_filter(\'pre_option_template\', \'jr_mt_template\');
if ($themetestdrive) {
// note: default theme test drive filters are changed earlier on
remove_filter(\'pre_option_stylesheet\', \'themedrive_get_stylesheet\'); remove_filter(\'pre_option_template\', \'themedrive_get_template\');
$stylesheet = get_stylesheet(); $template = get_template();
add_filter(\'pre_option_stylesheet\', \'themedrive_get_stylesheet\'); add_filter(\'pre_option_template\', \'themedrive_get_template\');
// set/get request URL values (URL path only)
$requesturl = parse_url($_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'],PHP_URL_PATH);
$requesturls = get_option(\'theme_switch_request_urls\');
// check for a temporary Theme Test Drive (querystring)
if ( ($themetestdrive) && (isset($_REQUEST[\'theme\'])) && ($_REQUEST[\'theme\'] != \'\') ) {
// add a transient style user page cookie for matching later
$cookiedata = array();
if ( (isset($_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\'])) && ($_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\'] != \'\') ) {
$existingmatch = false;
$i = 0; $cookiedata = explode(\',\',$_COOKIE[\'theme_test_drive\']);
// remove transient IDs for expired transients
foreach ($cookiedata as $transientkey) {
$transientdata = get_transient($transientkey);
if ($transientdata) {
$data = explode(\':\',$transientdata);
if ($data[0] == $requesturl) {
// update the existing transient data
$transientdata = $transientdebug = $requesturl.\':\'.$themestylesheet.\':\'.$themetemplate;
$existingmatch = true; // no duplicates
} else {unset($cookiedata[$i]);}
// set the matching transient and cookie data
if (!$existingmatch) {
$transientkey = \'theme_test_drive_session_\'.uniqid();
$transientdata = $transientdebug = $requesturl.\':\'.$themestylesheet.\':\'.$themetemplate;
set_transient($transientkey, $transientdata, $expires);
$cookiedata[] = $transientkey; $cookiedatastring = implode(\',\',$cookiedata);
setCookie(\'theme_test_drive\', $cookiedatastring, time()+$expires);
// maybe output debug info
if ($debug) {
echo "<!-- COOKIE DATA: "; print_r($cookiedata); echo " -->";
echo "<!-- TRANSIENT DATA: ".$transientdebug." -->";
elseif ($multiplesthemes) {
// save/remove the requested URL path in the list
if ( ($stylesheet == $themestylesheet) && ($template == $themetemplate) ) {
// maybe remove this request from the stored URL list
if ( (is_array($requesturls)) && (array_key_exists($requesturl,$requesturls)) ) {
if (count($requesturls) === 0) {delete_option(\'theme_switch_request_urls\');}
else {update_option(\'theme_switch_request_urls\',$requesturls);}
else {
// add this request URL to the stored list
$requesturls[$requesturl][\'stylesheet\'] = $themestylesheet;
$requesturls[$requesturl][\'template\'] = $themetemplate;
// maybe output debug info
if ( (!is_admin()) && ($debug) ) {
echo "<!-- REQUEST URL: ".$requesturl." -->";
echo "<!-- STORED URLS: "; print_r($requesturls); echo " -->";
// maybe output hidden ajax debugging frames
if ( (!is_admin()) && ($debug) ) {
echo "<iframe src=\'".admin_url(\'admin-ajax.php\')."?debug=1\' style=\'display:none;\'></iframe>";
echo "<iframe src=\'".admin_url(\'admin-post.php\')."?debug=1\' style=\'display:none;\'></iframe>";