时间:2016-11-22 作者:Ray Flores

我的数据来自$myoptions = my_get_option(\'my_repeat_group\');

$p = \'T1X 0L6\'; // find me

print_r($myoptions) =

Array ( [0] => Array ( 
[region_name] => Alberta 
[postal_codes] => T1X 0L3,T1X 0L4,T1X 0L5,T1X 0L6,T1X 0L7 
[region_discount] => .5 )
[1] => Array ( 
[region_name] => Ontario 
[postal_codes] => T1M 0W3,T1M 0W4,T1M 0W5,T1M 0W6,T1M 0W7 
[region_discount] => .25 ) )

foreach ( $myoptions as $key => $value ) {
   if ( in_array($p, $value[\'postal_codes\'] ) {
      // need to know $key of which array the $p was found,
      // in this case, I would like to find [0]
我想找到$p 在内部$value[\'postal_codes\'], 当我找到它的时候,把钥匙还给我。

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Liam Bailey 整理而成

$value[\'postal_codes\'] 不是array 这是一个string, 你要么需要像这样分解它:

foreach ( $myoptions as $key => $value ) {
   if (in_array($p,explode(","$value[\'postal_codes\']){
      // need to know $key of which array the $p was found, in this case I would like to find [0]

foreach ( $myoptions as $key => $value ) {
   if (strstr($value[\'postal_codes\'],$p){

或者,最有效的方法是在分解的对象上使用array\\u search,如下所示:

foreach($myoptions as $key => $options) {
   $keys_containing_p[$key] = array_search($p,explode(",",$options[\'postal_codes\']));